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         Hungarian Culture:     more books (100)
  1. Language and Culture Guide: Hungarian (Language & culture guide)
  2. The forgotten cradle of the Hungarian culture by Sandor Nagy, 1973
  3. Magyar neprajzi atlasz =: Atlas der ungarischen Volkskultur = Atlas of Hungarian folk culture (Hungarian Edition)
  4. Policy of Hungarian public culture by C Révy, 1946
  5. Thirty years of Hungarian musical culture (1945-1975) by János Breuer, 1976
  6. Contribution of Islam to world civilization and culture: Writings of Hungarian Islamologist Gyula Germanus by Gyula Germanus, 1981
  7. Addendum to The Spirit of Hungary: A Panorama of Hungarian History and Culture by Stephen Sisa, 1983
  8. Coloured Phenomonenons:portfolo of Prints Issued with the Spirit of Hungary: A Panorama of Hungarian History and Culture by Stephen Sisa, 1983
  9. Hungry Tiger: Enounters Between Hungarian and Bengali Literary Cultures by Imre Bangha, 2008-01-01
  10. Lgbt in Hungary: Hungarian Lgbt-Related Films, Lgbt Culture in Hungary, Lgbt People From Hungary, Lgbt Rights in Hungary, Budapest Pride
  11. Finno-Ugric Peoples: Finnic Peoples, Ugric Peoples, Khanty People, Hungarian People, Fenni, Chud, Ananian Culture, Mansi
  12. Hungarian Rhapsodies: Essays on Ethnicity, Identity, and Culture --1997 publication. by Richard Teleky, 1997-01-01
  13. Hungary: An entry from UXL's <i>Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of Foods and Recipes of the World</i>
  14. Permanent Exhibition of the Museum of Ethnography: From Clans to Civilizations

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