Extractions: Our NRHS chapter is dedicated to preserving railroad history, especially that of the Central Florida area. We have an extensive collection of railroad memorabilia, housed at the Central Florida Railroad Museum in the old Tavares and Gulf railroad depot in the historic section of Winter Garden Florida. We invite you to attend our monthly Chapter meetings When Second Monday of each month at 7:00 PM Where Central Florida Railroad Museum 101 S. Boyd Street, Winter Garden, FL 34787 Welcome About Us Calendar Newsletter ... Contact Us
Railroad - Museums - Education Resource - StudySphere Education Portal, Educational Resource for language school, study abroad, education online, education, school, high school, career education, business school, driver education http://www.studysphere.com/education/Transportation-Railroad-Museums-6270.html
The Garrett Historical Society Information about the railroad museum and model railroad club. http://hook.sirus.com/users/tlout/
Extractions: Garrett was (and is The Garrett Historical Society Museum is the former Baltimore and Ohio Railroad freight station. Located along side the CSX Railroad tracks, the station has been restored to reflect a typical rural railroad station of the early 1900's. Here you will find displayed many relics, curios, photographs, and railroad items that tell the story of Garrett's rich history. The basement of the museum is home to the Greater Midcontinent Railroad Company ( GMRC ), an HO scale model railroad layout. Outside are actual passenger cars and a former Chesapeake and Ohio caboose. Other items displayed include the crossing tower which guarded Randolph Street for many years. Across the tracks there are freight cars and an SW3 engine on display. If you are passing through the area, take time to stop by and visit! If you have a school group that would like a tour, give us a call and we can arrange to open the museum for you. The museum is usually open weekends from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM, other times by appointment. Please call ahead for hours. The Garrett Historical Society 302 N. Randolph Street Garrett, Indiana 46738
B-RI Railroad Museum Home General information of museum with photos. Located in Teague, Texas. http://www.therailroadmuseum.com/
Extractions: B-RI Railroad Museum therailroadmuseum.com Hours: 1 - 5:00 PM Saturday and Sunday - Closed major holidays Admission: $2.00 Adults $1.00 Children Call or email for other arrangements on tours and special events. email: adlady@hughes.net Call: 254-739-3411 evenings 254-739-2061 Teague Chamber of Commerce Website last update: May 23, 2009. Welcome to the: 3rd and Elm St. Teague, Tx Home Museum History Museum Photos Teague Hotel ... Teague Hotel Photos
Railroad Museums Top Ranked Railroad Museums. California State Railroad Museum Preserves the history and artifacts of railroading. Includes general information and rail history. http://www.railfaninfo.com/railroad-museums.html
Home Visitor information, store, events, and exhibits. Located in Texas. http://www.galvestonrrmuseum.com/
Railroad Museums Many museums that have steam locomotives are linked from the Surviving Steam Locomotive Database. This page contains those sites that maintain lists of museums. http://www.steamlocomotive.com/misc/museums.shtml
LYNNVILLE RAILROAD MUSEUM Information about this local rail display and other area attractions. http://www.lynnvillerailroadmuseum.com/
Extractions: Railroad Museums Railroad Museums - Fillmore (Ventura) Lomita Railroad Museum - Lomita (L.A.) Orange Empire Railway Museum - Perris (Riverside) San Diego Model Railroad Museum - San Diego Pacific Southwest Railway Museum - Campo (San Diego) Santa Maria Valley Railroad - Santa Maria (Santa Barbara) Travel Town - Los Angeles Western America Railroad Museum - Barstow (San Bern) Other Rail Links Calif. Rails from Above - Photos Electric Railway Historical Assoc. of So. Cal The Red Cars of Los Angeles Mt. Lowe Railway ... Tehachapi Loop - Tehachapi (Kern)
Railroad Museums North Carolina Friendship car in the North Carolina Transportation Museum. http://www.braingarage.com/Dons/Travels/railroad/museums.html
New Home Page Model railroad club based in Amarillo, Texas. http://amarillorailmuseum.com/
Extractions: The new MoPac Airslide hoppers are a hit. We had a lot of people eyeing them at the MPHS annual meetings in Sedalia, Missouri, in October. These are Athearn Classic Series models, and the detail just has to be seen to be believed. Kadee definitely has a rival now! The cars are unnumbered but decals are included. Order soon. Remember, ARM and MPHS members get a 10% discount. You might want to consider signing up as a ARM internet member for $20/year and get 10% off of all our custom cars! New Releases and Featured Products
LogLink - Railroad Museums Links to railroad, rail, trains, and railway museums websites from LogLink. LogLink Logistics Links. A guide to the top sites in the freight transportation and logistics industry http://www.loglink.net/railmuse.htm
