- Geology of Mexico: Celebrating the Centenary of the Geological Society of Mexico (Special Paper (Geological Society of America))
- Faults and Subsurface Fluid Flow in the Shallow Crust (Geophysical Monograph)
- Active faults of Pakistan: Map sheets and inventories (Special publication)
- Late Cenozoic Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang, Red River, and Dali Fault Systems of Southwestern Sichuan and Central Yunnan, China (Special Paper (Geological Society of America))
- An Excursion Guide to the Moine Geology of the Scottish Highlands by I. Allison, F. May, 1988-02
- It's Your Fault: The San Jacinto Valley Faults by K. Scott Bullock, 1992
- Exhumation Associated With Continental Strike-Slip Fault Systems (Special Paper (Geological Society of America))
- Active Tectonics of the Devils Mountain Fault and Related Structures, Northern Puget Lowland and Eastern Strait of Juan De Fuca Region, Pacific (U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper, 1643)
- Structural Geology in Reservoir Characterization (Special Publication No. 127) by M. P. Coward, S. Daltaban, et all 1998-01-01
- The Geometry of Normal Faults (Geological Society Special Publication) by A. M. Roberts, G. Yielding, 1991-01
- Earthquake Proof Design and Active Faults
- The Seismogenic Zone of Subduction Thrust Faults (MARGINS Theoretical and Experimental Earth Science Series)
- Seismic Interpretation of Contractional Fault-Related Folds: An AAPG Seismic Atlas (AAPG Studies in Geology) by John H. Shaw, 2004-08-01
- The Internal Structure of Fault Zones: Implications for Mechanical & Fluid-Flow Properties - Special Publication no 299 by Geological Society Publishing House, 2008-07-15