About CVS cvs is the most popular version control system available today. It is robust and it is open source, so the software is free. If you are not already using it, download your copy http://ximbiot.com/cvs/
Extractions: Andere Versionskontrollsysteme E-Mail: prilmeie@in.tum.de Homepage-URL: http://home.in.tum.de/prilmeie/ Bei Fragen zu diesem Beitrag bitte den Autor des Beitrags kontaktieren! Jedes ernsthafte Projekt bedarf Regelungen zur Verwaltung von Quelltexten und zur Qualitätssicherung. Das gilt nicht nur für Softwareprojekte, sondern auch für Web-Projekte. Versionskontrollsysteme liefern einem genau die richtigen Werkzeuge für diese Aufgaben. Sie ermöglichen den Zugriff auf die aktuelle oder auch auf frühere Versionen der Quelltexte. Man könnte natürlich alle früheren Versionen einfach sichern, ein Versionskontrollsystem ist jedoch bei der Speicherung in jedem Falle effizienter. Bei Projekten die von mehreren Mitarbeitern bearbeitet werden, bieten Versionskontrollsysteme meist die einzige sinnvolle Möglichkeit das Projekt bei räumlicher Verteilung der Mitarbeiter sinnvoll zu organisieren. Bearbeiten z.B. zwei Mitarbeiter eine Datei gleichzeitig, dann verliert derjenige seine Arbeit, der die Datei zuerst zurückschreibt. Die Aufgabe eines Versionskontrollsystems ist es genau dieser Situation entgegenzuwirken; Jeder Mitarbeiter erhält dazu seine eigene Arbeitskopie. Falls er seine Arbeit beendet hat, dann signalisiert er dies dem Versionskontrollsystem. Dieses nimmt dann die Änderungen auf und trägt diese anschliessend in den bereits vorhandenen Dateien ein. Würde dabei die Arbeit eines anderen Mitarbeiters überschrieben werden, so wird das Versionskontrollsystem entsprechende Maßnahmen einleiten.
Search Opportunities | CVS Caremark Whichever path you choose, a rewarding career is within your reach. Our dynamic business model means that there are numerous ways for qualified individuals to make a contribution. http://info.cvscaremark.com/careers/search-opportunities
CVS Pharmacy Online version of the retail chain. Prescriptions, health, personal care, and gift items available online. Also provides health news and information from WebMD. http://www.cvs.com
CVS cvs Platform cvs Support. The goal of the cvs component is to provide the best cvs integration in the best IDE. Because the cvs plugin includes a pure java client, the support http://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/platform-cvs/
Extractions: The goal of the CVS component is to provide the best CVS integration in the best IDE. Because the CVS plug-in includes a pure java client, the support works without requiring a command line client install on the users machine. The advantages of writing a custom java client is that we can implement features that wouldn't be possible using the command line client (e.g. browsing a remote repository, connection re-use). However, this comes with a disadvantage; we must keep up with CVS server revisions and ports, plus keep up with new features. The CVS support is not packaged for use outside of an Eclipse workspace. It's really an Eclipse CVS client and not a generic java CVS client. It would be nice to have, but initially we were focused on rich integration in Eclipse. Another minor point; the CVS plug-in doesn't expose an API. That means that accessing the internal classes is technically possible (e.g. we don't restrict run-time access to the classes) but we don't guarantee binary compatibility between releases. This component is responsible for all org.eclipse.team.cvs.*
CVS-versionhallinta - Lyhyt Johdanto Concurrent Versions System -ohjelmiston periaatteiden ja ominaisuuksien esittely. Linkkej englanninkieliseen materiaaliin. http://www.heikniemi.net/kirj/cvs.html
Extractions: Tämä juttu kertoo CVS-ohjelmistosta ( Concurrent Versions System ) ja sen käytöstä. Tämä ei ole käyttöohje, mutta lopussa on kyllä linkki sellaiseenkin. Itse asiassa suosittelen tämän jutun lukemista ennen itse käyttöohjeita, erityisesti jos et vielä tiedä CVS:n käytöstä mitään. CVS on ilmainen ohjelmisto, joka on luotu helpottamaan ohjelmistojen versionhallintaa. Lisäksi CVS mahdollistaa sen, että useat kehittäjät voivat tehokkaasti kehittää yhtä sovellusta ilman suuria ongelmia mm. samojen lähdetiedostojen editoinnista. Käytännössä CVS:n toiminnan ydin on lähdekoodin kehityksen historian tallentaminen ja mihin tahansa tilanteeseen palaamisen mahdollistaminen. Tässä jutussa käytetään ilmaisuja "ohjelmisto" ja "koodi" aika löysästi: tosiasiassa CVS ei ota kantaa arkistoimansa materiaalin sisältöön, vaan sillä voi tallentaa ihan mitä tahansa tiedostoja. Parhaiten CVS:n hyödyt tulevat kuitenkin esiin silloin, kun projektin olennaisesti muuttuvat tiedostot ovat tekstimuotoisia (lähdekoodia, HTML-sivuja, XML :ää tms.). Ohjelmisto voi siis yhtä hyvin tarkoittaa omaa www-sivustoasi ja koodi yksittäisiä HTML-sivuja.
