Fayetteville Lincoln County Chamber Of Commerce Organized to support the area s economy and quality of life. Membership information, calendar of events, business and organization directories, and resources for residents and tourists. http://www.fayettevillelincolncountychamber.com/
Cottage Grove Online - Welcome! Community website for the Village and Township of Cottage Grove. Local news, upcoming events, business and organization directory. http://www.cottagegroveonline.com/
Extractions: Home Local News Community Information Community Directory ... Welcome Welcome Cottage Grove "Past and Present" This is a neat feature showing current and past photos from the same area of the Village or Town of Cottage Grove in a side by side comparison. See if you can locate where each photo was taken from for an interesting walk around our community. The feature is brought to you by the Cottage Grove Area Historical Society whose members diligently searched the photo archive and snapped new photos to show what the area looks like in the community today. The Cottage Grove Historical Society has regular meetings for those interested on the History of our Community. Please check out the Historical Society page hosted by Cottage Grove Online READ MORE Do you have a photo that you would like to share with the community? Send you photo to us via Email Community News To add a news item, email your draft article or request to news@cottagegroveonline.com . A member of the Web Site Committee will review your request. Medicare Seminar Oct. 19, 2010