Java Programming Meetup Groups - Java Programming Meetups Helps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline clubs in local communities around the world about Java Programming
Java Programming Certificate -- O'Reilly School Of Technology Develop or jump start your career with the Java Programming Certification at the O'Reilly School of Technology. Earn this certification from the University of Illinois' Office
Extractions: Learn More hs.graphicsDir = ''; hs.outlineType = 'rounded-white'; hs.outlineWhileAnimating = true; The Java Programming Certificate series is comprised of four courses covering very beginning to advanced Java and object-oriented programming concepts, as well as skills using the Eclipse open-source IDE (Integrated Development Environment). When you complete this certificate series you will be able to create applications in Java that utilize object-oriented design, JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), multithreading, interactive GUI (Graphical User Interface), I/O and sockets. Completion of this series also prepares you for the upcoming Advanced Java Certificate Series . These courses are coached and facilitated by OST's informed and friendly instructors. New OST Courses!
JFish | Download JFish Software For Free At An aquarium simulation written in Java. The program uses neural networks for all of the fish being simulated, and the fish are artificially evolved from random starting information.
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Extractions: For those first learning Java programming or having general Java programming questions. Making Sense of Java. Learning the basics: A beginner's FAQ aimed at people who know almost nothing about Java. Beginner's Corner. An even more fundamental tutorial, aimed at newcomers to programming. Explains principles such as object orientation, methods, variables, multithreading, control statements, etc. Sun's Java and JDK FAQ. High-level introductory questions and answers. Sun's index of Java-related FAQs. Java FAQ collection from Both general and specialized topics. Java Programmer's FAQ. From Peter van der Linden and*. The FAQ. From Elliote Rusty Harold. Peter Norvig's In frequently asked Java questions list.
Learn Java Programming Tutorial Lesson 1 - First Program Learn Java programming tutorial lesson 1 First Program What is Java? Java is an object-oriented programming language which was developed by Sun Microsystems.
Extractions: Learn Programming Java is an object-oriented programming language which was developed by Sun Microsystems. Java programs are platform independant which means they can be run on any operating system with any type of processor as long as the Java interpreter is available on that system. You will need the Java software development kit from Sun's Java site . Follow the instructions on Sun's website to install it. Make sure that you add the java bin directory to your PATH environment variable. You will need to write your Java programs using a text editor. When you type the examples that follow you must make sure that you use capital and small letters in the right places because Java is case sensitive. The first line you must type is: public class Hello This creates a class called Hello. All class names must start with a capital letter. The main part of the program must go between curly brackets after the class declaration. The curly brackets are used to group together everything inside them. public class Hello
Extractions: GoF Creational Patterns Abstract Factory Sets of methods to make various objects. Builder Make and return one object various ways. Factory Method Methods to make and return components of one object various ways. Prototype Make new objects by cloning the objects which you set as prototypes. Singleton A class distributes the only instance of itself. GoF Structural Patterns Adapter A class extends another class, takes in an object, and makes the taken object behave like the extended class. Bridge An abstraction and implementation are in different class hierarchies. Composite Assemble groups of objects with the same signature. Decorator One class takes in another class, both of which extend the same abstract class, and adds functionality. Facade One class has a method that performs a complex process calling several other classes. Flyweight The reusable and variable parts of a class are broken into two classes to save resources. Proxy One class controls the creation of and access to objects in another class. GoF Behavorial Patterns Chain Of Responsibility A method called in one class can move up a hierarchy to find an object that can properly execute the method.
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Java Support - Java Help From Java Experts Java had always been an easily readable and understandable language. Some relatively recent changes in the language seem to be changing this pretty fast, and anyone that had
Extractions: Site Index Our Services Java Test Suite C++0x Test Suite C++ Test Suites C99/C9X Test Suite Compiler Testing Java Performance Paper Free Java Collection Library Java Instrumentation Java Performance Tips C++ Performance Tips Java/C++ Newsletters Usenix Articles C++ Tutorials C++ ANSI/ISO Issues C++ Glossary C++ as a Better C C++ Object-oriented Design Java/C++ Language Tips Free Downloads Site Feedback C++0x Test Suite C++ Test Suites Focus We offer a C++0x test suite, that covers some of the new features of the language such as lambda expressions and rvalue reference types. We also offer a Java test suite, that covers newer features such as generic classes, typesafe enums, and annotations. We can also develop custom test suites for you. One of our specialties is testing language compilers. C++0x Test Suite C++ Test Suites C99/C9X Test Suite Java Test Suite ... Compiler Testing We have back issues of technical newsletters covering the topics of C++ and Java. The newsletters focus on areas like language features, offer tutorials, present complete code examples, and so on. We also work with clients on custom writing projects, and can develop customized newsletters or other technical material for you. Newsletters Usenix Articles C++ Tutorials C++ Glossary ... Language Tips We offer a Java test coverage and instrumentation toolkit, that you can use to query and analyze Java source programs. We provide a free Java collection class library that you can download, that includes free source code. We do custom class library development for Java and C++.
