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61. Www.ag.purdue.edu Combining knowledge from biochemistry, physiology, molecular biology, genetics and ecology with aspects of design and beauty, horticulture includes people with a broad range of http://www.ag.purdue.edu/hla/Pages/default.aspx |
62. New Georgia Encyclopedia Horticulture horticulture is a significant and expanding component of agriculture in Georgia, ranking second only to the production of poultry. This industry represents production http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?id=h-1001 |
63. Horticulture Information | Business.com Growers of produce and field crops, including vegetables, fruits, grains and oil seeds, and related resources on organics, soil and water. http://www.business.com/directory/agriculture/horticulture_and_field_crops/ |
64. Horticulture And Landscape Design Careers And Resources Explore careers in Horticultire and Landscape Design Explore careers in horticulture and Landscape Design with the following links to job descriptions, which include http://www.khake.com/page21.html | |
65. Dillen Products - Molded Plastic Products For Horticulture Plastic molded products for horticulture, including pots and trays. http://www.dillen.com/ | |
66. Horticulture horticulture The Department of Plant Science at the University of Connecticut offers a Bachelor of Science degree in horticulture, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees with a http://www.plantscience.uconn.edu/horticulture.html | |
67. Leu Gardens Horticulture 1920 North Forest Avenue, Orlando, Florida USA 32803. 407246-2620. horticulture. Leu Gardens is a botanical oasis that demonstrates plant materials suitable for http://www.leugardens.org/moregrdn.html | |
68. Www.hort.purdue.edu horticulture Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall Drive, West Lafayette, IN 479072010 USA, (765) 494-1300 2010 Purdue University. http://www.hort.purdue.edu/hort/ext/ |
69. Edmonds Community College: Horticulture News / Events. Edmonds CC hires vice president for finance and operations. Scholarship opportunity Apply by Nov. 1 for AllWashington Academic Team http://hort.edcc.edu/ | |
70. Horticulture Resources -Research, Development, News, A comprehensive site featuring new varieties, techniques, symposia/seminars, information technology, books/publications related to horticulture, Journal of Applied horticulture http://www.horticultureworld.net/ | |
71. Maryland Nursery And Landscape Association Supports and promotes member businesses in the horticulture industry. Information about membership, careers, events, and legislation. http://www.mnlaonline.net | |
72. Institut, Institut Für Entwicklungs- Und Agrarökonomik - Institut German research institute based at Hanover University. Site in German and English. http://www.ifgb.uni-hannover.de/ |
73. University Of Botanic Gardens Home Conducts research, teaching, and public service on the selection, management and role of plants and ecosystems in the urban environment. At College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle. http://depts.washington.edu/urbhort/ | |
74. Choose Fashion Blog Provides a message board for exchanging ideas and information on plants, grass, trees, landscaping, greenskeeping, arborist work, design, soil care and forests. http://turftotrees.com | |
75. Horti-Tech Blog containing information about new developments in horticulture. In Indonesian and translatable into English and many other languages. http://www.horti-tech.blogspot.com |
76. Garden Thought Blog by Ethan Cramer providing his views on theoretical ornamental horticulture, gardening in an organized way and similar topics. http://www.gardenthought.com | |
77. Institute Of Groundsmanship (IOG) | IOG Home Membership organisation that represents groundsmen, greenkeepers and all others involved in landscaping, horticulture, sports turf, and amenity turf management. United Kingdom. http://www.iog.org/ | |
78. AP Horticulture.com Notes on the growing of a number of commercial spice crops, from the Andhra Pradesh state government. http://www.aphorticulture.com/spices.htm |
79. Vegetable Crop Management Information on the commercial production of garlic, sweet corn, yellow storage onions and carrots. http://www.extension.umn.edu/specializations/horticulture/Vegecrop.html | |
80. Horticultural Engineering - Rutgers University Contains information about aspects of engineering, including glasshouse construction and energy conservation, from Rutgers University. http://aesop.rutgers.edu/~horteng/ | |
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