Da Yooper's Guide To Rockhound EGroups Rockhounding, Geology, Minerals and Mineralology are included in this list. Any Rockhound knowing of another eGroup that is not listed here, please send the web address to http://www.dayooper.com/RockhoundeGroups.htm
Rockhounding SiteSeeks's expert reference section primarily for topics concerning Rockhounding. A compendium of data on the topic. http://www.siteseek.com/Start/Research_and_Scientific/Earth_Sciences/Geology/Roc
YouTube - Garret's World Of Geology 3 Travel Events. Tags Gold Prospecting; Rock Hounding; Geology; Sultan; Goldbar; Index; Skykomish; Rare Earth Elements http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsKdYmeEBXU
RockHounds Helpful Links Resources. WikiPedia What is Rockhounding? Geology.com. Museum of Natural History - Identification Day http://www.pct.edu/library/rockhounds/
Extractions: Home Exhibit FAQ Contact Us An Exhibit That Peers Into The Past Rockhounds is a new exhibit directly from the minds of the Pennsylvania College of Technology. The event will be hosted, on June 10th , by the Madigan Library and is the first such event of its kind! Rockhounds is a one day exhibit that will feature geological items ranging from rocks to minerals to fossils! Be sure to visit the exhibit page. There you will find in-depth information about the upcoming rockhound exhibit. The rockhounds exhibit was a resounding success! We thank you all for making this a big hit. The exhibit had such a good response that we have decided to host it again in the future!
Extractions: Job Title: owner Body type: Athletic Height: 5'2" (157cms) Ethnicity: White / Caucasian Religion: Christian / Other Education: Some College Smoke: No Drink: Socially Beautiful and witty woman. Blonde/blue, trim and fit with healthy habits but still loves a greasy burger or pizza now and then. Attracted to successful and stable men who know what they want and go after it. I play hard and love water, and esp tropical destinations. I have my passport and plan on traveling the world with my man. Looking for a financially stable man who is semi or retired, is able to travel and laughs a lot. A boy at heart melts mine...oh yes..the taller the better..please be at least 6 ft or more. Interests: quads, beaches, sand, warmth, goosebumps, horses, motorcycles, fast cars, boats, sea, ocean, islands, tropical, tan, dogs, wine, dancing, waltz, josh groban, u-2, twitter, football, dallas cowboys, seattle seahawks, soccor, water, rockhounding, geology, dolphins, exploring, sunday drives, iced mocha, sunshine, santa barbara, santa cruz, rocky point mexico, italy, greece, books, dean koontz, broadway, les miserable, cats, fiddler on the roof, coverd bridges, fall leaves in new england, the hamptons, ncis and csi, birds, coffee, fantasies, foreplay Like Don't like Add to Favorites Send a Message Secure Phone Call Send an eVoice Message
Gallery Of Meteorites - Picture Of Shergottite, Martian Meteorite Shergottites are meteorites from Mars. Shergottites are recognized today as pieces of the deep Martian crust. The green color comes from olivine and pigeonite pyroxene. http://geology.about.com/od/meteorites/ig/meteorites/Shergottite--Martian-Meteor
Extractions: zWASL=1;zGRH=1 zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') zDO=0 Home Education Geology Search By Andrew Alden , About.com Guide Shergottites are recognized today as pieces of the deep Martian crust. The green color comes from olivine and pigeonite pyroxene. (more below) of Gallery Index Prev Next Naturhistorisches Museum Bern Shergottite is among the rarest of meteorites. Shergottite consists mostly of olivine , the pyroxene mineral pigeonite, and plagioclase feldspar , making it a basalt. Such a rock can only form in a differentiated body, that is, a fairly sizable planet. From studies of its age (much younger than other meteorites) and its gas inclusions (which precisely match the composition of the martian atmosphere), we know that the planet in question is Mars. Here's more about this stone , officially named Sayh al Uhaymir 094. Shergottites get their name from the Indian village of Shergotty (Shergahti) in Bihar state, where a dark boulder fell from space on the morning of August 25, 1865.
