LGBT Center At The University Of Pennsylvania Marcel Salas. Marcel hails from Brooklyn, NY and is a sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences. She is a proud alumna of Prep for Prep and the Packer Collegiate Institute.
Extractions: About Bob Schoenberg Bob Schoenberg is the Director of the LGBT Center and a highly respected University administrator. He was the Center's first employee and its only director. In September 2008, he began his 27th year in that role. Background - Bob was hired by Penn to be a two-day a week point person for lesbian/gay students when he began work on his doctoral dissertation in Fall 1982. He was only the second person specifically hired for such responsibilities on a college or university campus. Over the years, his position increased in scope and time commitment. By 1989, he was the full-time director of a program serving University students, faculty, and staff. A few years later, the program became a center and moved from Houston Hall to 3537 Locust Walk. During 2000-02, Bob helped raise funds to provide a new home for the LGBT Center and oversaw the renovation of the Carriage House, its location since June 2002. Teaching and Scholarship - Bob has taught courses at Penn, as well as Bryn Mawr College and Rutgers University. He has consulted at several other colleges and universities and presented at many national professional conferences. He edited the collection Homosexuality and Social Work (Haworth Press) and, with his counterparts at Penn State and UCLA, authored
YouTube - Sea Creatures (8-8-09) Kevin MacIvor; GB; Oscar Salas; Marcel Salas; south florida; echoplex
Extractions: var gblSpaceTitle = "Espacio de yury"; Windows Live Tools Click Save to save your customization changes before editing the title and tagline. LEONARDO CASTRO juan sebastian alvarado arce Camilo Cubides monica lozano ... There are no entries in this blog. There are no photo albums. No list items have been added yet. var s_account="msnspacesus";
Extractions: Acerca de la Red Algunas palabras sobre nosotros. En los ltimos aos la actividad literaria ha crecido notoriamente en sus diferentes mbitos: creacin, edicin, crtica, investigacin, gestin cultural. Este enriquecedor despertar de actividades no slo se ha limitado a la capital limea, sino a diferentes espacios del Per que se han constituido en focos importantes del quehacer literario. Asimismo, existe un buen nmero de peruanos que se encuentran en el extranjero, especialmente escritores e investigadores. Debido a ello la Red Literaria Peruana nace ante la necesidad de articular los diferentes espacios y ramas. La falta de sistematizacin hace que muchas veces una ciudad no sepa lo que ocurre en las dems ciudades (incluso dentro de la mucho), y mucho menos sobre las creaciones, investigaciones o proyectos que otra persona o grupo realicen. Por el momento nuestra promocin de contacto e integracin es principalmente a travs de eventos literarios: festivales, congresos, talleres, charlas. El principal evento que organizamos es el Congreso Internacional de Estudiantes de Literatura - CONELIT que se realiza anualmente.