3D (VRML) Fermi Surface Database A database of Fermi surfaces for elemental solids in VRML and gif. Stereo pictures, periodic table and Java program are also provided. http://www.phys.ufl.edu/fermisurface/
Extractions: Ferromagnets : Alternative Structures : Please click the icons in the partial periodic table above to see the Fermi surfaces of individual elements. To get help on the interactive VRML controls, click here Notes: Please also visit the Stereo3D and Java3D Fermi surface page. To see the poster we use in APS March meeting to explain the method we used, download the file chart.pdf (612KB). Click here to see pictures of actual use of stereographics glasses to view the Fermi Surface. The Periodic Table of the Fermi Surfaces of Elemental Solids is available in HTML format (610kB) and PDF format (for printing, 2.7MB, 3'x4' poster or shink to fit page.). If you want to see a lot of the Fermi surfaces, please read Site download instructions, they're much faseter/more convenient. To cite our work: http://www.phys.ufl.edu/fermisurface/ T.-S. Choy, J. Naset, J. Chen, S. Hershfield, and C. Stanton. A database of fermi surface in virtual reality modeling language (vrml). Bulletin of The American Physical Society, 45(1):L36 42, 2000. If you have used our images or cite our work in your book/paper/website, you can email us with your the title, authors, etc. of your work and we can post it on our website.
Java Programming ... From The Grounds Up / WebDeveloper.com ® WebDeveloper.com Forums, Where Web Developers and Designers Learn How to Build Web Sites, Program in Java and JavaScript and More! http://webdeveloper.com/java/java_programming_grounds_up.html
JaxoDraw A Java program for the interactive drawing of Feynman diagrams http://altair.ific.uv.es/~JaxoDraw/
Extractions: Welcome to the C omet/asteroid O rbit D etermination and E phemeris S oftware Download Site and User's Manual by Jim Baer Contents: Introduction System Requirements Download and Installation Instructions System Requirements approximately 150 MB of disk storage Java 1.4.1 (or higher) runtime environment (see
Java Algebra System (JAS) JAS provides a software library using generic types for algebraic computations implemented in the Java programming language. http://krum.rz.uni-mannheim.de/jas/
Java Algebra System | Freshmeat.net JAS is a software library using generic types for algebraic computations implemented in the Java programming language. The focus is on commutative and solvable polynomials, Groebner bases and applications. http://freshmeat.net/projects/jas
Extractions: document.write(''); dfp_tile++; Projects Java Algebra System The Java Algebra System (JAS) is an object oriented, type safe, multi-threaded approach to computer algebra. JAS provides a well designed software library using generic types for algebraic computations implemented in the Java programming language. The library can be used as any other Java software package, or it can be used interactively or interpreted through a Jython front end. The focus at the moment is on commutative and solvable polynomials, Groebner bases, and applications. Tags Mathematics Scientific/Engineering algebra education ... Symbolic Computation Licenses GPL LGPL Operating Systems Java Capable Implementation Java Jython Tweet Short link ... JAS code analysis is available from Ohloh at http://www.ohloh.net/p/JAS-project Changes: Multivariate Taylor series expansion interface and implementation. An improved multivariate power series for standard base computation. Methods have been refactored to better suited classes, and classes have been moved to decouple packages, e.g. Quotient* to the package edu.jas.ufd. Small bugs and cosmetic issues have been fixed.
Mark Damon Hughes: Topic: News Includes rants, links, computer game design, and Java programming. http://kuoi.asui.uidaho.edu/~kamikaze/
Extractions: in Mac by kamikaze As I said in " Apple, Java, and Chicken Little ": "Oracle may make an official JVM … almost certain": Oracle and Apple Announce OpenJDK Project for Mac OS X Not only is Apple contributing their implementation of Java to OpenJDK, but Oracle will develop it, and be responsible for shipping Java 7. It's nice to see clarification that the legacy Java 6 will continue to ship on Mac OS X Lion, so existing tools won't just die. Can everyone stop freaking out now?
