USGS Geography National mapping information from the U.S. Geological Survey.
Geographical Association - Home United Kingdom association dedicated to promoting the development of geography as a subject. Provides support, resources, journal to professionals engaged in geographic education.
Extractions: Find out more > Essential info about the GA for members of the press Programme and booking information Find your nearest GA Branch Win up to £850 to help your students see the world find out more Online booking now available! find out more For primary and secondary find out more GA training courses for new primary teachers
Extractions: Project GeoSim is a joint research project of the Departments of Computer Science and Geography at Virginia Tech. The following GeoSim modules are currently available: Human Population (HumPop) and International Population (IntlPop) HumPop is a multimedia tutorial program. IntlPop is a population simulation program.
Extractions: If you would like to suggest additions to our list of software and commercial vendors, please email Anita Howard Sinclair Knight Merz Developer of ProVec, a raster to vector conversion software package and DeSKan Express, a unique large format desktop scanner for use in the CAD, GIS and AM/FM industries. Merged with Abakos Digital Images. Able Software Co. is a leading software developer for advanced image processing applications, including 3D image visualization, processing, rendering, raster to vector conversion for GIS, mapping and CAD data capture. A.C.T. GIS provides personal, consistent high quality, technically oriented, GIS consulting services. Advanced Visual Systems American Digital Cartography, Inc. Analytical Spectral Devices ASD is the leading global supplier of portable spectroscopic instrumentation. Tailored to applications in industrial analytical chemistry, optical remote sensing, oceanography, and plant physiology, these instruments cover the ultraviolet (UV), visible (Vis) and near infrared (NIR) wavelength ranges. Applied Geographic Solutions provides the industry's most comprehensive current year demographic estimates, five and ten year projections, consumer expenditure estimates, business locations, and the MOSAIC neighborhood segmentation system. Data is provided for all standard geographic levels including Block Group, Tract, and ZIP codes.
Extractions: Department of Geography You are in: Welcome The Department of Geography at Durham is one of the leading centres of geographical scholarship in the world. With 58 academics, 34 researchers, 21 professional support staff, 32 administrative and technical staff, 123 postgraduates, and 579 undergraduates, we teach and research across the discipline from Antarctica to Bangladesh, from spatial theory to flood modelling, and from GIS to the social economy. Our aim is to create and sustain a world class research and teaching environment with top class laboratories and IT facilities in a supportive and collegial atmosphere. Professor Joe Painter, Head of Department 9:00am to 2:00pm , W010, Main Geography Building (
Extractions: primary navigation skip to secondary navigation secondary navigation skip to main content Our Faculties Search this site main content HaSS is a new and dynamic faculty, which already enjoys an excellent reputation across the spectrum of humanities and social sciences. Through our core activities of research, knowledge exchange and education, we aspire to generate new ideas, knowledge and skills to increase our understanding of the world, and strive to make a significant contribution to the economy, society and culture of Scotland and beyond. As one of Scotland's top law schools teacher education , we also have significant expertise in developing the professional practice needed to equip modern societies at local, national and global levels. As a student in HaSS, you will benefit from innovative courses designed to encourage student and staff interaction and collaboration across different subjects. We aim to produce graduates with a better understanding of the challenges facing the world today, ensuring that they are capable of succeeding in an increasingly complex technological age, and doing so with a social conscience. Our professionally accredited degrees incorporate the required elements to enable students to become qualified teachers lawyers psychologists counsellors ... speech and language therapists and social workers , and our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programmes ensure professionals stay up to date and able to adapt to changes in their field. The Faculty has thriving research and teaching programmes in the area of
Page Not Found Features information on courses, faculty and staff.
Extractions: home universität geographisches institut Suchen Kontakt Lageplan Drucken EN ... FR Welcome to the Institute of Geography of the University of Berne! Aktuelle Hinweise Neue Web-Site von Prof. em. Dr. Bruno Messerli Der Jahresbericht 2009 ist online Anmeldung Erasmussemester noch bis zum 15. November Migration der GIUB-Website abgeschlossen ... Klimadatenerfassung durch Internet-User Agenda Referat «Transnationale Investitionen in landwirtschaftliches Land. Herausforderungen und Chancen für Entwicklungsländer»
Extractions: AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,29,0','width','460','height','20','src','images/TopLinks','quality','high','pluginspage','','play','true','movie','images/TopLinks' ); //end AC code Professor Karl Raitz is a long-time student of cultural geography and its material artifacts by which people have created American landscapes... (read more) Our Departmental History
AK Politische Geographie Der Arbeitskreis informiert ber aktuelle Tagungen, die Mitglieder werden mit ihren Arbeitsschwerpunkten vorgestellt und es gibt eine Linkliste.
Extractions: Aktuelles [mehr] Liebe Erstsemester, Reserviert euch schon mal das Wochenende vom 5.11 bis zum 7.11.An diesem Wochenende findet unsere legendäre Erstifahrt statt. Alle wichtigen Informationen erhaltet ihr beim Ersti-Frühstück und werdet darüber... [mehr] Erstifrühstück, Stadtrallye, Grillen, Studienberatung, Patenschaftsprogramm, Erstsemesterfahrt [mehr] Liebe Komilitoninnen und Komilitonen, gerade durch das Bachelor/Master-System ist es schwierig kontinuierlich genügen engagierte Studenten für die Fachschaftsarbeit zu finden.Und kaum sind dann mal welche gefunden, sind... [mehr] Die neuen Sprechzeiten und Sitzungstermine werden im Oktober bekannt gegeben. Bis dahin finden keine regelmäßigen Termine statt.
Willkommen Bei DerGeograph -Startseite- Befasst sich mit den Studieninhalten und den Inhalten des Bereiches Geographie, mit dem Beruf des Geographen und bietet Informationen zum Bereich Human- und Physische Geographie.