Railroad Museums My interest in railroad museums developed when I worked as a volunteer at the Age of Steam Museum in Dallas, Texas, USA, over a period of three years. http://www.innvista.com/culture/travel/rail/introen.htm
Extractions: My interest in railroad museums developed when I worked as a volunteer at the Age of Steam Museum in Dallas, Texas, USA, over a period of three years. Although I was involved in several aspects of the work there, my chief activities were giving school group tours and doing outreach in area public libraries and schools. It was also interesting to meet visitors from every continent in the world. If you have an interest in trains and railroads and live in or near a city where there is a railroad museum, why not offer your services, as time permits? You will work with other volunteers from many professions and vocations. When visiting a city where there is a railroad museum, try to make time to take a tour. There are numerous good webpages with lists of museum URLs for continents, specific countries and regions of the USA. My aim is to provide a good worldwide list. If you know a museum which is not listed, please send me the name of the museum, the name of the city (including state or province, and country), and the URL. Also include your name and your city or town and your source of information for proper acknowledgment. I was planning on including only those museums, excluding tourist railroads, that have at least one locomotive and/or other rolling stock and a webpage. However, this list also includes names of museums that correspondents have sent me or that I have found. Some information is lacking. Can you help? If the URL has changed, type the name of the museum. Also, if you find any errors, please
Extractions: A TIMETABLE TO THE PAST At the center of it all was the New York Central Railroad. Elkhart's National New York Central RR Museum recaptures the days when locomotives were symbols of progress, and ambassadors of goodwill across the country. The Museum was founded in 1987 and is an ever growing preserver of both local and national railroad heritage. Elkhart is a natural home for the museum; its railyard is among America's largest. Then, just as it is today, Elkhart was and is a vital link between East and West during our country's growth. Visitors enter the Museum through a 1915 passenger coach. This area introduces a timeline to the local railroad history beginning in 1833 with the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RR, and tracing it through 1914, when the New York Central gained control of the LSMS. At the end of the coach, the path leads through the Central System Gift Shop and into the Museum's main gallery in an 100 year old freight house complex. Click Here For Museum Hours Model Railroad Day Camps
Railroad Museums I plan on driving from New York to Florida. Does anyone have any suggestions of little known railroad museums along the way? Richard H Kearns (rhenryk3@att.net), December 14 http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=0020mN
�ȳ����� With organization chart, news, railroad museum information, timetable and fares, traveler s information, and related links. http://www.korail.go.kr/eng/
Railroad Museums - USA Diddit, a community where you find things to do, activities, and experiences to have. http://www.diddit.com/list-lbxvfm/railroad-museums-usa/
Extractions: window.fb_api_key="059ea4aed2fe049df116434a39e55ecd"; window.fb_uid=0; ludic.funcs.initAutoComp("suggestion-search"); ludic.funcs.initAutoComp("suggestion-b"); ludic.funcs.initAutoComp("suggestion-c"); Ramona Latham diddit: California State Railroad Museum Have you done it too? Check it off! Get Started: Activities on this list: People doing this list: Top 3 activities on this list: California State ... Colorado Railroad ... Railroad Museums - USA credit: Tobias / Flickr Roaring Camp Railroads credit: Jorge Campos / Flickr Orange Empire Railway Museum credit: William (Bill) Bryan / Flickr National Railroad Museum credit: Wikipedia Western Mining and Railroad Museum credit: Wikipedia an open list started by diddit California State Railroad Museum people have checked off California State Railroad ...
Extractions: The South Coast Railroad Museum, in Goleta, Calif., focuses on the history, technology, and adventure of railroading. Special emphasis is placed on the railroad's contributions to local history, on the Southern Pacific Railroad, and on the key historical role of the railroad depot in rural community life across America. The museum centerpiece is the historic Goleta Depot, a country railroad stationhouse built by the Southern Pacific in 1901 during completion of the Coast Route joining San Francisco and Los Angeles. Goleta Depot is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.