Christie, Agatha - Fun Facts And Information Fun Facts about Christie Agatha. Interesting factoids, information and answers.
Agatha Christie Biography Biography, photos, quotes, reviews, and plot summaries. Includes reviews of novels by other authors as well.
Matangels Sito dedicato alla regina incontrastata del giallo, Agatha Christie. Propone biografie, bibliografie, news ed un ampia galleria fotografica.
Homepage Christian Kirsch: Agatha Christie Ausf hrliche Bibliographie (B cher, Filme, Sekund rmaterial), Kurzbiographie, Christie-News und Forum.
Spezial September 2001 Spezial ber die Autorin auf der B cherwurmseite.
Agatha Christie's Murderers Quiz - Christie, Agatha This is a quiz about different murderers in Agatha Christies books. Ill name a victim and the title of a book and you have to tell me who murdered that person. (Author
Christie, Agatha (Harper's Magazine) October 2010. AMERICAN ELECTRA Feminism’s Ritual Matricide By Susan Faludi. THIRTY DAYS AS A CUBAN Pinching Pesos and Dropping Pounds in Havana By Patrick Symmes
Agatha Christie – Wikipedia Lebensdaten ber Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie nebst chronologischem Verzeichnis der Kriminalromane, Kurzgeschichtensammlungen und B hnenst cke.
Extractions: aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Tafel mit Foto zu Ehren Agatha Christies an der Außenwand der Torre-Abtei in ihrer Geburtsstadt Torquay Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, Lady Mallowan DBE ˈæɡəθə ˈkɹɪsti 15. September in Torquay Grafschaft Devon 12. Januar in Wallingford , gebürtig Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller ) war eine britische Schriftstellerin Bekannt wurde sie durch eine große Anzahl von Kriminalromanen und Kurzgeschichten, die auch mehrfach mit großem Erfolg verfilmt wurden. Ihre berühmtesten Schöpfungen sind der belgische Detektiv Hercule Poirot mit seinem Freund Hastings sowie die altjüngferliche Miss Marple . Daneben gibt es andere wiederkehrende Figuren wie Tommy und Tuppence Beresford oder Inspektor Battle. Neben ihrer schriftstellerischen Tätigkeit unterstützte sie eigenhändig und mit Begeisterung ihren zweiten Ehemann, den Archäologen Max Mallowan , auf seinen Ausgrabungen im Nordirak und in Syrien, insbesondere bei der Restaurierung prähistorischer Keramiken und der Fotodokumentation der Funde. Sie trug maßgeblich zur Finanzierung dieser Expeditionen bei. Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller kam 1890 im britischen Torquay Grafschaft Devon ) als jüngstes Kind des Amerikaners Frederick Alvah Miller und dessen englischer Ehefrau Clarissa Margaret Boehmer zur Welt. Sie hatte eine Schwester, Margaret Frary Miller (1879–1950), genannt 'Madge' und einen Bruder, Louis Montant Miller (1880–1929), genannt 'Monty'. Ihr Vater bezog Einkommen aus Geschäften in Übersee, über die nichts Näheres bekannt ist, die der Familie aber ein Leben in Wohlstand ermöglichten. Er starb bereits 1901, Agatha war damals elf Jahre alt.
Agatha Christie Und Der Orient Ausstellungsbesprechung von Margrit Sollbach-Papeler in der Virtual Library Museen.
