Cyber Institute Of Technology This site provides illustrated tutorials to help you learn Visual Basic 2005 as you follow along and practice.
SharpDevelop @ic#code Free IDE for Visual Basic.Net and C projects on Microsoft s .Net platform.
Extractions: Home Download Changes Features Forum ... Feature Tour The Open Source Development Environment for .NET Announcements What's New News History Public Relations ... Contact Us #develop (short for SharpDevelop) is a free IDE for C#, VB.NET and Boo projects on Microsoft's .NET platform. It is open-source, and you can download both sourcecode and executables from this site. In addition, you can find the latest information and changes on #develop, as well as get in touch with the team in the forum We are going to add more content (and new releases) over the coming months, so sign up for our announcement list ! Also, we want to invite you to participate in the forums , discussing SharpDevelop - its features, feature requests and of course bugs IC#Code Get in touch!
ActiveDevelop Klaus L ffelmann stellt seine B cher zu Visual Basic vor, stellt Begleitdateien zum Download zur Verf gung und bietet Dienstleistungen zur Migration von VB auf VB.NET und zur Software-Lokalisation an.
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André Obelink Online > Home Visual Basic site met een groot aantal hoogwaardige en Nederlandstalige Visual Basic artikelen die de afgelopen jaren zijn gepubliceerd in vooraanstaande magazines.
VBA.Mania Visual Basic dla AutoCADa i Excela, forum.
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