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         Pakistan Geography:     more books (100)
  1. India and Pakistan by Oskar H.K. Spate, Andrew T. Learmouth, 2004-11-30
  2. Initiating Devolution for Service Delivery in Pakistan: Forgetting the Power Structure by Foqia Sadiq, Aasim Akhtar, 2007-12-29
  3. The subcontinent of India;: An introduction to the history, geography, culture, politics and contemporary life of India, Pakistan, and Ceylon by Emil Lengyel, 1963
  4. A History of the People of Pakistan: Toward Independence by Jane Hussain, 2002-07-25
  5. Urban Change and Its Management (Aspects of Applied Geography) by Jim Bruce, Malcolm Macdonald, et all 1996-06-03
  6. Pakistan: An Islamic Treasure (Discovering Our Heritage) by Jabeen Yusufali, 1990-05
  7. We're from Pakistan (Young Explorer: We're from) (Young Explorer: We're from) by Vic Parker, 2005-07-20
  8. Pivot of the Punjab: The historical geography of medieval Gujrat by Abdul Rehman, 1993
  9. An economic geography of East Pakistan by Nafis Ahmad, 1968
  10. The Pakistan Gazetteer: 7 Volume Set (Vol.4)
  12. A Geography of Pakistan by Kazi S. Ahmad, 1964
  13. Pakistan Handbook (Moon Handbooks Pakistan) by Isobel Shaw, 1990-05
  14. Mohajir Militancy in Pakistan: Violence and Transformation in the Karachi Conflict (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series) by Nichola Khan, 2010-05-12

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