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21. Ohio Agricultural Research And Development Center - 404 Error Integrated pest management as applied to cocoa. This page is hosted by the Ohio State University. http://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/cocoa/ |
22. WVU-ES Pest Management Publications Listing of online publications, includes household pest management information for many insects. http://www.wvu.edu/~exten/infores/pubs/pest.htm | |
23. WVU Ext - Agriculture & Natural Resources | Pests About IPM. Includes pesticide impact assessment and extensive information on specific pests and their management. http://www.wvu.edu/~agexten/ipm/ |
24. Pest Management At The Crossroads Information and links on pest control issues, integrated pest management, impacts of pesticides, and related topics. http://www.pmac.net/ | |
25. Electronic Zoo / NetVet Veterinary Resources - Invertebrates Pest Management. AgEBB Agricultural Electronic Bulletin Board; Agriculture Agri-Food Canada Pest Management Research Centre; Armed Forces Pest Management Board http://netvet.wustl.edu/invert.htm | |
26. IPM North Carolina Pest management and production information for growers and home owners in North Carolina. Includes pest descriptions, control alternatives and contacts. Managed by the Center for IPM at North Carolina State University. http://ipm.ncsu.edu/ | |
27. Pest Management | Backyard Conservation | Features | NRCS Pest Management. Early detection and treatment of pests means a healthier growing environment. In Your Backyard. Pest management can be one of the greatest challenges to the http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/feature/backyard/pestmgt.html | |
28. Regional IPM Centers Provides information about commodities, pests and pest management practices, people and issues in the U.S., including crop profile and IPM Expertise databases, information on pesticide use, current pest management research, funding opportunities, and links to related sites. http://www.ipmcenters.org/ |
29. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Principles | Fact Sheets | About Pesticides | P IPM uses a combination of knowledge of pests and pest control methods to manage pest damage safely and economically. http://www.epa.gov/opp00001/factsheets/ipm.htm | |
30. Alaska Pest Management Program - Agricultural Crop Profiles, Pesticide Informati The Alaska Pest Management Program provides all Alaskans with a comprehensive pest management and pesticide information resource. http://alaskapestmanagement.com/ | |
31. Rutgers NJAES -- Rutgers Cooperative Extension -- Pest Management Office -- Inte Covers greenhouse and floriculture, fruit, nursery and vegetable cultivation, and also provides information on the New Jersey Integrated Pest Management program for schools. http://www.pestmanagement.rutgers.edu/IPM/ |
32. Braemar Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland. http://www.pestmanagement.com/ |
33. Pest Management Pest Management. Pest Management in NRCS is primarily focused on helping producers mitigate the environmental risks of pest control activities, including pesticide risks to http://www.wsi.nrcs.usda.gov/products/W2Q/pest/pest_mgt.html | |
34. Integrated Pest Management For Vegetable Gardens - Virginia Cooperative Extensio Information on pest management for vegetable gardens such as soil preparation, plant selection, cultural practices, and beneficial insects and mites. http://www.pubs.ext.vt.edu/426/426-708/426-708.html | |
35. Pest Management Analysis And Planning The Pest Management Analysis and Planning Program implements DPR's Pest Management Strategy, manages its IPM Innovator Program and School IPM Program, administers pest http://www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/pestmgt/ipminov/ipmmenu.htm | |
36. National Centre For Integrated Pest Management Provides information on pest management systems, forecasting of pests, and distribution maps. http://www.ncipm.org.in/ |
37. Pest Management Institute North Queensland - Homepage Pest Management Institute. Representing Regional Pest Management of North Queensland Australia http://pminq.com/ | |
38. EPA Healthy School Environments - Indoor Environmental Quality Pest Management Pesticides are products used to control or destroy insects, rodents, fungi, bacteria, and weeds. They can be sold in the form of baits, liquids, powders, sprays http://cfpub.epa.gov/schools/top_sub.cfm?t_id=41&s_id=33 |
39. OZONE BIOTECH Manufacturer and exporter of neem oil and neem based pesticides for organic farming. http://www.ozonebiotech.com/ |
40. PEST MANAGEMENT SUPPLY "THE MIDWEST'S PREMIER DISTRIBUTOR" Pest Management Supply is pleased to provide to the pest management professional, this free easy source for Labels / MSDS, product information, industry links http://pestmanagementsupply.com/index.html | |
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