- Congo-Paris: Transnational Traders on the Margins of the Law (African Issues (International African Institute).) by Janet MacGaffey, Remy Bazenguissa-Ganga, 2000-06
- Britain and the Congo Crisis, 1960-63 by Alan James, 1996
- In the Footsteps of Mr. Kurtz: Living on the Brink of Disaster in Mobutu's Congo by Michela Wrong, 2001-05-01
- The future of the Congo;: An analysis and criticism of the Belgian government's proposals for a reform of the condition of affairs in the Congo, submitted ... Congo reform association. (With appendices) by E. D Morel, 1909
- Exchange of Notes Between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Congo Concerning Certain ... (Cm.: Treaty Series: 1995: 3110: No. 95)
- Belgium's policy in the Belgian Congo;: Address to the Council of the Government of the Belgian Congo, in Leopoldville on July 18, 1955 (Art, life and science in Belgium, 2d ser) by LeÌon PeÌtillon, 1956
- Les entreprises d'Etat au Congo: Pour un nouveau modele de gestion (French Edition) by Athanase Ngassaki, 1989
- New Africa: An essay on government civilization in new countries and on the foundation, organization and administration of the Congo Free State by EÌdouard EugeÌne François Descamps, 1904
- The enslavement and destruction of the Bakuba,: By the "Kasai trust," in which the Belgian government holds half the stock, and whose directorate it controls by Wilfred Gilbert Thesiger, 1909
- Belgian Congo, 1956 by LeÌon PeÌtillon, 1956
- A memorial on native rights in the land and its fruits in the Congo territories annexed by Belgium (subject to international recognition) in August, 1908 by E. D Morel, 1909
- The crisis in the campaign against Congo misrule: The Congo "system", what it is, what it necessitates, the forces bent upon perpetuating it under the ... dependencies, and on the Conggo respectively by E. D Morel, 1907
- The future of the Congo; an analysis and criticism of the Belgian government's proposals for a reform of the condition of affairs in the Congo, submitted to His Majesty's government on behalf of the Congo reform association. With appendices
- Evidence in the Congo case: Statement in reply to Professor Starr's articles in the Chicago tribune by John Daniels, 1907