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21. Conservation Security Program (CSP) In Peril U. S. House Votes To Cut All CSP Fu financial assistance to farmers who are solving key natural resource and environmental problems by adopting sustainable farming practices and systems on http://www.landstewardshipproject.org/pr/03/newsr_030704.html | |
22. Irrigation < Farming Practices And Systems < Agriculture < Galaxy.com Texas Water Resources Institute, 1500 Research Parkway, Texas A University, College Station, TX 778432118 Phone (979) 845-1851, Fax (979) 845-8554 TWRI Mills Scholarship http://www.galaxy.com/dir961137/Irrigation.htm |
23. The Need For Site-Specific Legal Research On Sustainable Farming Practices And S Lawyers are information and communication specialists. They are trained to gather information, determine which items of information are relevant facts http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a904834065&db=all |
24. EWG’s California Agriculture Program | Environmental Working Group We conduct research and advocate for state and federal policies that will accelerate the adoption of sustainable, climate friendly farming practices and systems in California. http://www.ewg.org/california/agriculture | |
25. STEEP - 2001 Funding, Objectives And Committees Determine the impact of farming practices and systems on soil, water and air quality . 2. Develop new technologies and increase http://pnwsteep.wsu.edu/annualreports/2001/fundingobjectives.htm | |
26. British-Yemeni Society: Yemen's Water Crisis The advent of tractors, chemical inputs and — above all — tubewell technology weaned Yemen away from the traditional farming practices and systems of http://www.al-bab.com/bys/articles/ward01.htm | |
27. Introduction Sustainable agriculture provides a conceptual framework and key principles to guide future development of farming practices and systems that are economically viable http://www.tfrec.wsu.edu/pages/organic/Introduction/ | |
28. Mbox-8: Econ. Of Sust. Ag.: BD Biodynamic farming practices and systems show promise in mitigating some of the detrimental effects of chemicaldependent, conventional agriculture on the environment. http://www.sare.org/sanet-mg/archives/html-home/8-html/0264.html | |
29. STEEP - 1999 Funding, Objectives And Committees Determine the impact of farming practices and systems on soil, water and air quality; Develop new technologies and increase efficiency of inputs http://pnwsteep.wsu.edu/annualreports/1999/fundingobjectives.htm | |
30. Mbox-7: Potential Source Of Energy Data various alternative farming practices and systems have drawn much interest but little hard data. A potential source of this kind of data is from the users of PLANETOR, a decision http://www.sare.org/sanet-mg/archives/html-home/7-html/0490.html | |
31. INTEGRATED FARMING SYSTEMS , PHASE II Adoption of integrated farming practices and systems A central goal of the IFS Initiative has been the widespread adoption of integrated farming practices and systems that http://www.foodroutes.org/doclib/134/Integrated.pdf |
32. National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition » ISSUE COMMITTEES These issues are considered in respect to their impact on small and mediumsized family farms and the broader application of sustainable farming practices and systems. http://sustainableagriculture.net/our-work/issues/ |
33. Welcome To The Herbana Our seminars, workshops, and short courses focuses on sustainable farming practices and systems that provide training in farming and gardening of smallscale farms, classroom http://herbanafarm.com/ | |
34. Soil Quality And Financial Performance Of Biodynamic And Conventional Farms In N Biodynamic farming practices and systems show promise in mitigating some of the detrimental effects of chemicaldependent, conventional agriculture on the environment. http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/260/5106/344 |
35. WSU - Center For Sustaining Agriculture And Natural Resources Biologically Intensive = farming practices and systems that rely on biological processes which are renewable, nonpolluting, and mutually beneficial to both farmers and society. http://csanr.wsu.edu/BIOAg/bioag.html |
36. Greenbook 2000: Marketing Sustainable Agriculture years, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture has been providing grants for farmers, researchers and educators to experiment with new and innovative farming practices and systems http://www.mda.state.mn.us/en/protecting/sustainable/greenbook/greenbook2000.asp | |
37. Environmental Indicators For Agriculture Methods And Results Part II , Farm management and the environment , examines different farming practices and systems and their impact on the environment, covering whole farm management, organic farming http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/0/9/1916629.pdf |
38. The Oakland Institute pursuit of sustainability is not a matter of defining sustainable or unsustainable agriculture, but rather is about assessing whether choices of farming practices and systems would http://www.oaklandinstitute.org/ | |
39. Coca-Cola - Sustainability - Strategic Vision - Challenges & Opportunities - Sus In this context, sustainable describes farming practices and systems that can maintain their productivity and utility to society indefinitely. http://www.thecoca-colacompany.com/citizenship/sa_why_it_matters.html |
40. Miscellaneous Publication 3/2003 Sustainability Issues For In this paper sustainability of agriculture is defined as the development and use of farming practices and systems that generate vibrant agricultural communities, profitable http://www.agric.wa.gov.au/objtwr/imported_assets/content/sust/mp2003_03.pdf |
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