Extractions: Truancy Prevention Through Mediation Program: An Overview Truancy is the first public indication that a child is "at risk" and is an early indicator of juvenile delinquency. The premise of the Truancy Prevention Through Mediation Project (the Project) is that mediation can be an effective means to improve school attendance and to avert juvenile delinquency. Mediation is a process that provides a neutral third party to help parties discuss and resolve issues. The mediation process provides a non-threatening opportunity for school personnel and families to identify and discuss the issues around a child's unexcused absences and to develop mutually acceptable solutions. Thanks to a grant from the Office of Criminal Justice Services the effectiveness of the Project has been evaluated. During the 1998-99 school year, 12 schools in three counties participated in the Project. Lucas county conducted the highest number of mediations followed by Stark and Delaware. All parties in the mediations (mediators, school representatives, and parents) were asked to complete surveys prior to and immediately following the mediation. Over 90% of the parties involved in the mediation completed a survey. From these surveys, data was collected for 212 mediations. These data show that significant gains occurred for the students both in terms of increasing attendance and reducing tardiness.
Truancy Prevention | Nebo School District The constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself. http://www.nebo.edu/student_services/truancy
Truancy Prevention Program « Shenandoah County Truancy Prevention Truancy Prevention Program. MISSION STATEMENT. The Shenandoah County Truancy Prevention Programs’ goal is to reduce truancy, improve academic achievement, and strengthen truant’s http://truancyprevention.wordpress.com/prevention-plan/
Extractions: @import url( http://s1.wp.com/wp-content/themes/pub/almost-spring/style.css?m=1274400606g ); @import url( http://truancyprevention.wordpress.com/wp-content/themes/livesearch.css ); MISSION STATEMENT GOALS OF TRUANCY PREVENTION THE PROCESS If the child continues to absent and has accumulated 7 full day absences which are unjustified/unexcused, the child will be forwarded to the Truancy Officer. The Truancy Officer will consider all of the information on a case by case basis to be sent to an IDT (Interdisciplinary Team) meeting. If the child is absent one more day after the IDT meeting, by VA Code 16.1-228, a complaint must be filed with the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court allegeing the pupil is a child in need of supervision (CHINS). A court date then will be set and the parent and child will have to appear before the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Judge. You must be logged in to post a comment. Register Log in Entries RSS ... WordPress.com
Truancy Prevention Initiative - Louisiana Recovery School District There is a direct link between student achievement and regular school attendance. Improving school attendance is crucial to closing the achievement gap that many students face. http://www.rsdla.net/StudentsAndFamilies/TruancyPrevention.aspx
Extractions: There is a direct link between student achievement and regular school attendance. Improving school attendance is crucial to closing the achievement gap that many students face.  The District’s approach to truancy prevention involves both early intervention and an aggressive truancy prevention program that holds students and parents accountable for skipping school. Parents can join us in our efforts by talking with their children about the importance of regular school attendance and the consequences of truancy. Working together, we can ensure that all of the children have a safe and productive school year. 2008-2009 Attendance Improvement Protocol Truancy Center The Recovery School District Truancy Center, located at 639 S. Rendon St.,  is staffed from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. by RSD social workers. The Truancy Center is under the domain of the Recovery School District, and seeks to realize and enforce the laws and regulations as set forth in Louisiana Revised Statutes Title 17, Sections 221 and 232, as well as, Municipal Court Ordinances 54-414, 54-415, 54-416. The Truancy Center works in collaboration with the RSD Department of Social Work/Behavioral Health Services, RSD school-site administrators, City of New Orleans Municipal Court, Families in Need of Services (FINS), New Orleans Truancy Assessment and Services Center (NOTASC
SCOE: Resources: For Administrators: Truancy Prevention The mission of the Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE) is to foster student success through service to students, schools, and the community. http://www.scoe.org/pub/htdocs/truancy-prevention.html
Extractions: Regular school attendance is essential for success in school and all students should be at their school when it is in session. California’s compulsory education law requires young people between the ages of 6 and 18 to attend school. Chronic absenteeism, especially truancy, creates problems for students, schools, and communities. The Sonoma County Office of Education, local school districts, and the Sonoma County District Attorney have established a Truancy Mediation Program to reduce truancy in Sonoma County. School Attendance Review Boards Throughout the county, district School Attendance Review Boards (SARBs) coordinate efforts to keep students in school and give them a meaningful educational experience. The Sonoma County Office of Education facilitates the Sonoma County SARB, a county-level body that develops policy and provides support and technical assistance to improve school attendance. The Sonoma County SARB encourages the cooperation, coordination, and development of strategies with the District Attorney’s Office, County Probation Department, and Human Services to support local SARBs and their efforts to meet the needs of students with school attendance or behavior problems. Representatives from schools, law enforcement, probation, social services, parents, and youth-serving agencies serve as members of the county-level SARB. Meetings are held quarterly.
