Ornithology Resources Includes information on the major ornithology societies in North America. North American Bird Banding Laboratory Federal Coordinator of all Bird Banding. http://eebweb.arizona.edu/COURSES/Ecol484/resources.html
Extractions: Listed here are a number of web sites with information that might be useful to ornithologists. While we offer them here to help in finding information on birds, bird research, and active bird-related organizations represented on the internet, these are by no means an exhaustive list. Please do not be fooled into thinking that searching these sites will serve as a substitute for doing a thorough literature search in ornithology journals for current research information! For information on scientific references in Ornithology, visit the Reference page. Many of these sites keep extensive listings of related links, so to continue looking, visit their sites.
OOS - News Recent sightings, site guides, the Oxfordshire list, events, and photographs. http://www.oos.org.uk/
Extractions: Ornithological Society Upcoming IOS field trips include the Miller Beach Lakewatch and Jasper-Pulaski Sandhill Cranes on November 21. This is the final field trip of 2010. See the 2010 Field Trip Schedule for more information about IOS sponsored field trips. The Index for Volume 18, Number 1 - 4 of Meadowlark is now available: Meadowlark Index, Volume 18, Number 1 - 4 . A link to the index can also be found on the Meadowlark Journal Information page. The Early Fall 2010 Photo Quiz is now up. An answer will be given in mid October. Interested in monitoring birds in the Chicago area? See The Bird Conservation Network (BCN) Census page to learn how. The Birds of Illinois series has been updated to reflect the recent taxonomic and nomenclatural changes made by the American Ornithologists' Union. New photos added to the Photo Archives page include Burrowing Owl Bewick's Wren , and Swainson's Warbler The 2010 IOS Grant Awards page is now up.
Utah Ornithological Society Bird Records Committee reports, club information, and links. http://www.utahbirds.org/uos/
Borror Laboratory Of Bioacoustics: Links Macaulay Library, Cornell Lab of Ornithology Societies and Journals Acoustical Society of America Animal Behavior Society Bioacoustics (Journal) International Bioacoustics Council http://blb.biosci.ohio-state.edu/links.html
Extractions: Reset password It's Hawkwatch time! DOS sponsors hawkwatches at Cape Henlopen and at the Ashland Nature Center in Yorklyn . Our volunteers spend many hours scanning the skies. All skill levels are welcome to stop by and help in this citizen-based research project. NEW ! The Flyer, newsletter of the DOS, has undergone a transformation to a bold new look under its new editor, Liz Gordon ! And the online version is now in color, and as usual, available to members who log in (look under the "Members" tab after signing in). Click here to see October's Flyer (no login required)! (large file, ~9MB) Like the new format? Like getting it online?
Pemb Ornithology Soc (POS_Oxford) On Twitter One of the hottest ornithology societies in the History of Oxford and, we believe, the world. We are not afraid to tell the truth. We will not be silenced. http://twitter.com/POS_Oxford
Extractions: Have an account? Sign in Username or email Password Remember me Forgot password? Forgot username? Already using Twitter on your phone? Get updates via SMS by texting follow POS_Oxford to in the United States Codes for other countries Two-way (sending and receiving) short codes: Country Code For customers of Australia Canada United Kingdom Indonesia Ireland India Jordan New Zealand United States 1:50 PM Nov 7th via web Exult O deans, and ring O bells! But I, with mournful tread, Walk the quad my Ornithology Society lies, Fallen cold and dead. 12:09 PM Sep 27th via web For finalists flying the nest: If you want a phoenix to rise from the ashes, there comes a point when you must let something burn. Tweet. 4:35 AM Jun 26th via web "Squarktabulous!" "Unputdownablerific!" & "Much better than 'The Bullfrog'" are literally all the reactions to The Birdsheet in this tweet.
Washington Ornithological Society Meetings, field trips, checklists, publications, photo gallery, rare bird alert, and sightings requests. http://www.wos.org/
Extractions: Browse By: Titles Authors Subjects Names ... Year Published In: (Any Language) Arabic Aramaic Bulgarian Burmese Catalan Caucasian (Other) Celtic (Other) Chinese Croation Czech Dakota Danish Dutch English English, Middle Estonian Faroese Finnish French French, Middle French, Old Georgian German Greek Greek, Ancient Gujarati Hebrew Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Irish Italian Japanese Latin Malagasy Malay Multiple Nahuatl Norwegian Ojibwa Polish Portugese Raeto-Romance Romance (Other) Romanian Russian Scottish Gaelic Serbian Spanish Swedish Swiss German Turkish, Ottoman Ukrainian Urdu Yiddish For: (All Contributors) American Museum of Natural History Library Harvard University Herbarium Harvard University, MCZ, Ernst Mayr Library MBLWHOI Library Missouri Botanical Garden Natural History Museum, London New York Botanical Garden Smithsonian Institution Libraries The Field Museum University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Frederick County Chapter Chapter of Maryland Ornithological Society with details of two rarities. http://members.tripod.com/cricketsong/fredcomos.htm
Extractions: Build your own FREE website at Tripod.com Share: Facebook Twitter Digg reddit document.write(lycos_ad['leaderboard']); document.write(lycos_ad['leaderboard2']); F rederick C ounty C hapter M aryland O rnithological S ociety Officers: Dave Smith President Marcia Balestri, Vice-President Nancy Parker, Treasurer Pat Caro, Secretary Doug Parker, Director 2002 � 2003 Schedule UNDER CONSTRUCTION What a great year we have planned. We hope you enjoy every moment. Meetings will be held at Monocacy Elementary School at 7:30 PM in the cafeteria/assembly room (unless school is closed that day). Field Trips will start at the Culler Lake Boathouse ( 2nd Street just west of College Terrace) at unless otherwise noted. County Rarities Bicknell�s thrush September 1999 This page is the property of the Frederick County Chapter of the Maryland Ornithological Society. Sound file property of Wilbur Hershberger For comments or problem please email the web master at:
Data, Surveys & Analyses Gender and Flock membership of three ornithology societies was analyzed over time. The results are presented on the following poster AOU poster.ppt http://advance.usu.edu/surveys.aspx
Extractions: Site Map Contact Us USU Home Calendars ... Resources Home PROMOTE Calendar of Events Committees Faculty Programs Interactive Theatre Resources Diversity Resources Provost's Office Faculty Development and Diversity ADVANCE Institutions National Science Foundation (NSF) Dual Career Women in Academia ADVANCE Library About Us Climate Surveys
Extractions: The Ornithological Society of New Zealand (Inc.) Fostering the Study, Knowledge and Enjoyment of Birds Founded in 1939 the OSNZ was incorporated in 1953 and now has about 1000 financial members world-wide. A feature of OSNZ is the diversity of its membership, which ranges from professional ornithologists and government institutions in New Zealand and overseas through secondary and tertiary students and experienced amateur observers to learners and beginners. No special qualifications are required for admission and membership is open to all who are interested in birds. AIMS CONTACTS JOINING PUBLICATIONS ... GENERAL SOCIETY INFO The banded dotterel Charadrius bicinctus (also known as double-banded plover), is endemic and relatively widespread throughout New Zealand. However, it does migrate to parts of Australia during the winter. This image was taken near Ahuriri Estuary in Hawkes Bay in December 2009. This photo was taken by Brent Stephenson ( www.eco-vista.com
Midcheshireos.co.uk Site Info Ornithology Societies 2 Hartford Village Hall 3 Mid Cheshire 4 Nest Boxes 5 Hartford 6 Village 7 Ornithological Societies Uk 8 Cheshire 9 Acer Laptops 10 Mannequin http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/midcheshireos.co.uk
SECOS South East Cheshire Ornithological Society. http://www.secos.org.uk
Shropshirebirds.com Site Info Venus Pool 4 Ngr 5 Ornithology Societies 6 Shropshire Owl Center 7 Raven Nests 8 Shropshire Owls 9 Shropshire Birds County Recorder 10 Barn Owl Range http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/shropshirebirds.com
Cooper Ornithological Society Organization whose goal is to advance the scientific study of birds and their habitats and support their conservation. http://www.cooper.org/
Today's Food Programme 11 Feb In the case of Avian flu there has been a lot of information for years on the Promed site and the professional ornithology societies as well as articles in magazines. http://www.warmwell.com/newht.html
Extractions: Return to warmwell.com I would like to comment on Professor Oxford's remarks and David Milliband's response. David Milliband and officialdom in general are looking for advice from scientists for their briefing when they should be looking for advice from clinical virologists experienced in outbreak management. With respect to John Oxford he is a scientist but he is not a clinician nor is he a scientist with clinical responsibilities at The Royal London and Barts. The key to a disinterested and balanced briefing for ministers is that the advice should come from someone with clinical experience in outbreaks as well as virus expertise, and this may involve a professional group rather than COBRA. John Oxford has investigated historical outbreaks, the 1918 flu, but not outbreaks in the present where there is a problem now: outbreaks of diarrhoea or respiratory infection, chickenpox, hepatitis B in hospitals or the community and with problems of contact and exposure between individuals and travellers. Human clinical virologists are dealing with these problems everyday. They keep themselves up to date with the literature and with the epidemiology of outbreaks, via the communicable disease surveillance centre and meetings. In the case of Avian flu there has been a lot of information for years on the Promed site and the professional ornithology societies as well as articles in magazines. Is there a veterinary equivalent of the clinical virologist and communicable disease consultant?
Neotropical Ornithology Information about the society and its journal, Ornitologia Neotropical. http://www.ibiologia.unam.mx/links/neo/Neotropical Ornithology.htm
Extractions: English Portuguese Membership A ny person interested in ornithology may become a member of the Neotropical Ornithological Society upon payment of dues. Members of all classes receive ORNITOLOGIA NEOTROPICAL contents of volume 11 ). For those who want to publish an article in the journal, the author instructions are available as a RTF File . Membership dues per calendar year are: Students (with vertification of student's status only): US $18.00; Subscriber from Latin American countries: US $30.00; Subscribers from all other countries: US $42.00; Libraries US $90.00. ORNITOLOGIA NEOTROPICAL of the current year sent by third class mail. If air mail delivery is required, please add US $20.00 to the subscription above. All payments must be to the treasurer in US currency, either by credit card (Visa or Master Card), or by check or international money order drawn on a US bank. A printable membership application form can be found here . Membership applications should be addressed to: Bette A. Loiselle, Treasurer
CURRICULUM VITAE Conference highlights 1,400 ornithologists (30 countries represented; largest ornithology conference ever); six societies including Mexican and Caribbean ornithology societies for http://www.tulane.edu/~env_stud/documents/CV-TWS.pdf