Java Programming: From The Beginning Finallya Java book that requires no previous programming experience. Includes over 700 review questions, exercises, and programming projects. Features unique Q A sections and
Extractions: 788 pages Java Programming: From the Beginning is an introductory college textbook aimed at the traditional CS1 course. (Click here to read my 1997 paper about why Java is the best choice for CS1.) It assumes no previous programming experience. Unlike many Java texts currently on the market, Java Programming: From the Beginning avoids trendiness for its own sake, instead focusing on teaching students programming skills on which they can build a career. The emphasis is on learning how to design, implement, and debug programs written in an object-oriented language. Topics are introduced in a spiral fashion, with as little "magic" as possible. Applets are de-emphasized, and there is no attempt to introduce all the features of Java. After using this book in a course, students should be well-prepared to move on to C++ or more advanced courses in Java. High School Teachers: Java Programming: From the Beginning is a great choice to prepare your students for the Advanced Placement Computer Science test, which will switch to Java for the 2003-2004 academic year. Click
Extractions: From Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection (Redirected from Java Jump to: navigation search Computer programming languages Java programming language Books in this subject area deal with the Java programming language : a programming language released as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform. The language derives much of its syntax from C and C++ but has a simpler object model and fewer low-level facilities. Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of computer architecture. Subsections Featured Books Print-ready Books PDF Books Retrieved from " Related Computer programming languages Hidden categories: Subject Semi-protected pages Personal tools Namespaces Variants Views Actions Search Navigation Community Reading room Community portal Bulletin Board Help out! - JavaC On EPOC Instructions for compiling Java programs on EPOC.
Extractions: Will PSION finally make it in North America? The REVO is now available from Professional Symbian Programming from Wrox Press Inc. 1000 pages on EPOC programming - coincidentally available from Java in a Nutshell is the book that started it all for me - it was the 1.0 edition back then; I still recomend it as a great starting point to get to know Java fast. Yes,
Java Programming This textbook provides an interdisciplinary approach to the CS 1 curriculum. We teach the classic elements of programming, using an
Extractions: Our goal in this chapter is to convince you that writing a computer program is easier than writing a piece of text such as a paragraph or an essay. Writing prose is difficult: we spend many years in school to learn how to do it. By contrast, just a few building blocks suffice to take us into a world where we can harness the computer to help us solve all sorts of fascinating problems that would be otherwise unapproachable. In this chapter, we take you through these building blocks, get you started on programming in Java, and study a variety of interesting programs. 1.1 Elements of Programming instructs you on how to create, compile, and execute a Java program on your system. 1.2 Built-in Types of Data describes Java's built-in data types for manipulating strings, integers, real numbers, and booleans. 1.3 Conditionals and Loops introduces Java structures for control flow, including if-else statements
A Programming Style For Java A large number of heuristic guidelines for writing well-structured and maintainable Java programs.
Extractions: (last revised: 24 July 2001) I've been programming full-time in Java for several years, which hardly makes me an expert on the language, but I've developed a style I've become comfortable with and thought it would be worthwhile to write down. This is just my personal style, and while I've written this essay with lots of recommendations, it remains a distinctly personal view of how to write code. This style has evolved from the style I used for C programs, with some influences from the years I spent working in Scheme and Dylan , along with the usual collection of ``little'' or domain-specific languages I've also used, such as YACC or various Unix shells . Much of my style is independent of the language being used; I believe that my Dylan and C programs have substantially the same feel as my Java programs, and that's natural to expect. When I started writing this essay a year into the development of the Redshift compiler the portions which I was responsible for consisted of 463 classes, consuming 53,694 lines of Java source in 433 files, excluding test code. Most of my experience with Java has been in writing a bytecode to native compiler , which is a moderate-sized Java program, containing around 500 classes and 80,000 lines of code. That includes comments and boilerplate code, but I think it's a good amount to have produced in a year. My style has remained mostly consistent over that time, with a few exceptions discussed below.
