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41. Forestry In working through the forestry merit badge requirements, Scouts will explore the remarkable complexity of a forest and identify many species of http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/MeritBadges/m | |
42. Hud-Son Sawmill USA Portable Sawmills, Hud-Son Sawmill USA Portable Sawmills, Hu Manufactures various forestry equipment including band sawmills, debarkers, log loaders, firewood processors, and slab grinders. http://www.hud-son.com/ | |
43. Forestry | Environment | What Do Volunteers Do? | Learn About Volunteering | Pea Peace Corps Volunteers travel overseas to make real differences in the lives of real people. Apply online to Volunteer, find a local recruiting event, donate to a Volunteer project http://www.peacecorps.gov/index.cfm?shell=learn.whatvol.env.forestry |
44. Welcome To Savannah Global Online Specializes in the design and manufacture of site preparation equipment. Includes products, videos, and articles. http://www.savannahforestry.com/ |
45. Forestry | Define Forestry At Dictionary.com –noun 1. the science of planting and taking care of trees and forests. 2. the process of establishing and managing forests; forestation. 3. forestland. Use forestry in a http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/forestry |
46. Complete Tree Service - Tree Pruning Service - Tree Arbor Service Offers many forestry related services, including tree care, woodcutting, mulch, and lawn care. http://www.shearerpenn.com | |
47. Lumbermen Online - Forest Industry Equipment, Publication, Auctions, News, & Bus The official website of Lumbermen s Equipment Digest featuring new and used forestry, sawmill and pallet equipmentas well as new product and industry news. http://www.lumbermenonline.com | |
48. Forestry Technical Resources | NRCS forestry. Updated 10/16/2008. Agroforestry intentionally combines agriculture and forestry to create integrated and sustainable landuse systems. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/forestry.html | |
49. Forest And Woodland Management Providing forest and woodland management, advice and contracting services. Covers central and southern England and Wales. http://www.dowdeswellforestry.com | |
50. Forestry Merit Badge U.S. Scouting Service Project Requirements were REVISED effective January 1, 2006. To see the changes which were made, Click here. http://www.usscouts.org/usscouts/mb/mb054.asp |
51. Okanagan Innovative Forestry Society Identifies and implements investment opportunities in the forest industry in the Okanagan. http://www.okanagan-ifpa.org/ | |
52. Division Of Forestry Mission is to protect and manage all state forest resources through partnerships emphasizing a stewardship ethic. Includes current news, information about fire control, water http://www.wvforestry.com/ | |
53. True North Forestry Specializing in cutting permit development and data management. BC. http://www.truenorthforestry.com |
54. John Deere: Forestry Equipment Including Excavators, Feller Bunchers, And Harves The official John Deere forestry web site. Find information on the forestry products that John Deere has to offer including, knuckleboom loaders, skidders, feller bunchers http://www.deere.com/en_US/cfd/forestry/deere_forestry/index.html | |
55. Orissa Forest Development Corporation, Bhubaneswar : OFDC forestry organization in the Indian state of Orissa, involved in trade and marketing of timber, bamboo, and other natural products. http://www.orissafdc.com/ | |
56. Forestry - MeritBadgeDotOrg This is the Boy Scout forestry Merit Badge. Webelos Scouts can earn the Forester Activity Badge. http://meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/Forestry | |
57. The Forestry Forum An interactive information source with a forum and knowledge base. http://www.forestryforum.com | |
58. Forestry Undergraduate Admissions Virginia Tech The Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation prepares students for careers in various aspects of the production, maintenance, and utilization of forests http://www.admiss.vt.edu/majors/index.php?major=FORS |
59. Gyekis Consultant Forestry Serving PA Pennsylvania consultant forestry firm specializing in timber management and land stewardship planning. http://www.theforester.com | |
60. Department Of Forestry And Environmental Resources Main page of the Wisconsin DNR's Division of forestry. Contains links to many areas within the Division, such as forest tax law programs, state nursery program, state forest http://cnr.ncsu.edu/fer/ | |
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