Extractions: Begleitprogramm Ausstellung Das Ruhrlandmuseum in Essen präsentiert derzeit die Ausstellung "Agatha Christie und der Orient. Kriminalistik und Archäologie". Schon das Thema macht deutlich, dass es hierbei um zwei Aspekte geht; nämlich zum einen um Agatha Christie, die erfolgreiche Kriminalschriftstellerin, und zum anderen um ihre Beziehung zum Orient und zur Archäologie. Doch was hat das eine mit dem Anderen zu tun? Viele Freundinnen und Freunde ihrer Kriminalromane wissen nicht: Agatha Christie war jahrzehntelang persönlich und aktiv an Ausgrabungen in Syrien und im Irak beteiligt. Beide Faktoren - Orient und Archäologie - beeinflussten jedoch auch entscheidend ihr schriftstellerisches Schaffen. Ihre Reiseerlebnisse und Ausgrabungserfahrungen fanden Eingang in ihre berühmten und teilweise verfilmten "Klassiker" wie
Christie, Agatha - Biography And Online Books Christie, Agatha biography and collection of works Agatha Christie (18901976) - Mary Clarissa Miller - wrote also as Mary Westmacott
Extractions: HOME AUTHOR INDEX TITLE INDEX CATEGORY INDEX ... LINKS Agatha Christie (1890-1976) - Mary Clarissa Miller - wrote also as Mary Westmacott Very prolific British author of mystery novels and short stories, creator of Hercule Poirot, the Belgian detective, and Miss Jane Marple. Christie wrote more than 70 detective novels under the surname of her first husband, Colonel Archibald Christie. She also published a series of romances and a children's book. '"And now, messieurs et mesdames," said Poirot rapidly, "I will continue with what I was about to say. Understand this, I mean to arrive at the truth. The truth, however ugly in itself, is always curious and beautiful to seeker after it. I am much aged, my powers may not be what they were." Here he clearly expected a contradiction. "In all probability this is the last case I shall ever investigate. But Hercule Poirot does not end with a failure. Messieurs at mesdames, I tell you, I mean to know . And I shall know - in spite of you all."' (from The Murder of Roger Ackroyd Agatha Christie was born in Torquay, in the county of Devon, as the daughter of Frederick Alvah Miller, an American with a moderate private income, and Clarissa Miller. Her father died when she was a child. Christie was educated home, where her mother encouraged her to write from very early age. At sixteen she was sent to school in Paris where she studied singing and piano. Christie was an accomplished pianist but her stage fright and shyness prevented her from pursuing a career in music. In her books Christie seldom referred to music, although her detectives, Poirot and Miss Marple, show interest in opera and Poirot sings in THE A.B.C. MURDERS (1936) a World War I song. When Christie's mother took her to Cairo for a winter, she wrote there a novel. Encouraged by Eden Philpotts, neighbor and friend in Torquay, she devoted herself into writing and had short stories published.
Agatha Christie | Agatha Christie Wiki | Agatha Christie Wiki Guinness Book of World Records claims she is the bestselling writer of books of all time and, with William Shakespeare, the best-selling author of any kind.
Extractions: Register Sign In edit=false; thepage=0; [Login to edit this page] Guinness Book of World Records claims she is the best-selling writer of books of all time and, with William Shakespeare, the best-selling author of any kind. Only the Bible has sold more than her roughly four billion copies of novels. According to UNESCO, Christie is the most translated individual author, with only the collective corporate works of Walt Disney Productions surpassing her. Christie's books have been translated into at least 103 languages. In 1968, Booker Books, a subsidiary of the agri-industrial conglomerate Booker-McConnell, bought a 51 percent stake in Agatha Christie Limited, the private company that Christie had set up for tax purposes. Booker later increased its stake to 64 percent. In 1998, Booker sold its shares to Chorion, a company whose portfolio also includes the literary estates of Enid Blyton and Dennis Wheatley. In 2004, a 5,000-word story entitled The Incident of the Dog's Ball was found in the attic of the author's daughter. This story was the original version of the novel Dumb Witness. It was published in Britain in September 2009, alongside another newly discovered Poirot story called The Capture of the Cerberus, in John Curran's Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks: Fifty Years Of Mysteries. On November 10, 2009, Reuters announced that The Incident of the Dog's Ball will be published by The Strand Magazine. Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller was born in Torquay, Devon, England, UK. Her mother, Clarissa Margaret Boehmer, was the daughter of a British army captain but had been sent as a child to live with her own mother's sister, who was the second wife of a wealthy American. Eventually Margaret married her stepfather's son from his first marriage, Frederick Alvah Miller, an American stockbroker. Thus, the two women Agatha called "Grannie" were sisters. Despite her father's nationality as a "New Yorker" and her aunt's relation to the Pierpont Morgans, Agatha never claimed United States citizenship or connection.
Mordsfrauen: Agatha Christie - ARTE (Arte) Feature zur Sendung am 13.08.2004 nebst Erl uterungen zum Buch/Film Zeugin der Anklage .
Titel-Magazin (Titel Magazin) Als Frau ist sie sehr mutig und modern, als Autorin nicht. Gedanken von Jan Christian Schmid.
Engels | Christie, Agatha | Ten Little Niggers Christie, Agatha Ten little niggers LET OP Dit verslag is uitsluitend bedoeld als hulpmiddel bij het maken van je eigen verslag en niet om zomaar in te leveren bij je docent(e)