Surprise! Holographic Storage Hardware Delayed The only thing that surprises me about this holographic storage medium being delayed is that it's being delayed till 2009 and not 2029.
Maxell Focuses On Holographic Storage - Hardware - News Maxell focuses on holographic storage Colin Barker, ZDNet UK on November 29th, 2005 Information storage media company Maxell has said it will launch its first holographic storage
Extractions: Information storage media company Maxell has said it will launch its first holographic storage products in September 2006. The first removable drive will have a capacity of 300GB and a throughput of 160mbps. Holographic storage works by storing information using light-sensitive crystals. Because it uses the whole volume of the drive whose prototype looks somewhat like a floppy disk not just the surface, it's possible to store much more information than is possible on a DVD. With a single holographic removable drive, or disk, able to store 1.6 million high-resolution colour photos or more than 240 hours of TV broadcast, holographic storage is starting to draw the attention of many in the IT industry. "Holographic media makes it possible for millions of pages of information and high-definition images to be held on one small, relatively inexpensive disk," said Steven Pofcher, senior marketing manager at Maxell. "Imagine having a person's entire medical history, complete with MRI images, or storing a broadcast network's entire HD library on a single disk," Pofcher said. "These are both possible with holographic technology, which has such large capacity that approximately half a million 300-page books can be stored on a single disk."
Maxell Focuses On Holographic Storage - Hardware - News Information storage media company Maxell has said it will launch its first holographic storage products in September 2006. The first removable drive will have a capacity of 300GB
Extractions: Germany ... Mobile Phones Breaking News: IT important for Asia-Pacific growth: Gillard By Colin Barker, ZDNet UK on November 29th, 2005 storage hdd drive holographic Information storage media company Maxell has said it will launch its first holographic storage products in September 2006. The first removable drive will have a capacity of 300GB and a throughput of 160mbps. Holographic storage works by storing information using light-sensitive crystals. Because it uses the whole volume of the drive whose prototype looks somewhat like a floppy disk not just the surface, it's possible to store much more information than is possible on a DVD. With a single holographic removable drive, or disk, able to store 1.6 million high-resolution colour photos or more than 240 hours of TV broadcast, holographic storage is starting to draw the attention of many in the IT industry.
Maxell Focuses On Holographic Storage - Hardware - News Company says it will launch first removable drive, with a capacity of 300GB and a throughput of 160mbps, next year.
Extractions: Grand Copthorne Waterfront hotel, Singapore Information storage media company Maxell has said it will launch its first holographic storage products in September 2006. The first removable drive will have a capacity of 300GB and a throughput of 160mbps. Holographic storage works by storing information using light-sensitive crystals. Because it uses the whole volume of the drivewhose prototype looks somewhat like a floppy disknot just the surface, it's possible to store much more information than is possible on a DVD. With a single holographic removable drive, or disk, able to store 1.6 million high-resolution color photos or more than 240 hours of TV broadcast, holographic storage is starting to draw the attention of many in the IT industry.
GE Brings Holographic Storage To Life — GE says its holographic storage hardware and formats are so similar to current optical storage technology that the microholographic players will enable consumers to play back
Extractions: Definitions November 14, 2010 EnterpriseStorageForum Hot Topics: prev next initHotTopics(document.getElementById("hot_topics")); Storage Technology Storage Technology News Three-dimensional data storage has been a dream since the early 1960s, but GE (NYSE: GE) thinks it's the company to finally make the technology realize its promise. GE Global Research, GE's technology development arm, announced yesterday that it has developed a holographic storage material that can support 500 gigabytes of data storage capacity in a standard DVD-sized disc. The company says it will take a few years to commercialize the technology, but it envisions consumers someday using it to store 3-D TV and other high-resolution formats. "GE's breakthrough is a huge step toward bringing our next-generation holographic storage technology to the everyday consumer," Brian Lawrence, head of GE's Holographic Storage program, said in a statement. Post a comment Email Article Print Article Share Articles Digg DZone Reddit Slashdot StumbleUpon
Middleware And Workflow Backup and Recovery Services Cloud Computing Online Storage Services Managed Services Alternative Mediums Optical Storage Holographic Storage Hardware Tape-based Systems Disk-based Systems Direct-
Nokia N8 Could Be Delayed Till Mid-july... (DotGizmo) � TechNews.AM Holographic storage hardware delayed Nov 03 08 ; Nokia N8 may be delayed to midJuly Apr 14 10 ; Nokia N900 Delayed Till November Oct 24 09 ; Nokia N8 Starts Shipping Sep 30 10 Terms Staring With H holographic storage hardware compatibility home hardware configuration home banking hardware dependent home computer hardware failure home key hardware graphics cursor
Getting Holographic These discs should be available later this year for developers of holographicstorage hardware, including most current manufacturers of CD and DVD drives.
How The CNN Holographic Interview System Works - Blogrunner Holographic storage hardware delayed. The only thing that surprises me about this holographic storage medium being delayed is that it's being delayed till 2009 and not 2029.
