- Usmarc Format for Holdings and Location: Final Draft
- Descriptive tabulation: Library of Congress MUMS format data : MUMS music records by James L Godwin, 1987
- df a proposed data format standard (SuDoc NAS 1.15:4467) by Leslie R. Lait, 1993
- Standard formats for weather data exchange among automated weather information systems (SuDoc C 55.12:S 2-990) by U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, 1990
- Marc Formats for Bibliographic Data by Elaine W. Woods, Avram Henriette, 1987-06
- Towards a common bibliographic exchange format?: International Symposium on Bibliographic Exchange Formats, Taormina, Sicily, 27-29 April 1978
- A framework of data types and formats, and issues affecting the long term preservation of digital material (JISC/NPO studies on the preservation of electronic materials) by John C Bennett, 1997
- Standards for user procedures and data formats in automated information systems and networks (PB) by Calvin N Mooers, 1967
- Documentation of data format and content to accompany magnetic tape copies of various data files of the National Coal Resources Data System: (NCRDS)--ECOAL, ... of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey) by M. Devereux Carter, 1981
- Plastic data formats for a computerized material property data system (PLASTEC note) by John Nardone, 1977
- Multimedia data formats: Issues and instances (CMU-ITC) by Michael McInerny, 1991
- Documentation of the 1980 Data verification programs and common subroutines for fixed-format data: Porpoise Data Management System (NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC) by Charles W Oliver, 1991
- Automated recording of bridge inspection data in the pontis format by F. S Fanous, 1995
- Proposed format for data on cements in a material properties database (SuDoc C 13.58:6034) by Lawrence J. Kaetzel, 1997