- Algerian socialism and the Kabyle question (Monographs in Development Studies / University of East Anglia. School of Development Studies) by M. Hugh P Roberts, 1981
- Algeria at Addis-Ababa;: Speeches delivered by thePresident Ben Bella at Addis-Ababa on 24th May 1963 and at the Algerian National Assembly on 18th June 1963 by Ahmed Ben Bella, 1963
- The Algerian question: A letter from Charles F. Gallagher (North Africa series) by Charles F Gallagher, 1957
- Colonial Migrants and Racism: Algerians in France, 1900-62
- New menace rises in Maghreb: an Algerian rebel group formerly focused on toppling its own country's government has aligned itself with al Qaeda and is ... An article from: Security Management by Matt Harwood, 2007-07-01
- ALGERIA - Under The Umbrella Of Pax Americana.: An article from: APS Diplomat Fate of the Arabian Peninsula
- ALGERIA - Geo-Political Factors - US-French Rivalry.: An article from: APS Diplomat Fate of the Arabian Peninsula
- ALGERIA - Pax Americana Is Changing - Part 2.: An article from: APS Diplomat Fate of the Arabian Peninsula
- ALGERIA - Some Potential Difficulties.: An article from: APS Diplomat Fate of the Arabian Peninsula
- BENDJEDID, CHADLI [1929]: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa 2</i> by Phillip C. Naylor, 2004
- BOUTEFLIKA, ABDELAZIZ [1937]: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa 2</i> by Phillip C. Naylor, 2004
- BOUMéDIENNE, HOUARI [1927?1978]: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa 2</i> by Dirk Vandewalle, 2004
- BEN BELLA, AHMED [1916]: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa 2</i> by Phillip C. Naylor, 2004
- The Politics of Frenchness in Colonial Algeria 1930-1954 (Rochester Studies in African History and the Diaspora) by Jonathan Gosnell, 2002-11-15