Visual And Interactive Tools Tools (Java programs) for visualizing and interacting with theoretical computer science concepts. JAWAA is a tool for creating algorithm animations on the web.
Extractions: JFLAP 6.0 - A new version of JFLAP is now available (Sep. 2006). Starting with Version 4.0b14 JFLAP runs in Java 1.5. New features in 6.0 include pumping lemma game, Moore and Mealy machines, and Batch grading. New features in 4.0 include a completely new interface and incorporating both parts from other tools jeLLRap (LL and LR parsing) and Pate (transforming grammars from CFG to CNF, parsing restricted and unrestricted grammars). JFLAP 3.1 - the Java version of FLAP, is now available (Aug. 1999). New features in 3.1 include regular expressions, including conversions of regular expressions to NFA, and DFA to regular expressions. New features from 3.0 include several conversions from one representation to another. The conversions are nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA) to deterministic finite automaton (DFA), DFA to minimum state DFA, NFA to regular grammar, regular grammar to NFA, nondeterministic pushdown automaton (NPDA) to context-free grammar (CFG), and three algorithms for CFG to NPDA. Two of the CFG to NPDA conversions are useful in studying LL and LR parsing. In addition, you can now slide the labels along the arcs and stretch the loops (grab the dot on top) for more room.
JavaParty - Java's Companion For Distributed Computing - Trac A minimal extension to Java easing distributed parallel programming of cluster computers. A source code transformation automatically generates a distributed pure Java program based on RMI or KaRMI.
Spoon: Program Processing, Analysis, And Transformation In Java Spoon is a Java program processor that fully supports Java 5. It provides a complete and fine-grained Java metamodel where any program element (classes, methods, fields, statements, expressions ) can be accessed both for reading and modification.
Extractions: Spoon edit SideBar Spoon is a Java program processor that fully supports Java 5 and 6 . It provides a complete and fine-grained Java metamodel where any program element (classes, methods, fields, statements, expressions...) can be accessed both for reading and modification Spoon provides an Eclipse plugin SpoonJDT ) that allows for tight integration of Spoon within the Eclipse environment. With SpoonJDT , a set of validations and transformations packaged as a Spoonlet can occur on the fly and the reports are well-integrated into the Eclipse JDT. Spoon is Free and Open Source CeCILL -C license - French equivalent to LGPL). SpoonJDT is not Open Source (yet). SpoonJDT tutorial at EclipseCON 2007: download the files here Spoon 's Maven plugin by David Bernard: get it here SpoonJDT (Eclipse plugin for Spoon) installation/download Sub-projects/Spoonlets downloads Spoon (standalone) Latest Release - 1.4
Wiley :: Java Programming With CORBA A complete guide to building powerful business applications in Java using CORBA-based distributed objects. Includes A First Java ORB Application sample chapter. (Gerald Brose, Andreas Vogel and Keith Duddy)
Extractions: (3RD EDITION) "Java Programming with CORBA, Third Edition is a comprehensive guide, providing readers with updated examples and detailed explanations of using Java with the latest CORBA specification. This book will be invaluable for those who are serious about building distributed applications." Michael Cook, Executive Director
An Interactive Proof Of Pythagoras' Theorem Home page of the grand prize winner in Sun Microsystem s Java programming contest in 1995.