Caesar, Gaius Julius - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Caesar, Gaius Julius (100–44 BC) Roman general and dictator, considered Rome's most successful military commander. He formed with Pompey the Great and Marcus Licinius Crassus (the, Gaius Julius
Ancient Rome Rome Julius Caesar Gaius Julius Caesar SUPER! Julius Caesar Historical Background The Landings of Caesar in Britain, 55 and 54 BC - More on Caesar's military command in
Caesars Ermordung Beschreibt die Situation in Rom 45 und 44 v. Chr. nach dem beendeten B rgerkrieg Das Wirken des Diktators Caesar, der republikanische Widerstand und schlie lich die Ermordung des Alleinherrschers stehen dabei im Mittelpunkt.
Extractions: Es ist ruhig in Rom, da verbreitet sich am späten Vormittag eine unglaubliche Botschaft wie ein Lauffeuer: Der Imperator Caesar wurde ermordet! Die Bevölkerung gerät in Panik. Krawalle erschüttern die Stadt. Unschuldige werden massakriert, Häuser verwüstet. Die Senatoren verstecken sich. Die Veteranen besetzen das Forum. Es dauert Tage, bis die Senatorenschaft die Stadt wieder halbwegs beruhigen kann. Ein Jahr zuvor hatte Caesar den Bürgerkrieg erfolgreich beendet. Scheinbar nichts stand ihm mehr im Wege, fast niemand wagte noch, ihm die Stirn zu bieten. Er war alleiniger Consul und Dictator zugleich, ebenso oberster Priester und Sittenwächter. Nun endlich - so glaubte Caesar - kam ihm die Anerkennung zu, die der Dignitas, der Ehre eines Mannes von ältestem römischem Adel und Siegers über Gallien zustand.
Julius Caesar - Einleitung Nach einer Einf hrung, die die Zeit vom Triumvirat bis zum Ausbruch des B rgerkrieges behandelt, besch ftigt sich die Hausarbeit mit mehreren Aspekten der Alleinherrschaft des gro en R mers und Gallienbezwingers.
Extractions: von Björn Böhling Impressum Diese schriftliche Hausarbeit schließt unmittelbar an das mündliche Referat im Hauptseminar Alte Geschichte am Fachbereich Philosophie und Geschichtswissenschaft der Universität Hamburg an. Im Seminar wurde im Rahmen der Untersuchung des Untergangs der römischen Republik auch die Frage der Rolle Caesars aufgeworfen und in besagtem Referat speziell auf die Frage eingegangen, inwieweit Caesar seine diktatorische Herrschaft in eine monarchische umzuwandeln gedachte, welche konkreten Beweise für daraus entstandene Thesen zu finden sind und ob er dies überhaupt im Sinn hatte. Diese Fragestellung soll auch Hauptbestandteil dieser schriftlichen Arbeit sein, nachdem sie im Referat weder inhaltlich noch zeitlich befriedigend behandelt werden konnte. Die Darstellung bezieht sich auf den Zeitraum des ‚Ersten Triumvirats’ bis zu Caesars Ermordung im März 44 v.Chr. und schließt den späteren Übergang von der Republik zum Prinzipat des Augustus aus. Caesars Handeln und Streben, oder auch sein Unterlassen, soll hier im Mittelpunkt stehen und nachvollzogen werden. Die Quellenlage zu dieser speziellen Fragestellung ist als äußerst dürftig zu bezeichnen. Zwar stellen viele antike Autoren Caesars Wirken bis zur Alleinherrschaft im Rahmen einer Römischen Geschichte dar, doch zu der obigen Fragestellung ist es – wie noch gezeigt wird – äußerst schwierig, passende Antworten zu finden. Cassius Dio, Sueton und Plutarch sind hier hauptsächlich zu nennen. Die Literaturlage ist dagegen als reichlich zu bewerten. Ob dies hier allerdings eher positiv als negativ zu beurteilen ist, wird sich im Laufe der Arbeit zeigen. Im Großen und Ganzen lässt sich bei vielen Althistorikern etwas zu der Fragestellung finden, das Literaturverzeichnis stellt einige hier behandelte Werke vor.
The Gallic War - Caesar, Gaius Julius Libro de Caesar, Gaius Julius Harvard University Press 9780674990807 30,10 €. Caesar left wonderfully detailed accounts of his strategies and campaigns. The eight books collected
CAESAR (100 - 44 V.Chr.) Ausf hrlich dargestellt wird in 10 Kapiteln die Geschichte der R mischen Republik von 133 v. Chr. (Volkstribunat des Gracchus) bis 44 v. Chr. (Iden des M rz), wobei schwerpunktm ig die Rolle Caesars behandelt wird.
Extractions: Bei der Erstellung dieser Seite war mir vor allem Herr Peter Mühlan behilflich, der meine Seiten der dringend notwendigen Korrektur unterzogen hat und sie auch sonst verbessert und ergänzt hat. Ich möchte mich auch bei allen anderen bedanken, die mit konstruktiver Kritik zur Verbesserung der Qualität dieser Seiten beigetragen haben. FORUM Hannibal. Jugurtha. Marius. ... powered by layline
Julius Caesar - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Gaius Julius Caesar (13 July 100 BC – 15 March 44 BC) was a Roman general and statesman. He played a critical role in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire.
