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         Hungarian Culture:     more books (100)
  1. The German-Hungarian revision of textbooks.: An article from: East European Quarterly by Peter Molnar, 2001-12-22
  2. HUNGARIAN AMERICANS: An entry from Gale's <i>Gale Encyclopedia of Multicultural America</i> by Steven Béla Várdy, Thomas Szendrey, 2000
  3. HUNGARY: An entry from Macmillan Reference USA's <i>Countries and Their Cultures</i> by ÉVA V. HUSEBY-DARVAS, 2001
  4. Folk Culture of the Hungarians by Attila; Neprajzi Muzeum (Hungary); Szacsvay, Eva Selmeczi Kovacs, 1997-01-01
  5. The Spirit of Hungary: A Panorama of Hungarian History and Culture
  6. Hungarian Rhapsodies: Essays on Ethnicity, Identity and Culture.(Review): An article from: The Modern Language Review by George Gomori, 1999-07-01
  7. Ten Years in Transylvania: Traditions of Hungarian Folk Culture by Stephen Spinder, 2006-12
  8. Evangelikussag a magyar kulturaban: Vezeto az allando kiallitashoz = Lutheranism in Hungarian culture : guide to the permanent exhibition (Hungarian Edition) by Tibor Fabiny, 1980
  9. A magyarsag torok osei =: The Turkic ancestors of the Magyars (A Sydneyi Arpad Munkakozosseg kiadvanyai = Publication - Arpad Association for Advancement of Hungarian Culture) (Hungarian Edition) by Denes Osetzky, 1977
  10. A heritage to treasure: Celebrating our Hungarian culture by Tamara L Solarz, 1999
  11. Hungarian culture by Steve G Contos, 1979
  12. Hungarian culture - universal culture; cultural diplomatic endeavours of Hungary by Jozsef N. Szabo,
  13. Hungarian culture by Flora Szilagyi, 1994
  14. Hungarian culture study based upon the Abauj Bethlehem play by Rod Tomczak, 1969

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