Extractions: People who searched for spanish certification found the following information relevant and useful. November 16, 2010 Fluency in the Spanish language will give you a career boost in many fields, including business, health care, law enforcement, government and education. Hispanics currently comprise almost 15 percent of the American population, meaning that over 40 million Americans speak Spanish at home, making fluency in the language a vital skill for job seekers. Get the Flash Player to see the Spanish Language Professions Video: Career Options for a Degree in Spanish Spanish Language Professions Video: Career Options for a Degree in Spanish Get the Flash Player to see the Teacher Certification Video: Earning a Teaching Certification or Teaching Credential Teacher Certification Video: Earning a Teaching Certification or Teaching Credential People whose work frequently puts them in contact with Spanish-speaking people or individuals who... Master's degree programs in Spanish are rarely offered online due to a strong need for...
Extractions: www.uwgb.edu search uwgb.edu departments Education: Ph.D. in Curriculum, Teaching, and Educational Policy with an emphasis in Science Education from Michigan State University in August, 2003 Certification: Wisconsin Teacher Certification No. 27-601 Broadfield Science, 27-610 Chemistry, and 27-625 Physics Professional Experience: Teaching 8/03-Present Assistant Professor, Science Education University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Green Bay, WI - Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in science education, environmental education, and research methodology 8/02-8/03 Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Science Education Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, IL - Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in mathematics and science education
Biology - Broad Field Science - Major - Admissions - UW-Superior Students who plan to become teachers must also complete the Wisconsin teacher certification requirements through the university's Teacher Education Department. http://www.uwsuper.edu/acaddept/naturalsciences/facts/biology---broad-field-scie
Extractions: People searching for wisconsin teaching certificate found the following information relevant and useful. November 16, 2010 In order to become a teacher, most states require students to have a formal undergraduate education and complete a credential program. Depending upon the state, some potential teachers may also have to take standardized tests to show proficiency in subjects such as English, math and science. Get the Flash Player to see the Substitute Teaching Video: Becoming a Substitute Teacher Substitute Teaching Video: Becoming a Substitute Teacher Get the Flash Player to see the Distance Learning Teacher Video: Educational Requirements for Teaching Over the Internet Distance Learning Teacher Video: Educational Requirements for Teaching Over the Internet Teaching Certificate programs are offered to graduate, professional, and post-doctoral students... For students wishing to pursue a career in the field of teaching, there are several options at...
Substitute Teacher Application Process - Human Resources - Kenosha Unified Schoo Partial tuition reimbursement for those enrolled in a Wisconsin Teacher Certification Program; The opportunity to work in clusters (i.e. elementary, middle school, high school) http://www.kusd.edu/departments/human_resources/appl_process/substitute_info.htm
Extractions: @import url(/css/internal.css); @import url(/css/internal_nav.css); @import url(/css/hr.css); A-Z Index Contact Us KUSD KUSD Home Page ... Hours of the School Day More + More + Front Page DPI Kenosha Band Boosters Kenosha Orchestra Boosters ... Web Design HR Jobs Benefits Salary ... Staff Selection and Hiring Policy (PDF) Substitute Teacher Application Process Teacher Position Requirements Employee Handbook (PDF) Boundary and Legal Issues Regarding Student Contact (PDF) Human Resources Staff (PDF) Employee Online (check stubs, etc.) Completed application (use Online Application Form) Please present 3 letters of recommendation, resume and transcripts(s) during your interview Qualified applicants will possess Wisconsin teacher certification and/or a Bachelor's Degree. PAY SCHEDULE 2008-2009 Unlimited $133.55/day $19.08/hour Limited $114.52/day $16.36/hour Long Term $173.12/day $24.73/hour Partial tuition reimbursement for those enrolled in a Wisconsin Teacher Certification Program The opportunity to work in clusters (i.e. elementary, middle school, high school)
Undergrad/Grad Catalogs by code letters preceding each program title are — (M) Undergraduate Major — (m) Minor — (t) leads to Wisconsin teacher certification http://www.uwlax.edu/records/UGCat/03-05/UG-Cat/probycol2.html