- Quaternary Environment in Hungary (Studies in geography in Hungary)
- Urban development in the USA and Hungary (Studies in geography in Hungary)
- Regional development and planning: British and Hungarian case studies (Studies in geography in Hungary)
- Landform Evolution Studies in Hungry (Studies in Geography in Hungary, 30)
- A short geography of Hungary by AndraÌs VagaÌcs, 1961
- An economic geography of Hungary
- Problems of the Neogene and Quaternary in the Carpathian Basin (Studies in geography in Hungary)
- Environmental management: British and Hungarian case studies (Studies in geography in Hungary)
- Hungary in pictures (Visual geography series) by Clara Dormandy, 1970
- Loess and Quaternary (Studies in geography in Hungary)
- Environmental and Dynamic Geomorphology: Case Studies in Hungary : Contribution to the First International Geomorphological Conference, Manchester, September 1985 (Studies in Geography in Hungary, 17) by International Conference on Geomorpholog, Marton Pecsi, 1985-01
- Theory Practice British (Studies in geography in Hungary)
- An Economic Geography of Hungary
- New Perspectives in Hungarian Geography (Studies in Geography in Hungary, 27) by Adam Kertesz, 1994-04