- Study of maritime aerosols: Report to Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Meteorology, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina (ASRC-SUNY publication) by A. W Hogan, 1972
- Meteorology for aviators, (Gt. Brit. Meteorological office. Publication) by Reginald Cockroft Sutcliffe, 1948
- Atlas of total ozone distribution: October 1958-September 1959 (Publication in meteorology - McGill University. Arctic Meteorology Research Group) by V MacDonald, 1963
- The tourist and outdoor recreation climate of Ontario (Publications in applied meteorology) by R. B Crowe, 1977
- Investigations with satellite data: Temperature retrievals (Publication / Meteorology Program, University of Maryland) by Sigmund Fritz, 1976
- Synoptic reÌgimes in the lower Arctic troposphere during 1955 (Publication in meteorology - McGill University.Arctic Meteorology Research Group) by Cynthia V Wilson, 1958
- Precipitation fluctuations in monsoon Asia during the last 100 years (Publication / University of Maryland, Dept. of Meteorology) by Ida Marie Hakkarinen, 1981
- The global distribution of radiative heating and its relation to the large-scale features of the general circulation (Publication - Meteorology Program, University of Maryland) by Robert Joseph Becker, 1979
- The potential for air pollution due to atmospheric inversions in Gladstone, Queensland (Publication / University of Melbourne. Meteorology Department) by Roger Tapp, 1976
- Atmospheric temperature inversions in the lowest 1500 metres over Melbourne (Publication / University of Melbourne, Meteorology Department) by J. R Wilding, 1978
- The inversion over the polar ocean, (McGill University, Montreal. Arctic Meteorology Research Group. Publication in meteorology) by E Vowinckel, 1965
- The summer flux-divergence of atmospheric water vapour over the Queen Elizabeth Islands, N.W.T (Publication in meteorology) by Roger Graham Barry, 1972
- EBBA: An energy budget program (Publication in meteorology) by E Vowinckel, 1972
- The behavior of planetary waves in an atmospheric model based on spherical harmonics (Publication in meteorology) by AndreÌ Robert, 1965