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41. Field Crops IPM At Michigan State University - Integrated Pest Management Home field crops Seasonal updates and advice Field Crop Advisory Team (CAT) Alert newsletter. Inseason crop and pest management advice available on the Internet and in print. http://ipm.msu.edu/fieldcrops.htm | |
42. EWR, Inc. Service company providing electronic cotton warehouse receipts in the USA. http://www.ewrcotton.com/ |
43. Pest Management Guide: Field Crops, 2010 - Virginia Cooperative Extension Authors as Published. Content coordinators D. Ames Herbert, Extension Specialist, Entomology; and Scott Hagood, Extension Specialist, Weed Science http://pubs.ext.vt.edu/456/456-016/456-016.html | |
44. BASF Crop Protection Company Site With Product Information & Content, Technical BASF company site but with general interest content, technical information and interactive tools. http://www.agricentre.basf.co.uk |
45. Organic Field Crops Documentation Forms The forms in this publication are provided as tools that farmers can use for documenting practices, inputs, and activities to demonstrate compliance with regulations or to http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/cropforms.html | |
46. Versa Corporation Manufacturer of large silage and forage bagging equipment. http://www.versacorporation.com |
47. Agricultural Chemical Usage - Field Crops USDA Economics and Statistics System at Mann Library, Cornell University, in partnership with ERS, NASS, WAOB http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/MannUsda/viewDocumentInfo.do?documentID=1560 |
48. Vervaeke Windschermen - Pare-vent - Windbreaks - Windschirme Manufacturer of agricultural tarps and windbreaks. Belgium. http://www.vervaeke.be/ | |
49. Sementi:produzione, Vendita, Commercio Sementi Per Tappeti Erbosi, Ortaggi, Fior Italian producer of forage and vegetable seeds, and distributor of packet seeds. http://www.coprosemel.it/ | |
50. PracticalFarmers.org | Field Crops Practical Farmers of Iowa's (PFI) mission is to research, develop and promote profitable, ecologically sound and communityenhancing approaches to agriculture. We carry out diverse http://www.practicalfarmers.org/programs/Field-Crops.html | |
51. Holly Hybrids Sugarbeet Seed Varieties At Www.beetseed.com Develops and markets sugarbeet seed varieties for North America. http://www.beetseed.com/ | |
52. Duplin County Center: Field Crops North Carolina Cooperative Extension STREET ADDRESS Duplin County 165 Agriculture Drive Kenansville, NC 28349 (910) 2962143 Phone http://duplin.ces.ncsu.edu/index.php?page=fieldcrops |
53. Applied Ecological Services Provides prairie and ecosystem restoration services. http://www.appliedeco.com/ |
54. Home | Agricom Suppliers of proprietary herbage seeds worldwide. http://www.agricom.co.nz/ | |
55. Yolo County - Field Crops Kent Brittan is the Yolo County Director and Field Crops Farm Advisor for Yolo/Sacramento/Solano Counties. His educational and applied research programs in field crops reflect and http://ceyolo.ucdavis.edu/Custom_Program724/ | |
56. Welcome | Ernst Conservation Seeds Wholesale reclamation and wetland seed supplier. http://www.ernstseed.com/ | |
57. MSU Field Crop Advisory Team Alert Newsletters Christmas trees • Field Crops • Fruit • Home and yard • Nursery and landscape • Turfgrass • Vegetable http://ipmnews.msu.edu/fieldcrop/ | |
58. Home Sweetcorn seed varieties including bicolors, yellows, whites, hybrids, and tablesweet. http://www.mesamaize.com/ | |
59. Sde Eliyahu - Field Crops The Field Crops branch of Sde Eliyahu has been going since the early days of the Kibbutz. It is a thoroughly modern farming unit and, like other branches of Sde Eliyahu http://www.seliyahu.org.il/eCrops.htm | |
60. Welcome To Browning Seed Supplier of grasses, grains, forage, and wildflower seeds. Located in Plainview, TX, US. http://www.browningseed.com/ | |
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