Ffnet readdata function is now alias to numpy.loadtxt; - docstrings are improved. Older news Overview ffnet is a fast and easy-to-use feed-forward neural http://ffnet.sourceforge.net/
SourceForge.net: Numerical Python: Files numbers 618 numpy freebsd fix 620 Error in the typemaps in numpy.i 621 wrapping f95 fails 622 function for computing the condition number 623 loadtxt fails http://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.php?release_id=602575
Extractions: Home VB.Net Tutorial Language Basics Data Type ... Stream File GUI GUI Applications Windows Presentation Foundation 2D Graphics I18N Internationlization ... RichTextBox 14.27.1.Load txt file to RichTextBox Imports System.Windows.Forms public class RichTextBoxLoadTextFile public Shared Sub Main Application.Run New Form1 End Sub End class Public Class Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Public Sub New MyBase.New InitializeComponent End Sub Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose ByVal disposing As Boolean If disposing Then If Not components Is Nothing Then components.Dispose End If End If MyBase.Dispose disposing End Sub Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer Friend WithEvents RichTextBox1 As System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox Friend WithEvents OpenFileDialog1 As System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog Friend WithEvents Button1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button Private Sub InitializeComponent Me.RichTextBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox Me.OpenFileDialog1 = New System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog Me.Button1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button Me.SuspendLayout 'Ri Me.RichTextBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point
Flash Won't Load HTML Text [Archive] - ActionScript.org Forums function loadtxt(theTxt){var lvLoadVars = new LoadVars(); lv.onLoad = function(successBoolean){if (success){my_text.html = true; my_text.htmlText = lv.txt; http://www.actionscript.org/forums/archive/index.php3/t-136333.html
Extractions: It loads fine but if I add any HTML say for instance <b> the text displays up until it gets to that point and then stops... I made sure that "render Text As HTML" was also checked... But no luck :( 05-14-2007, 03:51 AM I think the problem is not from TextField, it's more likely from your lv. try to trace your lv.txt to see what you've got there. senocular 05-14-2007, 04:03 AM useing onLoad expects the text to be a form of url-ecoded variables. If you're dealing with just text, you should use onData where success is replaced with rawText (the actual text of the file and not a value indicating success) jsonchiu 05-14-2007, 04:53 AM
Extractions: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 08:27:23 -0800 http://projects.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2007-November/030057.html http://projects.scipy.org/mailman/listinfo/numpy-discussion _ Numpy-discussion mailing list Numpy-discussion@scipy.org http://projects.scipy.org/mailman/listinfo/numpy-discussion [Numpy-discussion] loadtxt broken if file does not end in newline Lisandro Dalcin Re: [Numpy-discussion] loadtxt broken if file does not end in newline Alan G Isaac Re: [Numpy-discussion] loadtxt broken if file does not end in newline David Huard Re: [Numpy-discussion] loadtxt broken if file does not end in newline David Huard Re: [Numpy-discussion] loadtxt broken if file does not end in newline Christopher Barker Re: [Numpy-discussion] loadtxt broken if file does not end in newline David Huard Re: [Numpy-discussion] loadtxt broken if file does not end in newline Christopher Barker Re: [Numpy-discussion] loadtxt broken if file does not end in newline Lisandro Dalcin Re: [Numpy-discussion] loadtxt broken if file does not end in newline Travis E. Oliphant
Flash Won't Load HTML Text [Archive] - Dynamic Drive Forums function loadtxt(theTxt){var lvLoadVars = new LoadVars(); lv.onLoad = function(successBoolean){if (success){my_text.html = true; my_text.htmlText = lv.txt; http://www.dynamicdrive.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-20711.html
Extractions: Fri, 19 Sep 2008 01:52:11 -0700 http://projects.scipy.org/mailman/listinfo/numpy-discussion [Numpy-discussion] A bug in loadtxt and how to convert a string array (hex data) to decimal? frank wang Re: [Numpy-discussion] A bug in loadtxt and how to convert a string array (hex data) to decimal? Ryan May Re: [Numpy-discussion] A bug in loadtxt and how to convert a string array (hex data) to decimal? frank wang Re: [Numpy-discussion] A bug in loadtxt and how to convert a string array (hex data) to decimal? Stéfan van der Walt Reply via email to
