Finances And Employment American Indian/Alaskan Native ■■ Mexican, Mexican American, Chicana/ os, Puerto Rican, Cuban ■■ Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, and Hmong ■■ Indigenous Peoples of
Commentary: Hmong Refugees Deserve Our Support - The Fresno Bee More than two months have passed since Thailand forcibly returned 4,500 Hmong refugees who had fled from Laos. For Hmong in the San Joaquin Valley and elsewhere in the
Extractions: 20 comentarios de YouTube dijo el a las LAOS COMMUNIST WILL GET A PUNISHMENT FOREVER dijo el a las @TheGreatNguyen very true. I love viet people. I'm hmong but dam... Asian's outside the U.S. are freaken crazy. they all need to chill and UNITE. let the past be the past dijo el a las dijo el a las the americans are weak ass hell...they go and fight wars and cant even they had to ask the hmongs to help..calling themselves USA for nothing dijo el a las @meng120690 amerca must pay as well they abandoned thehmong people to die in thei place dijo el a las @WishingBabyX die barbarians in the jungle dijo el a las The Hmong wanted to have their own freedom and to stop the spread of Western Colonies in Indochina. The Hmong majorities mainly from Vietnam and those few in Thailand and China walked in to Laos to help their brothers and sisters who were also Hmong. The Hmong Blacks, Hmong Whites, and Hmong Greens make the biggest force in the side of the Viets but were not known as much as those supporting the Westerners. Because to the Viets everybody supporting the Viets are all the same category: Nyab Laj. > WishingBabyX dijo el a las The SOLDIERS MUST DIEEE!!!
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