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         Cicada Insect:     more books (26)
  1. Cicadas (True Books) by Ann O. Squire, 2004-03
  2. Cicadas (Pebble Plus; Bugs, Bugs, Bugs) by Hall, Margaret, 2006-01-01
  3. The Life Cycle of a Cicada (Things With Wings) by JoAnn Early Macken, 2005-12-15
  4. Cicadas and Aphids: What They Have in Common (Animals in Order Series) by Sara Swan Miller, 1999-09
  5. Cicadas!: Strange and Wonderful by Larry Pringle, 2010-09
  6. Insect Model Kits, Wood, Balsa: Cricket; Gadfly; Cicada
  7. Midwest faces cicada invasion; After 17 years underground, noisy insects poised to swarm numerous states.(World Wire): An article from: Winnipeg Free Press by Gale Reference Team, 2007-05-26
  8. Cecily Cicada by Kita Hlmetag Murdock, Patsy Helmetag Murdock, 2004-04-30
  9. A Guide to Australian Cicadas by Maxwell Moulds, M. S. Moulds, 1990-02
  10. Cicadas of Thailand: General and Particular Characteristics. Volume 1 (Pt. 1) by Michel Boulard, 2007-07-01
  11. Fragments of New Zealand entomology: A popular account of all the New Zealand cicadas. The natural history of the New Zealand glow-worm. A second supplement ... and notes on many other native insects by G. V Hudson, 1950
  12. The germ-cells of Cicada (tibicen) Septemdecim (homoptera) ([Princeton university publications. Contributions from the biological laboratories in Princeton university) by Elmer Lentz Shaffer, 1925

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