- Assistance for El Salvador : message from the President of the United States transmitting notification that the government of El Salvador and representatives ... (104 Stat. 2010) (SuDoc Y 1.1/7:102-284) by U.S. Congressional Budget Office, 1992
- El Salvador and the United States. The government of El Salvador and the treaty between the United States and Nicaragua, approved by the American Senate on 18th February, 1916
- Exchange of notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of El Salvador ... November 1971 (Treaty series no.14) by Great Britain, 1972
- Exchange of notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of El Salvador ... Salvador, 17 July 1970 (Treaty series no.4) by Great Britain, 1971
- El Salvador, key government officials a reference aid (SuDoc PrEx 3.10/7:LDA 89-15440) by U.S. Postal Service, 1989
- Why the Christian Democrats of El Salvador abandoned the government and their party by Hector Dada Hirezi, 1981
- El Salvador Foreign Policy and Government Guide
- El Salvador Death Squads: A Government Strategy by Amnesty International, 1988-10
- Health Care Reform in Central America: Ngo-Government Collaboration in Guatemala and El Salvador by Alberto Jose Frick Cardelle, 2003-10
- EL SALVADOR'S MAYORS SIDESTEP GOVERNMENT ON UNIQUE FUEL DEAL WITH VENEZUELA.: An article from: NotiCen: Central American & Caribbean Affairs
- El Salvador Foreign Policy and Government Guide by Ibp Usa, 2009-01-01
- El Salvador Foreign Policy and Government Guide (World Foreign Policy and Government Library)
- El Salvador: Why the United States Government Hides the Truth by Fred Murphy, 1981-05
- El Salvador - Why the U.S. Government Hides the Truth by Fred Murphy, 1983-01-01