Extractions: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   (Redirected from Julius caesar Jump to: navigation search For other uses, see Julius Caesar (disambiguation) Gaius Julius Caesar Consul Dictator of the Roman Republic The "Tusculum portrait", possibly the only surviving bust of Caesar made during his lifetime. Reign October 49 BC – Augustus 63 BC – 14 AD (grand-nephew, posthumously adopted as Caesar's son in 44 BC) Royal House Julio-Claudian Father Gaius Julius Cæsar Mother Aurelia Cotta Gaius Julius Caesar (13 July 100 BC – 15 March 44 BC) was a Roman general and statesman . He played a critical role in the gradual transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire In 60 BC, Caesar entered into a political alliance with Crassus and Pompey that was to dominate Roman politics for several years. Their attempts to amass power for themselves through
Quotations ATTRIBUTION Julius Caesar Gaius Julius Caesar (100–44 B.C.), Roman general, political leader, and first Roman dictator, and first Roman dictator.
Julius Caesar People Menu. Caesar, Gaius Julius. 100 44 B.C.E. Gaius Julius Caesar was born 12 July, 100 BC. He was an only child in a family that traced its lineage back to Iulus, the son
Extractions: People People Menu 100 - 44 B.C.E. Gaius Julius Caesar was born 12 July, 100 BC. He was an only child in a family that traced its lineage back to Iulus, the son of Aeneas. Thus the Julian clan claimes descent from Venus, mother of Aeneas. Caesar had an upbringing similar to other patrician boys of the epoque. His father was often away in military service and his mother, Aurelia, was a stern Roman matron. He studied in the grammatica with such notables as Marcus and Quintus Tullius Cicero. He followed the traditional path of study in rhetoric, oratory, philosophy, literature, Greek and music. After his studies in Rome he traveled to the island of Rhodes to study with the famous orator Molo. Land ownership was a constant subject of political debate. Small farmers were unable to maintain their property and had to sell their holdings to the large conglomerates (latifundi) run by patricians. There was much heated argument about whether there should be a general redistribution of land. The concern for land reform took on new urgency when Caesar's uncle, Marius, became consul for the first time (he would be consul seven times in all). Until Marius' time, a prospective soldier had to own land and have sufficient funds to find a place in the military because he had to buy his own supplies and necessary gear. Further, when a veteran mustered out he had his own farm and occupation to return to. He would not become an out-of-work soldier, trained to fight and sufficiently skilled to start a rebellion.
Gaius Caesar: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article Gaius Julius Caesar most commonly refers to* Gaius Julius Caesar , conqueror of Gaul and Roman dictator.Others with the name include* Gaius Julius Caesar I, son of Sextus Julius
Extractions: Home Discussion Topics Dictionary ... Login Gaius Caesar Overview See also Gaius Julius Caesar Gaius Julius Caesar Gaius Julius Caesar most commonly refers to:* Gaius Julius Caesar , conqueror of Gaul and Roman dictator.Others with the name include:* Gaius Julius Caesar I, son of Sextus Julius Caesar I... Gaius Julius Caesar (20 BC - AD 4), most commonly known as Gaius Caesar or Caius Caesar , was the oldest son of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa was a Roman statesman and general. He was a close friend, son-in-law, lieutenant and defense minister to Octavian, the future emperor Caesar Augustus... .. He was born between 14 August and 13 September 20 BC or according to other sources in 23 September 20 BC with the name Gaius Vipsanius Agrippa , but when he was adopted by his maternal grandfather Roman Emperor Roman Emperor The Roman Emperor was the ruler of the Roman State during the imperial period . The Romans had no single term for the office: Latin titles such as imperator , augustus, caesar and princeps were all associated with it...
Julius Caesar HyperHistory offers accurate, cited, wellwritten essays and biographies with biblical perspective.
Extractions: God is in control! by Rit Nosotro First Published:: 2003 Gaius Julius Caesar (100? -44 B.C.) was born to a patrician family in Rome. At age 17, he married Cornelia, the daughter of Lucius Cornelius Cinna. Caesar and Cornelia had a daughter, Julia. Sadly, however, in 68 B.C. Cornelia died. In 65 B.C., Caesar became increasingly interested in public affairs and tried to gain favor with the people. When he was elected to the office of aedile, he went deeply into debt trying to provide recreational activities for the people. In 62 B.C. he was elected to praetor, which is second to consul, the highest position in Rome. In 60 B.C. Caesar allied himself with Marcus Licinius Crassus and Gnaeus Pompey in the First Triumvirate, a very powerful alliance in Rome. Through violent and under-handed means the alliance succeeded in having Caesar elected to consul in 59 B.C. Caesar also tried to pass laws to give more power to the Triumvirate. Later that year Caesar married Calpumia, daughter of Lucius Piso and Pompey married Caesar's daughter Julia. Hungry for more power, Caesar raised an army of 50,000 men and began conquering Gaul (France). Throughout the entire nine-year campaign he was defeated only twice, which showed his military genius. He also conquered land east of the Rhine River and marched into the Rhine to drive out the Germans. He successfully invaded Britain twice, in 55 and 54 B.C. as well.
Caesar, Gaius Julius Caesar, Gaius Julius (100–44 BC) Roman general and dictator, considered Rome's most successful military commander. He formed with Pompey the Great and Marcus Licinius Crassus Julius Caesar
Caesar, Gaius Julius - Cosmeo SPAN CLASSscbcSPAN Roman general and statesman who laid the foundations of the Roman imperial system.
Caesar Essay An essay or paper on Caesar. Gaius Julius Caesar was an extremely powerful politician and a brilliant general. He also gained the respect as a good leader and was appointed Caesar, Gaius Julius Enter a search term above to find Dictionary definitions from Encarta.