- The acidity of atmospheric precipitation, dew and fog (Publication / Meteorology Program, University of Maryland, College Park) by D. E Anderson, 1979
- On the application of statistical methods to scalar interpolation (McGill University, Montreal. Arctic Meteorology Research Group. Publication in meterology) by James H. S Bradley, 1971
- On the stability of quasi-geostrophic waves in a rotating annulus (Publication in meteorology) by Tom Warn, 1973
- Derived physical characteristics of the Antarctic ice sheet: Mark I (Publication / Meteorology Department, University of Melbourne) by W. F Budd, 1971
- Ice formation in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Publication in meteorology) by Graydon D Lally, 1973
- Simulation of East Coast cyclogenesis using a primitive equation model coupled with a detailed planetary boundary layer formulation (Publication in meteorology) by CleÌment Chouinard, 1979
- Climatology: Now and henceforth (Publication / University of Maryland, Dept. of Meteorology) by Helmut Erich Landsberg, 1982
- Long wave radiation and total radiation balance at the surface in the Arctic, (McGill University, Montreal. Arctic Meteorology Research Group. Publication in meteorology) by E Vowinckel, 1963
- A spectral baroclinic model including variable static stability (Publication in meteorology) by Leon Ettinger, 1972
- Evaluation of north water spring ice cover from satellite photographs (Publication in meteorology ; no. 101) by P. G Aber, 1971
- A method for calculating synoptic energy budgets, (McGill University, Montreal. Arctic Meteorology Research Group. Publication in meteorology) by E Vowinckel, 1968
- A numerical study of the effects of baroclinicity on diffusion in the planetary boundary layer (Publication no. 76-159 of the Meteorology Program) by Martin W Chandler, 1976
- An analysis of some observations of vertical air velocity components made from an aircraft (Publication / University of Melbourne. Meteorology Department) by R. J Taylor, 1968
- Harmonic representation applied to large scale atmospheric waves (McGill University, Montreal. Arctic Meteorology Research Group. Publication in meteorology) by P. E Merilees, 1966