Contra Costa Mineral & Gem Society, Welcome Call it crystallography, rockhounding, geology, or earth science. In a word, we love rocks! It's rockology Sharing the Gem. CCM GS members enjoy a bountiful array of educational http://ccmgs.org/about_us/index.html
DNR Map & Bookstore Rockhounding, Geology Mining. Dinosaurs Fossils; Geology; Minerals; Identification Field Guide; Rockhounding; Prospecting; Mining; Navigation, First Aid Knots http://www.mapstore.utah.gov/
Mike Capps - Mojave Underground Utah (Orem, UT) - Meetup Social Networking, Dining Out, Rockhounding, Geology, Crystal Studying, Mineral Exploration, Rock and Mineral Collecting, Urban Exploration, Show more http://www.meetup.com/Mojave-Underground/members/6632039/
Extractions: document.body.className += (!document.body.className) ? 'hasJS' : ' hasJS'; Title: Co-Founder Social Networking Dining Out ... Show less... This member chose not to make their Meetup membership information public. Orem UT USA March 4, 2008 Hey everyone! Well, born in Idaho, raised on a farm, co-founder of Mojave Underground. Love Offroading, Photography, Mines, Caves, and the like. They call me the Fish around these parts. No answer yet Mojave Underground helps the average responsible adult have the opportunity to get underground in abandoned mines to see the sights, smell the smells, and feel the history that made the west what it was. Post a Greeting for Mike Capps You must be signed in to post a Greeting.
Datebook For Aug. 26-27 - ContraCostaTimes.com Open to all with interests in rock hounding, geology and the lapidary arts. Centre Concord, 5298 Clayton Road. 925674-7055, www.ccmgs.org. Creekside Artists Guild 7-830 p.m http://www.contracostatimes.com/concord/ci_15890892
Extractions: From the Common to the Uncommon Visit our storefront in Wisconsin Hours - Mon. thru Fri. - 10:00 to 6:00 Sat. 9:00 to 5:00 - Sun. Noon to 4:00 open everyday for your convenience! We specialize in mineral specimens fossils lapidary equipment 6/8/10 Update: Huge Dealer Buy-out! Loads of new gemstones and minerals including rare and hard-to-find specimens! In addition, our customers are guaranteed to find unique gifts from around the world, such as stone carvings, chess sets, book ends, wind chimes and more. We also carry Fair-Trade and earth-friendly gifts. Our mission is to spread interest in the earth sciences and lapidary to as many people as possible and help to make everyone aware of the beauty and complexity of our mutual earth-home and the heavens above us
Photography Three Springs Handworks Information Photography by Ruth Stennett. The late Ruth Stennett's work blends rockhounding/geology/gemology and photography to produce abstract art. http://www.3springshandworks.com/Rocks.htm
Extractions: Links The late Ruth Stennett's work blends rockhounding/geology/gemology and photography to produce abstract art. She uses macro lenses and creative lighting conditions to show off the incredible colors and textures to be found in thin slabs of rock. The typical scale of her typical work is shown in the photo at left below, while the finished photo appears on the right. (By the way, it is a flat slab.) Click the thumbnails to display a larger image. Front lighting and back lighting reveal very different aspects in geodes, quartz, and other translucent crystalline structures. Compare the two photos of the thunder egg slab below. The shot on the left was taken with front lighting only, while the one on the right uses back lighting. The front and back of the same slab can be quite different, as demonstrated by the two photos below of a piece of carnelian agate: Other slabs, when photographed, fool the eye completely. Who would believe at first glance that the image below is a photograph of a flat surface (a piece of rutilated quartz)? Ruth's book Hidden Beauty: The Art of Gemstone Photography (ISBN 1-56044-268-9) contains a wealth of images. Click
Innovative Idea Award Ingenious community education course offerings, examples of these courses Deer Hunting, Social Networking, Rock Hounding Geology for Fun, and Lessons from Vietnam. http://www.mpcc.edu/pdfs/Innovative Ideas - Don Davis.pdf
Rock Collecting Sites Rockhounding Geology of Virginia http//geollab.jmu.edu/vageol/outreach/rockhound.html; Washington (Rock Collecting Sites) http//www.nb.net/~downs/sites/wa.htm http://www.42explore.com/rocks2.htm
Extractions: Canadian Rockhound http://www.canadianrockhound.com/ Mineralogy of Nova Scotia (Canada) http://is2.dal.ca/~dommelen/mainrock.htm l http://www.ssc.on.ca/mandm/mshhome.html Rock Collecting Sites: Ontario, Canada http://www.nb.net/~downs/sites/canada.htm Rock Collecting Sites (Ontario, Canada) http://www.cgocable.net/~hubbeard/mine.htm Mineral Collecting at Bancroft area (Canada) http://www.commerce.bancroft.on.ca/collect.htm Rock Collecting Sites (North America) http://www.nb.net/~downs/sites/sites.htm http://www.rockhounds.com/rockshop/siteindx.html#az (Southwestern States) http://www.desertusa.com/Thingstodo/du_ttd_treasure.html Fossil Collecting sites in North America at The Fossil Hunter http://www.iwaynet.net/~mperona/fossil.htm Rock Collecting Around the USA - State by State http://www.gemandmineral.com/states.html
Extractions: And Common Sense For All Seasons Cowboy Poetry and Barn Sour Verse My book Cowboy Poetry, and Barn Sour Verse stories, are from happenings, incidents, and remembrances, in truth and zest, which my active life has dished up. Many selections have explanations, as to what keyed the writings. Notations clarify cowboy terminology, Cowboy Poetry often memorized, and recited for others entertainment as passed down through generations Barn Sour Verse Book includes Biographical resume; Content pages; Index pages; Individual list pages (those connections, which caused writings to spark). As my years advanced, some of my poems have been allowed me to poke fun, and jostle my age. Click here for the rest of the story...