Java Programming UC Irvine Extension, Java Programming Certificate Program Overview. The Java programming language lies at the core of many largescale business applications — especially
Extractions: UCI OCW Online Courses Instructor Resources ... Student Services Information Technology Database Management Enterprise Development Using Java Technologies IT Certifications Java Programming ... Information Technologies Overview Course Schedule Complete Certificate Program Online! This certificate program is designed for people who already have introductory Java programming experience or experience using another object-oriented language such as C++ or C#. If you already work with Java, you may find the courses on Unified Modeling Language (UML) and object-oriented analysis and design to be useful as stand-alone courses to help improve your application design skills. To receive the certificate in Java Programming, you must complete the four required courses and one elective course (a total of 15 units of coursework), with a grade of "C" or better in each course. Students must submit an Application for Candidacy form before completing their third course in the program. All requirements must be completed within five years after the student enrolls in his/her first class.
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Extractions: This page is brought to you by Wikimedia Laboratories Unchecked Jump to: navigation search Wikipedia has related information at Java (programming language) If you have questions related to Java, ask at the A printable version of Java Programming is available. edit it The Java ™ language is an object-oriented programming language created by en:Sun Microsystems . It was named after the Indonesian isle of Java, whence great coffee has flowed. This book is an introduction to the amazing breadth of the Java programming language and platform. A full treatment of Java would be an enormous book; this book will concentrate on the essential aspects of Java necessary to understand the language and platform. This book tries to touch as many aspect of java as possible, and as so it can be considered as a reference book of Java and its related technologies. Other special purpose books on Java, such as Java Enterprise Edition programming, or Java Swing programming, with more details, would complement this book nicely.
Java Programming Style Guidelines A set of recommendations on various aspects of coding such as naming, file organization, and comments.
Extractions: This document is available at 7 References This document lists Java coding recommendations common in the Java development community. The recommendations are based on established standards collected from a number of sources, individual experience, local requirements/needs, as well as suggestions given in and There are several reasons for introducing a new guideline rather than just referring to the ones above. Main reason is that these guides are far too general in their scope and that more specific rules (especially naming rules) need to be established. Also, the present guide has an annotated form that makes it easier to use during project code reviews than most other existing guidelines. In addition, programming recommendations generally tend to mix style issues with language technical issues in a somewhat confusing manner. The present document does not contain any Java technical recommendations at all, but focuses mainly on programming style. While a given development environment (IDE) can improve the readability of code by access visibility, color coding, automatic formatting and so on, the programmer should never
Learn Java - Online Explore the Java language fundamentals, use Java for clientside applets
Extractions: Web Design Training by IWA-HWG Learn Java Programming Learn Java Web Design Courses Web Certification Classes Home Class Name Wildly popular due to its interactive multimedia capabilities, Java programming leads the list of Internet development skills in current commercial demand. This course is recommended for people who wish to become familiar with the principles of Java Programming. Through the use of hands-on exercises, students will explore the Java language fundamentals as well as basic concepts of object-oriented programming. At the end of this course, students will be able to: This course is designed for students with programming experience in C, C++ or such. If you never programmed before, you are advised to take Java for Non-Programmers course first. Outline Week 1: Getting Started with Java What is Java?
TWiki . Javapedia . WebHome A wiki-style reference for the Java programming language and other related technologies.
Extractions: Get Involved java-net Project Request a Project Project Help Wanted Ads Publicize your Project ... Submit Content Get Informed About Articles Weblogs News ... Archives Get Connected Forums Wiki and Javapedia People Partners , and Jobs Java User Groups RSS Feeds Search Web and Projects: Online Books: Advanced Search Home Help Changes ... Click here to CreateANewPage Welcome to the Javapedia project. We are working to create an online encyclopedia of all the things that Java developers might need to know. The Javapedia will be created and maintained by the community. Everyone is invited to help. Here are some of the topics people have written about so far. Please help us improve them and add new articles. (We need to figure out a better way to catalog articles, so add your thoughts to the JavapediaCataloging page.) People, Companies, Organizations - a Who's Who of the Java world.