- To Obtain the Value of the Cake Measure From Zero. a Play By Tom Veitch and Clark Coolidge by Clark. [With Tom Veitch) Coolidge, 1970-01-01
- Charles Olson: The Allegory of a Poet's Life by Tom Clark, 2000-05-31
- Heartbreak Hotel by Tom Clark, 1981
- Lewis and Clark: Explorers of the Northwest (Historical American Biographies) by Tom Streissguth, 1998-09
- Edward Dorn: A World of Difference by Tom Clark, 2002-03-21
- The great Naropa poetry wars by Tom Clark, 1980
- The Theology Of Holiness: Dougan Clark, M.D. (Volume 1) by Tom Thomas, 2009-02-13
- Empire of Skin by Tom Clark, 1997-11-01
- John's Heart by Tom Clark, 1972-06-30
- Science and Practice of Pressure Ulcer Management
- Painter Among Poets: The Collaborative Art Of George Schneeman by Tom Clark, Dick Gallup, et all 2004-03-02
- Late Returns, a Memoir of Ted Berrigan by Tom Clark, 1985-12
- Learning to Compose by Larry Austin, Tom Clark, 1989-03
- Junkets on a Sad Planet: Scenes from the Life of John Keats by Tom Clark, 1993-11-01