Samba - CVS Instructions Publicly accessible cvs repository for access to the source code of several packages. Includes instructions on how to view the source. http://pserver.samba.org/
Extractions: think Samba get Samba learn Samba ... contact Samba CVS Access to pserver.samba.org In April 2004 Samba development changed from using CVS to Subversion for version control. Please see the subversion information for details. The machine pserver.samba.org runs a publicly accessible CVS repository for access to the source code of several packages. This document describes how to get anonymous read-only access to this source code. The Samba build farm provides access to the recent checkins on the and HEAD branches.. You can access the source code via your favourite WWW browser. This allows you to access the contents of individual files in the repository and also to look at the revision history and commit logs of individual files. You can also ask for a diff listing between any two versions on the repository. To access CVS via cvsweb click here You can also access the source code via a normal cvs client. This gives you much more control over you can do with the repository and allows you to checkout whole source trees and keep them uptodate via normal cvs commands. This is the preferred method of access if you are a developer and not just a casual browser. To gain access via anonymous cvs use the following steps. For this example I will assume that you want a copy of the samba source code. For the other source code repositories on this system just substitute the correct package name
Extractions: DetectFlashVer = 0; CVSphoto.com DVD Questions? Call 1-877-817-5375 New! MemorySafe Digital Archiving and Online Sharing MemorySafe is the new add-on security plan that digitally stores your YesDVD footage. In the unfortunate event that you lose your DVD, or that a natural disaster damages your DVD, your memories will still be safe. With a MemorySafe subscription, you can order DVD copies at any time. The MemorySafe program has been designed to archive your YesDVD footage on YesVideo's secure servers, in two separate locations. MemorySafe also gives you unlimited access to view and share your video on a private and secure server. Your videos will not be posted to the public; you may invite your friends and family to enjoy them online. Starting November 2009, MemorySafe will be included for FREE for 30 days for all video, film and slide transfer orders placed at CVS. After 30 days, the footage may only be accessed if a MemorySafe subscription was purchased within the 30-day period. For more information about YesVideo's MemorySafe Protection service, visit www.mymemorysafe.com
Extractions: /*jslint onevar: false, nomen: false, evil: true, css: true, plusplus: false, white: false, forin: true */ /*global unescape, window, jQuery, $, net, COMSCORE */ Welcome, Guest! Log In Create Account Find and develop open source software Search SourceForge.net Find Software C# Cvs library More by drakmar gne Designer and Creator - Mike Krueger:Maintainer - Clayton HarbourWhat is Sharpcvslib? Sharpcvslib is a client cvs library written in c#. What can it do for you? It can be used in your applications to allow access to cvs repositories. It supp Download Now! SharpCvsLib-0.36.4814.449... (1.1 MB) OR View all files http://sharpcvslib.sourceforge.net You seem to have CSS turned off. Please don't fill out this field. You seem to have CSS turned off. Please don't fill out this field. Separate each tag with a space. CVS All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP) GNU General Public License (GPL) English Developers C# Show: Everything Thumbs Up Thumbs Down Subscribe of 1 user recommends this project Be the first to post a text review of C# Cvs library. Rate and review a project by clicking thumbs up or thumbs down in the right column.