SWG Macro Bible STEP 1 CREATING THE TEXT FILE Run notepad or any other text editor. Begin by typing in the following macro text. Don't just cut and paste from this posting, because it's http://www.angelfire.com/theforce/macrobible/loadtxt.html
Extractions: Run notepad or any other text editor. Begin by typing in the following macro text. Don't just cut and paste from this posting, because it's possible for you to unknowingly copy special characters, which will cause SWG to not read the file correctly. So type. By hand. I'll surround the text with a line to indicate the beginning of the file and one to indicate the end of the file, but DON'T TYPE THESE LINES. These are just for your reference here, and shouldn't appear in your text file. ***BEGINNING OF FILE - DON'T INCLUDE!*** ***END OF FILE - DON'T INCLUDE!*** Make sure you type this EXACTLY. Note the spaces, punctuation, etc. If it's not exactly right, SWG won't understand your file. Now, save the file somewhere you'll be able to find it. The desktop, or whereever. Save it as "test.txt" - the .txt extension is important. STEP 2: MOVING THE TEXT FILE TO THE RIGHT DIRECTORY
Www.python-forum.org • Information 3 posts 2 authors - Last post Sep 23But if use loadtxt(), it can correctly distinguish the structure of the data and load into 2-dimension array, or even converted into the http://www.python-forum.org/pythonforum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=20918&start=
How-to: Load Plain Text (TXT) Files - Aspose.Words For .NET builder.Document.Save(docsDir loadtxt Out.docx ) builder.Document.Save(docsDir loadtxt Out.html ) End Sub http://www.aspose.com/documentation/.net-components/aspose.words-for-.net/howto-
Extractions: renderPopWin('http://www.aspose.com/community/utility/modal/close.gif', 'http://www.aspose.com/community/utility/modal/loading.html'); Sign Up Sign In Welcome Guest, Live Chat Arabic (العربية) Chinese Simplified (中文(简体) Chinese Traditional (中文(繁體) Dutch (Nederlands) English French (français) German (Deutsch) Italian (italiano) Japanese (日本語) Korean (한국어) Portuguese (Português) Russian (русский) Spanish (español) Products Purchase Downloads Demos ... Loading, Saving and Converting How-to: Load Plain Text (TXT) Files You can download the complete source code of the LoadTxt sample here Currently, Aspose.Words support s saving documents as plain text files, but do es not directly support loading them. However, it is easy to write your own code to load plain text files into Aspose.Words. Example LoadTxt Loads a plain text file into an Aspose.Words.Document object. [C#] using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using Aspose.Words; namespace LoadTxt class Program static void Main( string [] args) // Sample infrastructure.
Aplia :: Demo Home; Subjects; Company; Community; Careers; Support http://www.aplia.com/demo/GIN/?loadTXT=DemoList_AcctFinancialNeedlesRich.xml&
Plotting Data Using Matplotlib: Part 2 | Packt Publishing Technical & IT Book St NumPy's loadtxt() (what we are going to use here) Matplotlib's mlab.csv2rec() The csv module (in the standard library) but we decided to go with loadtxt() because it's very powerful http://www.packtpub.com/article/plotting-data-using-matplotlib-part2
Auto-scroll Text At A Variable Speed textholder.onEnterFrame = function() { textholder.loadtxt.scroll += 1; // reached the end if (textholder.loadtxt.scroll textholder.loadtxt.maxscroll http://forum.sephiroth.it/showthread.php?t=9338
Old Nabble - Numpy-discussion - Loadtxt Slow 7 posts 5 authors - Last post Mar 1, 2009loadtxt slow. So I have some data sets of about 160000 floating point numbers stored in text files. I find that loadtxt is rather slow. http://old.nabble.com/loadtxt-slow-td22278041.html
Old Nabble - Numpy-discussion - Loadtxt And Genfromtxt 2 posts 2 authors - Last post Feb 11loadtxt and genfromtxt. I am new to python/numpy/scipy and new to this list http://old.nabble.com/loadtxt-and-genfromtxt-td27535081.html
Extractions: English Version] P u ... OS Develop LoadTxt LoadTxt OS Develop Visual C++ �ļ���С: 57 KB ����VC++�����ı��ļ�����ʾ�ı����ݵ�����-VC read into text documents, text data long chen tom VC �ı��ļ� ... �����˽�MFC�ĵ��ӽṹ.zip ] - ����VC�ij�ѧ���˽������ɳ��������ṹ Visual C++ ���书��ǿ���û������Ѻö����ܳ���Ա�ǵ����������ǣ��ڵ�ǰ��Microsoft �������4.2 �汾�У���Լ�н���200 ���࣬��ǧ����������֮Microsoft ��˾������һЩ����ϸ�ڣ�ʹ����������ѧϰMFC���ʮ�����ѡ� M