- The Politics of Marginalization: Poverty and the Rights of the Indigenous People in Mexico.: An article from: Journal of International Affairs by Alina Rocha Menocal, 1998-09-22
- The diverse, the multiple, the different: a no-nonsense statement of resistance from the indigenous people of Oaxaca, Mexico.: An article from: New Internationalist by David Ransom, 2007-05-01
- On the Streets and in the State House; American Indian and Hispanic Women and Environmental Policymaking in New Mexico (Indigenous Peoples and Politics) by Diane-Michele Prindeville, 1980
- The State, Removal and Indigenous Peoples in the United States and Mexico, 1620-2000 (Indigenous Peoples and Politics) by Claudia Haake, 2007-06-15
- Indigenous Writings from the Convent: Negotiating Ethnic Autonomy in Colonial Mexico (First Peoples New Directions in Indigenous Studies) by Mónica DÃaz, 2010-10-01
- Acteal, la versión de cada quien. (masacre a indÃgenas en Chiapas, México)(TT: Acteal, each person's version) (TA: massacre of indigenous people in Chiapas, Mexico): An article from: Siempre! by Jaque Sarmiento, 1998-01-15
- Justicia y ayuda para los chiapanecos. (indÃgenas en Chiapas, México)(TT: Justice and help for the people of Chiapas) (TA: indigenous people in Chiapas, Mexico): An article from: Siempre!
- A virtual killing. (crimes against indigenous people in Chiapas, Mexico): An article from: Arena Magazine by Leanne Reinke, 1998-04-01
- Los derechos de los pueblos indÃgenas. (se pide una reforma constitucional en México)(TT: The rights of the indigenous people) (TA: a constitutional reform ... for in Mexico): An article from: Proceso by Heberto Castillo, 1996-12-01
- La masacre de Acteal. (la masacre contra indÃgenas en Chiapas, México)(TT: The Acteal massacre) (TA: the massacre of indigenous people in Chiapas, Mexico): An article from: Proceso by Carlos Montemayor, 1997-12-28
- Con los indÃgenas o contra ellos. (México)(TT: With the indigenous people or againt them): An article from: Siempre! by Alvaro Cepeda Neri, 1997-10-16
- Indigenous Miracles: Nahua Authority in Colonial Mexico (First Peoples: New Directions in Indigenous Studies) by Edward Osowski, 2010-09-01
- Chiapas: una coperativa indÃgena que funciona bien.(México)(TT: Chiapas: a cooperative of indigenous peoples that functions well.)(TA: Mexico): An article from: Contenido by Andrea Avila, 1999-11-01
- Como conciencia de la sociedad. (masacre de indÃgenas en Acteal, Chiapas, México)(TT: Like society's conscience) (TA: massacre of indigenous people in Acteal, Chiapas, México): An article from: Fem by Mercedes Charles, 1998-02-01