CVS - Concurrent Version System Version Management with cvs for cvs 1.10 Per Cederqvist et al Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 Signum Support AB Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this http://www.cvshome.org/
Extractions: System zur Versionsverwaltung, entwickelt für Softwareprojekte. Mit dem CVS können mehrere Nutzer gleichzeitig und online an einem Projekt arbeiten, auch gleichzeitig an einer Datei. Die Aufgabe des CVS ist es, die Änderungen im Quelltext (inkl. Bugs) nachvollziehbar zu machen, zu dokumentieren. Gleichzeitig werden die älteren Versionen gespeichert und sind so wieder herstellbar. Zum Kauf von unserer Software benötigen Sie eine Kreditkarte Nicht nur zur Bearbeitung von Projekten über das Internet / Netzwerk durch mehrere Anwender ist das CVS ein nützliches Instrument. Auch für einen einzelnen Programmierer kann der Einsatz des CVS von Nutzen sein. Allein durch die Möglichkeit der Wiederherstellung früherer Versionen. Einsatzbeispiele finden sich auch im Gesundheitswesen wieder. Kurzversion libweb
Cvshome.org Archive - PCL-CVS Emacs interface to cvs, the open source Concurrent Versions System. http://ximbiot.com/cvs/cvshome/dev/addonpclcvs.html
Extractions: This area is an archive and is no longer actively maintained. Information found on this page is likely to be extremely out of date and therefore highly inaccurate. We recommend the Ximbiot - CVS Wiki for up-to-date information about CVS and its associtated tools. If you do find anything useful on this page that is not yet in the Ximbiot - CVS Wiki and you have the time, please add it! The PCL-CVS package interfaces the Emacs editor/environment to CVS. Development of VC VC and PCL-CVS are separate packages, both of which help you use CVS from within emacs. VC provides access to a more limited set of CVS features than PCL-CVS does. The version of VC distributed with XEmacs 20.3 and later is said to be significantly improved from the version in previous versions of Emacs. If you want to turn off the colors in the output from C-x v g, put this in your .emacs (tested with GNU Emacs 20.2). Presumably it would be useful to make this settable with M-x customize in future versions of VC but this patch doesn't do that. Light CVS Yet another emacs interface is Light CVS. See the page from
Extractions: Webopedia.com Sign Up Sign In Search Home > CVS Short for C oncurrent V ersions S ystem , an open-source , network-transparent program that allows developers to keep track of different development versions of source code . CVS does not maintain multiple versions of source code files but keeps a single copy and records of all of the changes that are made. When a developer wants a particular development version of a file, CVS will reconstruct that version based on its records. Bugs can often get into code when it is modified and may not be detected until long after the modification is made. CVS can retrieve old versions of the code, allowing the developer to see precisely which change caused the bug. CVS is also useful when more than one person is working on a specific file, where it is possible for the developers to overwrite each other's changes. CVS solves this problem by having each developer work in an individual directory and then merging the work from each after the work is complete. It is important to note that CVS is not a build system but rather a way to control disparate versions of code as it is developed over time.
SSLUG - Cvs2html Converts cvs log output to HTML. http://www.sslug.dk/cvs2html/
Extractions: Stuff about cvs2html, cvschk and cvsstat can be discussed there + announcements. Peter Toft (pto@sslug.dk) and friends Note that the first line of the scripts should be changes if your perl (version 5) is in another place cvsstat is a Perl utility that shows which files were modified by you, added by another user, and so on. The output (ASCII) looks like this: 1 file(s) locally modified ============================================================= mat2html ============================================================= 2 file(s) are new to the local CVS ============================================================= TODO Newfilegen ============================================================= 4 file(s) are up to date cvsstat version 2.24 (see http://cvs.sslug.dk/cvs2html)
Extractions: The latest version is , released 17 May, 2008. NOTICE: Martyn Pearce has had to step down after a long and very successful stint as cvs2cl's maintainer (thanks, Martyn!). As a result, cvs2cl is now looking for a new maintainer. If interested, please mail me is Perl script that does what you think it does: it produces a GNU-style ChangeLog for CVS-controlled sources, by running "cvs log" and parsing the output. Duplicate log messages get unified in the Right Way. If you don't know what any of that means, then you're doing fine, just keep on truckin' (i.e., hit the Back button on your browser). A bug status page for cvs2cl may be found here Otherwise, you can download the latest version of the script, or get it via CVS thusly: cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.red-bean.com:/usr/local/cvs co cvs2cl Note that by using perldoc , you can review a full manpage for cvs2cl: perldoc cvs2cl.pl
Extractions: 'Need to see the latest fixes in the source code for a particular open-source project? I often do. At times like that, I want the CVSROOT and password for the project. That's the point of this page. For more detailed information, follow the links on this page, or Cyclic 's Free Software Products Using CVS ; the latter complements the data here. Both of these point to the standard tutorials and introductions to CVS. Also noteworthy is Philip Greenspun's Using CVS for Web development ; as with everything Philip writes, I recommend it, even though I don't agree with it. Note that the external commenters who appear at the tail of his article are astute and experienced. I launched this page a few days before publication of our column introducing CVS to scripting language users Stephen Cameron covers much the same territory; he, also, has a page of Anonymous CVS Servers he has identified.
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) Chorionic villus sampling (cvs) is a test done during early pregnancy that can find certain problems with your baby (fetus). http://www.webmd.com/baby/chorionic-villus-sampling-cvs