WWF - Global Forest And Trade Network The Network is committed to producing and purchasing forest products from well-managed forests and to supporting independent certification. http://www.panda.org/forestandtrade/
Forests Monitor Contributes to the debate about sustainable forest management by collating and disseminating information on companies operating in the forestry sector around the world. http://www.forestsmonitor.org
PEFC - Pan European Forest Council Promotes an internationally credible framework for forest certification schemes and initiatives in European countries. http://www.pefc.org
Focus On Forests Describes issues facing forests today. Aimed at 11-14 year olds studying for Keystage 3. http://www.focusonforests.org
Kids Saving The Rainforest A nonprofit organization which operates an educational center and reforestation nursery. Includes a kids page of rainforest puzzles and games, http://www.kidssavingtherainforest.org/
New Forest Life Project Restoring Europe s ancient woods, heaths, wetlands and associated wildlife. Project based in the New Forest, Hampshire England. http://www.newforestlife.org.uk/
The Centre For Agricultural Research In Suriname Brief information on the CELOS Forest Management System, Wood technology research and Forest Classification; based in Suriname. http://www.celos.sr.org
European Tropical Forest Research Network Fosters research and public education. Features list of projects, information on workshops, funding opportunities and contacts. http://www.etfrn.org