Carl Antaki's Homepage TI-89 calculator tutorial and programs, photographs and information about tennis, PDA operating system comparison, Java programs, pictures of family, links, and a guest book. http://www.antaki.ca
Neil Moore`s WebSite South African shows who he is, what he likes, what he does and Java programs he has written. http://mysite.mweb.co.za/residents/neilsun/homepage.html
Extractions: Neil Moore`s Home hello HOME WORK LIFE PLAY GRAPHICS WEB DESIGN PROGRAMMING SOFTWARE CV former, we know the library is being accessed from an outside source (and take appropriate action). Suffice it to say such a code will need to be added directly inside the library in question in order to take effect.With that in mind, all we need is a piece of code that compares this URL with a list of permitted ones, and if non of the later matches the former, we know the library is being accessed from an outside source (and take appropriate action). Suffice it to say such a code will need to be added directly inside the library in question in order to take effect.With that in mind, all we need is a piece of code that compares this URL with a list of permitted ones, and if non of the later matches th
Vicario, Leandro A collection of his website templates that are available for download, Java programs he s created, and a resume. http://www.yhanpolo.com
Srinivas Padmanabhuni Includes personal and academic information, Java programming links and the author s favorite search engines. http://members.tripod.com/~srinivasp/
Javaclient For Player/Stage Allows development of applications for Player/Stage using the Java programming language. The client implements all major devices described in Player manual. Free Software licensed under the GNU GPL. http://java-player.sourceforge.net/
Extractions: Contacts Javaclient SVN Player CVS/SVN Java (JDK) Eclipse 21 April 2010 - Javaclient is coming back! We are updating Javaclient to make it works with the latest versions of Player/Stage. By now, just a few interfaces have been updated (IR, sonar, position2D, gripper, Graphics2D and power), but some others should also work with no modifications. The new code is available on SVN under the javaclient3 branch: update to this branch only if you want to use Javaclient with Player 3! (it will not work with Player 2). You will probably find a lot of incompatibilities with Player 3, so please report them and we will try to correct them. Or much better, correct them by yourself and send us a patch! Any help is very, very welcome! Javaclient allows development of applications for Player/Stage using the elegancy and power of the Java programming language. The client implements all interfaces described in the Player manual, plus several various additions. Please, refer to the Documentation and Examples sections for the specifics of building and using Javaclient. Note that client was developed and tested using
Minisoft, Inc. Creators of system monitors, terminal emulators, Java programs, and printing and reporting tools for the HP. http://www.minisoft.com
Extractions: //newsletter popup box //sidnav expanding main headings //java needed for ddaccordion.js //sidenav popouts //topbanner main image rotator About Us jemail("sales", "minisoft", "com"); jemail("support", "minisoft", "com"); Our Partners Web Hosting Phone: Fax: Products Minisoft News Events Downloads ... Javelin
Chart2D A library written in Java for adding two dimensional charts to Java programs. http://chart2d.sourceforge.net
Extractions: Home Demos Thumbnails License ... Donations Description: Java programming library for visualizing quantitative data using two-dimensional charts. Goal of library is to provide common chart types and features for general applications. Provides chart types: pie, line, bar, scatter plot (or dot), combination, and overlay. Charts can be of type JComponent for GUI's or of type BufferedImage for images. Supports both integer and real datasets and label formatting, both positive and negative. Supports setting of maximum, minimum, and preferred sizes, and auto-calculation of pref. size. Supports optional magnification of the sizing properties of its components (on user resize). Customizable components: fonts, gaps, borders, colors, sizes, axis ranges, significant digits. Supports option for the background of the content pane to show through (i.e. transparency). New: Supports lighting effects, bar rounding, coloring by category, and warning regions. New: Supports various levels of translucency of graph components for overlays and such. Requires capable Virtual Machine; passes the
Pate Williams Implementations Cryptographic algorithms in C, C++, Java and other programming languages. http://www.mindspring.com/~pate/
Extractions: Algorithms from A Course in Computational AlgebraicNumber Theory by Henri Cohen Algorithms from Foundations of Constraint Satisfaction by Edward Tsang Computer science C++ programs and source code by James Pate Williams, Jr. Computer science Java applications by James Pate Williams, Jr. Unofficial Auburn University transcript of author Guitar music by James Pate Williams, Jr. Contact the author of this page pate@mindspring.com
..:: PENKI:Pramogauk ::.. Nemokami JAVA program li pagalba aid iami aidimai. Tetris, laiv m is, linijos. http://pramogos.penki.lt/Default.aspx?Element=Games&TopicID=2
Brian McGinnis Specializing in web design, search engine marketing and promotion. Also offers graphic design, java programming, and multimedia integration. Includes resume. Located in Remsenburg, New York, United States. http://www.islandwebdesign.biz/
Java Software Human Interface Essential information about human interface design and usability for applications and applets written in the Java programming language. http://java.sun.com/developer/techDocs/hi/
Extractions: About Us Java Look and Feel Papers Here find information on the Java look and feel (including the Java Look and Feel Graphics Repository .), related papers, guidelines, how to participate in our Usability Studies and other related Human Interface topics. About the Java Software Human Interface Group A brief description of our functions; an invitation to communicate with us and participate in our User Studies! Java Look and Feel The Java look and feel is part of the Java2 Platform. It is the default cross-platform appearance and behavior for use in all JFC-based Java applications. The Design Guidelines and Graphics Repository are additional resources for user interface aspects of Java look and feel application creation. About the Java Look and Feel