Extractions: aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Stangeria eriopus Stangeria eriopus Systematik Unterabteilung Samenpflanzen (Spermatophytina) Klasse Cycadopsida Ordnung Palmfarne (Cycadales) Familie Stangeriaceae Gattung Stangeria Art Stangeria eriopus Wissenschaftlicher Name Gattung Stangeria T. Moore Wissenschaftlicher Name Art Stangeria eriopus Kunze Baill. Unterirdischer Knollenstamm Stangeria eriopus xho Umfingwani ) ist eine Pflanzenart der Palmfarne (Cycadales); sie ist die einzige Art der monotypischen Gattung Stangeria . Die Art ist endemisch in einem schmalen Streifen an der Ostküste Südafrikas und dem südlichen Mosambik Stangeria eriopus ist ein sehr langlebiger, ausdauernder immergrüner Palmfarn. Die Art hat 2n = 16 Chromosomen . Das Karyogramm zeigt zwölf metazentrische , zwei submetazentrische und zwei akrozentrische Chromosomen. Sprossachse und Hauptwurzel bilden einen unterirdischen, karottenförmigen Stamm, oft auch als Knolle bezeichnet, der einen Durchmesser von 10 bis 25 Zentimetern erreicht. Die Spitze verzweigt sich gabelig in mehrere Sprossspitzen. Diese bilden am Beginn wollige Schuppen, die aber früh abfallen.
Model Fuel Contract - Co-Firing Biomass With Coal1 1 J.A. Stricker, Univ. of Florida Coop. Ext. Service, Bartow, FL 338319005 S.A. Segrest, The Common Purpose Institute, Temple Terrace, FL 33671, D.L. Rockwood, Univ. of Florida http://www.techtp.com/Cofiring/Model Contract Cofiring Biomass with Coal.pdf
Medical And First Aid This Fact Sheet, AE192, by Florida Coop. Ext. Service, presents highlights of the OSHA Standard with an emphasis on agricultural operations. Evaluation http://www.trustcrm.com/ectny/medicalfirstaid/
Extractions: First Aid Recognition Evaluation ... Training Medical and First Aid It is a requirement of OSHA that employees be given a safe and healthy workplace that is reasonably free of occupational hazards. However, it is unrealistic to expect accidents not to happen. Therefore, employers are required to provide medical and first aid personnel and supplies commensurate with the hazards of the workplace. The details of a workplace medical and first aid program are dependent on the circumstances of each workplace and employer. The intent of this page is to provide general information that may be of assistance. If additional information is required, an Occupational Health Professional should be contacted. Recognition It is the responsibility of each employer to determine their requirements for medical and first aid services. OSHA does not recommend nor approve programs. However, during an inspection the employer's plan will be evaluated for adequacy. If there is any chance for contact with a corrosive material, eyewash and body flush facilities must be provided. Medical Services and First Aid: OSHA Standard 1910.151
Alternative Feeds For Dairy Cattle In Northwest MN Florida Coop. Ext. Service, Gainesville, FL. Howard, W. T., and R. D. Shaver. 1992. Bypass product feeds Upper limits for their use. http://www.ansci.umn.edu/dairy/dairyupdates/du126.htm
Extractions: James G. Linn, Extension Dairy Specialist, University of Minnesota, St. Paul Feed is the major cost associated with dairy production. One way to reduce or control feed costs for dairy farms is to maximize the use of high quality forages in rations. High quality legumes and grasses provide dairy cows and heifers with a good source of protein, energy, fiber and minerals. Corn silage is a high energy feed that supplies fiber as well as grain. However, poor growing, harvesting and/or drying conditions often result in a low supply of high quality forages. If all low quality forages are fed to dairy cows, decreases in intake often result, and milk production decreases because of insufficient nutrients. When dairy producers are forced to feed low quality forages, one option is to look for low cost alternative or byproduct feeds to substitute for some of the low quality forages in the ration. In Northwest Minnesota, several energy feeds, protein supplements, and byproducts can be used as alternative feeds for dairy cows. They can be substituted in the dairy ration to compensate for energy and protein, and improve intake and milk production. The rate of substitution will depend on palatability, nutrient composition, wetness, metabolic problems associated with high intake, price and availability.
Extractions: Medical and First Aid Compliance It is a requirement of OSHA that employees be given a safe and healthy workplace that is reasonably free of occupational hazards. However, it is unrealistic to expect accidents not to happen. Therefore, employers are required to provide medical and first aid personnel and supplies commensurate with the hazards of the workplace. The details of a workplace medical and first aid program are dependent on the circumstances of each workplace and employer. The intent of this page is to provide general information that may be of assistance. If additional information is required, an
Radcliffe's IPM World Textbook | CFANS | University Of Minnesota. Univ. of Florida Coop. Ext. Service Bull. 311. 94 pg. Tweedy, B. G., H. J. Dishburger, L. G. Ballantine, and J. McCarthy. 1991. Pesticide Residues and Food Safety, A Harvest of http://ipmworld.umn.edu/chapters/willson.htm
Extractions: In most countries, before a pesticide product can be marketed and used to manage a pest problem, the product must be registered with a government agency responsible for regulating the sale, distribution and use of pesticide products. Initially, registration of pesticide products was required to protect the consumer from fraudulent claims and limited attention was given to the impact of the product on consumer safety or the environment. As awareness of the potential impact of pesticides on the user, the consumer, and the environment developed, the registration of a pesticide products became the predominant method for regulating the use of a pesticide products. As requirements for registration of pesticide products expanded, the product label became the bottom line of the registration process. Every specific statement on the label had to be supported by evidence that no adverse effect would be caused to man or the environment if the product was used according to instructions specified on the product label. Regulation of Pesticide Applicators Although a pesticide product may be approved to control a specific pest problem on a given host crop or site, problems may still occur if the applicator does not follow the instructions specified on the label or fails to use sound judgment when exceptional situations occur. As a result, it has been recognized over time that distribution and use of some pesticide products need to be restricted to applicators or users having the training or expertise to use the pesticide product in a manner that no adverse harm will occur to man or the environment.
No Slide Title Florida Coop . Ext. Service . 4H Department . Collier Co. Board . of Commissoners . Collier Co. Coop. Ext. Service . County Extension . Agents http://florida4h.org/news/files/AC_Volunteer_System_2.ppt