Truancy And Dropout Prevention Program Introduction. The Truancy and dropout Prevention Program describes a oneyear pilot program conducted at Sabal Palm elementary School in Tallahassee, Florida. http://www.fsu.edu/~truancy/program.html
Extractions: Truancy and Dropout Prevention Program Introduction The Truancy and dropout Prevention Program describes a one-year pilot program conducted at Sabal Palm elementary School in Tallahassee, Florida. The program was designed to take a problem solving approach to meet the unique needs of that particular school in solving the problems of poor achievement, low parental involvement, student disengagement, and high absenteeism, leading to eventual dropping out of school. After an in depth needs assessment, it was determined that we could best impact truancy by addressing four primary areas: School Discipline Routines and Procedures Community Volunteerism Parental Involvement The following describes our program at Sabal Palm elementary school, with an emphasis on providing information in a way that it can be generalized to other schools. We have also attempted to provide a significant amount of information regarding general research in the area of truancy, other programs that we have reviewed, and links to additional resources for both teachers and parents. Funding This project is funded by a grant from the Student Support Services Project: A collaborative project of the Florida Department of Education and the University of South Florida.
Truancy Prevention Programs Truancy Prevention Programs What Is The Truancy Prevention Program?The Truancy Prevention Program is an early intervention program operated collaboratively by the Allegheny http://www.aiu3.net/Level3.aspx?id=360
Philly SOS-Program Details For Truancy Prevention LCFS is contracted by the Philadelphia Department of Human Services of Community Based Prevention and Deliquency Programs as well as the Philadelphia SChool District to visit http://www.phillysos.org/ServiceDetails.asp?serviceID=2015840398
Truancy Prevention In Action Series | National Dropout Prevention Center/Network This series should be of use to several audiences those who want to build political will to initiate a truancy reduction program; practitioners who work with struggling students. http://www.dropoutprevention.org/publications/truancy-prevention-in-action-serie
Extractions: Search this site: Browse this Web site's content by topic Philadelphia, PA November 14 - 17, 2010 Myrtle Beach, SC February 20 - 23, 2011 Username: Password: Home Publications This series should be of use to several audiences: those who want to build political will to initiate a truancy reduction program; practitioners who work with struggling students. School, community, and court representatives will find the section relating to their particular areas beneficial; and scholars will find a ready-made research agenda. Members of the National Dropout Prevention Network save on all publication purchases.
NCSE - National Center For School Engagement truancy prevention Truancy Prevention Program Truancy Prevention Specialist Truancy Prevention Through Mediation Truancy Program Truancy Protocol Truancy Reduction Intervention http://truancyprevention.org/truancypreventionregistry/index.cfm?fuseaction=prog
DHSTruancy Prevention Programs To make a referral or learn more about Prevention Services call 215683-4000 DHS’ office of Truancy and Delinquency Prevention is responsible for developing and implementing a http://dhs.phila.gov/dhsphilagovp.nsf/Content/Prevention-TruancyPreventionProgra
Shenandoah County Public Schools - Truancy Prevention Program Truancy Prevention Program MISSION STATEMENT. The Shenandoah County Truancy Prevention Programs' goal is to reduce truancy, improve academic achievement, and strengthen truant http://www.shenandoah.k12.va.us/v.php?pg=139
Pennsylvania Truancy Toolkit Truancy prevention plenary to be held at the 2008 Safe Schools Conference On May 7, 2008, Judge Joan Byer, current president of the National Truancy Prevention Association, will be http://www.patruancytoolkit.info/
Extractions: SCOE Employee Center ... For Administrators RESOURCES For the Classroom For Administrators Truancy Prevention The goal of the Sonoma County Truancy Mediation Program is to reduce the number of truancies in the county by promoting cooperation among agencies, improving resources to support schools in meeting the needs of students and families, holding parents and students responsible for regular school attendance, and educating the community on the issue of truancy and its cost to children and society. Background and Need for the Program Compulsory education requires that young people attend school, but every day in Sonoma County a significant number of students choose "to play hooky." While the term "playing" connotes a harmless game, truancy is illegal and its effects in the county are far-reaching. Truancy affects not only the student, but also the school and ultimately the community. Irregular attendance for individual students means that they fail to learn what is needed to compete in the employment market. Schools suffer the loss of state and federal funding. Society pays in monetary terms through escalated daytime burglaries and other crimes, costs to businesses for re- education and retraining, and costs of incarceration for those truants who also turn to patterns of delinquency and crime. The loss of self-esteem and waste of underdeveloped potential are beyond price. School attendance was identified, in 1996, as one of the most important issues facing education in Sonoma County. It was determined that efforts to prevent truancy must be the collaborative responsibility of educators, law enforcement, parents, and community members. The Sonoma County Office of Education, local school districts, and the Sonoma County District Attorney partnered to initiate a variety of approaches to improve school attendance in Sonoma County, both rehabilitative and punitive.