Extractions: Politics World Technology Media ... Technology Jason Chen Gizmodo Tuesday, November 4 digg_skin = 'compact'; digg_bgcolor = '#f1f8fa'; digg_url = '[link] CNN's holographic election coverage is fancy pantsy... Related As Thread Comments Mathew elap('1225900903'); Apart from the historic nature of the , the coverage on which until recently was the height of geek-dom, with its multi-touch input and other features but then the network whipped out a couple of holograms just to up the stakes a little. MaxPower Behind R4NT elap('1225894182'); Better than watching the results of the election, which was a foregone conclusion which even the US pollsters couldn't screw up, was checking out some of new (?) technology that CNN had going on in their 'war room' ... Here are the tech specs for it - 35 HD cameras in a circle and a computer to splice the footage together. Kevin Purdy Lifehacker elap('1225891800');
Australian PS3 Jailbreak Courtroon Showdown Delayed Till Friday... (CrunchGear) Holographic storage hardware delayed Nov 03 08 ; PS3 jailbreak adapted to Nokia N900, Palm Pre in wake of Australian ban (video) Sep 05 10 ; Geohot Shows Off Untethered iPhone
Recent Press Releases have each developed software products that enhance the interoperability and seamless workflow of P2, and that the Quantum SDLT archiving solution, and holographic storage hardware
Extractions: Panasonic also announced it will offer dual codec capability including an optional AVC-Intra (H.264 compliant) codec in addition to their widely supported DVCPRO HD codec. The AVC-Intra (H.264 compliant) codec offers significantly better compression efficiency than older MPEG-2 codecs and can provide high quality for news at half the bandwidth compared to DVCPRO HD. This bandwidth savings, without the compromises of long GOP compression, will offer advantages in storage and distribution as well as twice the recording time on a P2 card. The optional AVC-Intra (H.264 compliant) support for the new P2 HD products will be available in April 2007. P2 HD products offer production quality, 100Mbps DVCPRO HD with independent intra-frame encoding, 4:2:2 color sampling, and less compression, making HD content easier and faster to edit and more able to stand up to image compositing versus long GOP MPEG-2 systems. In addition, they are backwards compatible with existing DVCPRO50, DVCPRO and DV-based facilities. The new, multi-format P2 HD products are distinguished by their ability to record in 720p, 1080i or 480i, which addresses the requirements of diverse HD broadcast applications. The AJ-HPC2000 features five P2 card slots and each P2 card is hot swappable for continuous recording. With five 8 GB cards, the camcorder can record up to 40 minutes of full HD quality video and significantly more in SD modes. Other recording features include loop record and pre-record (up to seven seconds in DVCPRO HD). An additional card slot is provided for optional accessories such as a Proxy Video Encoder. An SD card slot is also included for recording and replicating setup information useful in multi-camera productions.
Panasonic's New P2 HD Line-up Offers Solid State Reliability And Full DVCPRO HD archiving solution, and holographic storage hardware from InPhase in phase adj. Having the same electrical phase. Technology will be in the Panasonic booth as well.'s New P2 HD Line-up Offers Solid State R
Extractions: 18,416,982 articles and books Periodicals Literature Keyword Title Author Topic Member login User name Password Remember me Join us Forgot password? Submit articles free The Free Library ... Business Wire artId=144849252;usrSelf=false; LAS VEGAS Optional AVC-Intra (H.264 compliant) Codec Reduces Data Requirements for Full Quality HD; 15,000 P2 Units Delivered to 300 Broadcasters Worldwide See: New York Stock Exchange : MC) announced significant sales growth for its DVCPRO Panasonic's variant of the DV (Digital Video) format, which provides higher quality by increasing tape speed and track width. It uses metal particle tape for added reliability and also adds a cueing track for enhanced editing. P2 solid-state memory recording system over the past year with worldwide adoption by more than 300 broadcasters and sales of more than 15,000 units. Panasonic also unveiled the broader expansion of P2 into high definition products with a new P2 HD line to bring the wide-reaching benefits of reliable solid-state acquisition and full production quality HD to broadcasters and video professionals. Panasonic also announced it will offer dual codec capability including an optional AVC-Intra (H.264 compliant) codec in addition to its widely supported DVCPRO HD codec. The AVC-Intra (H.264 compliant) codec offers significantly better compression efficiency than older MPEG-2 codecs and can provide high quality for news at half the bandwidth compared to DVCPRO HD. This bandwidth savings, without the compromises of long GOP compression, will offer advantages in storage and distribution as well as twice the recording time on a P2 card. The optional AVC-Intra (H.264 compliant) support for the new P2 HD products will be available in April 2007.
Panasonic P2 Announcements At NAB 2006 have each developed software products that enhance the interoperability and seamless workflow of P2, and that the Quantum SDLT archiving solution, and holographic storage hardware