Log Slide Overlook - Michigan's Upper Peninsula Agates, rockhounding, geology, commercial fishing, and the selfsufficient local lifestyle after the lumber company left – Karen Bryzs's heartfelt museum tells these stories http://hunts-upguide.com/grand_marais_log_slide_overlook.html
Extractions: A new edition of Hunts' Mapguide to Michigan's Upper Peninsula . Over 300 entries, all conveniently located on maps and chosen because we think they are the coolest things to do in the U.P. (No ad tie-ins!) Great choices for restaurants, hikes, shops, adventures, museums, boat trips, waterfalls, vistas, road trips, and much more! To learn more click UP MAP GUIDE Pickle Barrel Museum. A summer house in two giant barrels for the creator of the long-lived Teenie Weenie cartoons. Now saved from rot and open to the public with historical displays and period rooms circa 1930. ... more The Campbell Street Gallery. Much of the space in this restored frame building is given over to owner Maeve Croghan's vivid expressionist landscapes, reminiscent of Canada's Group of Seven ... more Agates, rockhounding, geology, commercial fishing, and the self-sufficient local lifestyle after the lumber company left � Karen Bryzs's heartfelt museum tells these stories ... more Marketplace.
Extractions: Search Forums Show Threads Show Posts Advanced Search Search Blogs Advanced Search Go to Page... Welcome to City-Data.com forum! Make sure to register - it's free and very quick! You have to register before you can post and participate in our discussions with 900,000 other registered members. User profiles and some forums can only be seen by registered members. After you create your free account you will be able to customize many options, you will have the full access to over 15,000 posts/day about local topics and you will see fewer ads. Tell me about Socorro. Seems to be a number of 'tell me about..." threads so I though I'd add Socorro to the list. We visited a couple of years ago during a recon trip around southwest NM. We were favorably impresed by the city and would appreciate what other people think of the area. Thank you in advance.
Grand Marais Agate Beach - Michigan's Upper Peninsula Agates, rockhounding, geology, commercial fishing, and the selfsufficient local lifestyle after the lumber company left – Karen Bryzs's heartfelt museum tells these stories http://hunts-upguide.com/grand_marais_grand_marais_agate_beach.html
Extractions: A new edition of Hunts' Mapguide to Michigan's Upper Peninsula . Over 300 entries, all conveniently located on maps and chosen because we think they are the coolest things to do in the U.P. (No ad tie-ins!) Great choices for restaurants, hikes, shops, adventures, museums, boat trips, waterfalls, vistas, road trips, and much more! To learn more click UP MAP GUIDE Pickle Barrel Museum. A summer house in two giant barrels for the creator of the long-lived Teenie Weenie cartoons. Now saved from rot and open to the public with historical displays and period rooms circa 1930. ... more The Campbell Street Gallery. Much of the space in this restored frame building is given over to owner Maeve Croghan's vivid expressionist landscapes, reminiscent of Canada's Group of Seven ... more Agates, rockhounding, geology, commercial fishing, and the self-sufficient local lifestyle after the lumber company left � Karen Bryzs's heartfelt museum tells these stories ... more Marketplace.