- Practical aspects of soil mechanics (University of Adelaide. Dept. of Adult Education. Publication no. 32) by Mauria Arnold, 1972
- The vision splendid: "the Duncan report" with commentaries;: The first publication of Dr. W. G. K. Duncan's report on adult education in Australia. 1944, ... of Adult Education. Publication no. 35) by Walter George Keith Duncan, 1973
- Rocks and men: An introduction to the history of geology (Publication - Department of Adult Education, University of Adelaide ; no. 44) by David Corbett, 1976
- Proceedings of the 1974 National Fisheries Seminar on Fishing Boat Economics (Publication / Department of Adult Education, the University of Adelaide)
- City of the future;: The Murray New Town proposal; papers given at a University of Adelaide seminar, July 21-22, 1972 ([Adelaide. University. Dept. of Adult Education] Publication)
- Tomorrow's housing; papers and discussion reports of a weekend seminar, September 18/19/20, 1970 at the University of Adelaide (Adelaide. University. Dept. of Adult Education. Publication)
- Planning tourists resorts;: Papers and discussion reports of a seminar held on 14-15 October, 1971 at the University of Adelaide, (University of Adelaide. Dept. of Adult Education. Publication no. 26)
- The Australian news media: prospects, education, training: Papers given at a University of Adelaide seminar, March 3-4, 1972, (University of Adelaide. Dept. of Adult Education. Publication)
- Inner suburbs--their future;: Papers given at a University of Adelaide seminar, 1st & 2nd December, 1972, (University of Adelaide. Dept. of Adult Education. Publication no. 34)
- City living: with special reference to North Adelaide; (Dept. of Adult Education. Publication no. 24)
- Adelaide 2000;: Proceedings of a seminar held at the University of Adelaide May 22-24, 1970 ([Adelaide. University. Dept. of Adult Education] Publication)
- The Future of the Flinders Ranges;: Proceedings of a seminar held at the University of Adelaide, April 7-8, 1972 (University of Adelaide. Dept. of Adult Education. Publication, no. 28)
- Instructor competencies and performance indicators for the improvement of adult education programs a publication of Building Professional Development Partnerships ... Project, PRO-NET (SuDoc ED 1.310/2:454382) by U.S. Dept of Education, 1999
- Standard terminology and guide for managing student data in elementary and secondary schools, community /junior colleges, and adult education (DHEW publication ; no) by John F Putnam, 1976