StatFox MLB RUSS ORTIZ Pitcher Profile Page RUSS ORTIZ pitcher profile page 2004 Key Stats; Situation G QS WL Team REC ERA WHIP BB/SO HR/IP; All Starts 35 20 15-9 RUSS~season~2004.htm
Los Angeles Dodgers Local News - ESPN Local - ESPN Los Angeles Dodgers Local News on Manny seems to have Toronto on his mind 3 hours ago Major League Baseball
Giants Slip By Montreal -- Nen Saves Ortiz's 14th Win - SFGate Montreal Expos shortstop Geoff Blum, born in Redwood City and schooled at Cal, never knew how big a favor he did for his hometown team when he smacked a two run homer off Russ
Another Chance For Ortiz / Lessons Learned In Game 2 Flop - SFGate 200210-26 040000 PST Anaheim Benito Santiago's answer spilled forth as a sarcastic quip, even though he probably did not intend it that way. But in the afterglow of Thursday