Cowley County Youth Services The official website for Cowley County in South Central Kansas. Cowley is located 135 miles west of the Missouri state line and touches the Oklahoma border. Our county seat is in http://www.cowleycounty.org/youthservices/truancy.htm
Truancy Prevention Association TRUANCY PREVENTION IN ACTION BEST PRACTICES AND MODEL TRUANCY PROGRAMS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY National Center for School Engagement July 2005 An initiative of the Colorado Foundation for http://truancypreventionassociation.com/
Extractions: BNET Log In Join Search Funding is key You won't see improvements in public school education if you can't get the kids to class While simply throwing money at a problem won't make it magically disappear, funding can make a difference. Take Highland Park High School and its truancy prevention officer. Fred Willer goes the extra mile - literally - to get kids to school, whether that means handing out bus passes, picking up youngsters himself or even taking them to get the immunizations required to be in school. As a result, the number of truants at Highland Park has dropped from 30 at the same point last year to 12 so far this year. The reverse is true at Topeka High School, says Jim Glass, Unified School District 501's truancy officer. At THS, the district had to eliminate a job similar to Willer's in January after losing grant funding. So far this school year, Topeka High has had 157 truancies. The key to improving the truancy problem is prevention, but funding for such programs is limited - maybe even nonexistent.
Children & Families First - Teens - Truancy The goals are to improve school attendance and reduce the risks that contribute to truancy. Prevention. School personnel identify middle school youth, ages 914, who are at-risk for http://www.cffde.org/truancy.htm
Extractions: @import url("css/styles.css"); @import url("css/tinymce_content_custom.css"); @import url("js/lightwindow/css/lightwindow.css"); @import url("admin/css/editbar.css"); @import url("admin/css/aForm.css"); @import url("css/print.css"); The Truancy Program includes Prevention, Early Intervention and Treatment services for youth who are frequently absent or late to school. The goals are to improve school attendance and reduce the risks that contribute to truancy. School personnel identify middle school youth, ages 9-14, who are at-risk for truancy. Counselors use a nationally recognized character development curriculum, Keys To Innervisions. The program: Student participation is contingent on parental permission. Youth complete a pre- and post-test. If appropriate, referrals for counseling or other services may be made.
PolicyOptions Wiki / Truancy Prevention Initial categories taken from ERIC Clearinghouse Report. Strict Laws Regulations Take Parents Child to Court; InSchool Programs; Computer Technology http://policyoptions.pbworks.com/Truancy-Prevention
New Life-The Truancy Prevention Program The Truancy Prevention Program . New Life’s Truancy Prevention Program was established as a result of an initiative of the Chester County Department of Children, Youth and http://www.newlifeyouthandfamilyservices.org/Web Site 9-7-2004/truancy.htm
Extractions: The Truancy Prevention Program New Life’s Truancy Prevention Program was established as a result of an initiative of the Chester County Department of Children, Youth and Families due to an increasing truancy problem. New Life’s Truancy Prevention Program offers strength-based counseling for children and families by highlighting the importance of education as a key to the child’s success in all aspects of life. Absenteeism can interfere with a child’s potential success. Truancy can cause delays in learning, social skills, and ultimately, can result in legal involvement. In order to avoid these negative consequences, the Truancy Prevention Program provides strategies to improve attendance, school performance and negative habit that may further the pattern of truancy. Services Offered: Two week family assessment of strengths and weaknesses. Individualized goal plan tailored to meet each family’s specific needs. Services for a minimum of 12 weeks. Counseling takes place in the home, school and community. Family and individual counseling.