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21. Výzkumný ústav Rostlinné Výroby Undertakes research into crop production and agroecology, and plant genetics, health and nutrition, with a network of experimental stations in the Czech Republic. http://www.vurv.cz/ |
22. Plant Genetic Resources : Home, Main Plant Genetic Resources The USDA ARS, Plant Genetic Resources Unit, located on the Geneva, NY Campus of Cornell University, is a component of the National Plant Germplasm System (NPGS). http://www.ars.usda.gov/main/site_main.htm?modecode=19-10-05-00 |
23. Plant Genetics - Genetics - Life Science - Carolina Biological Supply Company Carolina Biological offers science supplies and materials for use in the science classroom. Living preserved specimens, Wisconsin Fast Plants, chemistry, environmental science http://www.carolina.com/nav/p/category/life science/genetics/plant genetics.do?s |
24. SCRI | Research Programmes At SCRI, Science | Scottish Crop Research Institute Research is focussed on environment plant interactions, plant genetics, plant pathology and plant products and food quality. Dundee. http://www.scri.ac.uk/research |
25. ASPB - Meetings - Plant Genetics 2005 To promote the growth and development of plant biology, to encourage and publish research in plant biology, and to promote the interests and growth of plant scientists in general. http://www.aspb.org/meetings/pg-2005/ | |
26. Essentials Of Genetics [M.Tevfik DORAK] Provides a range of notes including landmarks, basic terms and rules, chromosomes and genes, population genetics, viral and bacterial genetics, and plant genetics. Includes links to related resources . http://dorakmt.tripod.com/genetics/genetics.html | |
27. Internet Resources On Plant Genetics [Internet Resources] URLs in this document have been updated. Links enclosed in {curly brackets} have been changed. If a replacement link was located, the new URL was added and the link is active http://www.istl.org/97-spring/internet.html | |
28. Plant Genetics Could Yield Crops That Need Less Water - SignOnSanDiego.com Breaking San Diego news from The San Diego UnionTribune Classifieds, entertainment, sports, hotels and visitor information http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2009/may/01/1n1drought224238-plant-genetics-c |
29. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Research in cancer biology, plant genetics, genomics and bioinformatics, and neurobiology. http://www.cshl.edu/ | |
30. Home : Agronomy And Plant Genetics | University Of Minnesota Research on genetic materials for efficiency, reliability and profitability of crop production and use, including environmentally sound practices. Includes distance learning http://agronomy.cfans.umn.edu/ |
31. BUBL LINK: Plant Genetics s American Journal of Botany; Angiosperm DNA CValues Database; ATCC American Type Culture Collection; BeanRef; Germplasm Resources Information Network......Titles http://bubl.ac.uk/link/p/plantgenetics.htm | |
32. IPK Gatersleben An innovative institute steeped in tradition. The Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) in Gatersleben is a large and internationally renowned plant http://www.ipk-gatersleben.de/ |
33. Wallace Genetic Supports interests including agricultural research, preservation of farmland, ecology, plant genetic research, conservation and sustainable development. Application procedure and details of past grants. http://www.wallacegenetic.org/ | |
34. Plant Genetics - Genetics - Life Science - Carolina Biological Supply Company Carolina Biological offers science supplies and materials for use in the science classroom. Living preserved specimens, Wisconsin Fast Plants, chemistry, environmental science http://www.carolina.com/category/life science/genetics/plant genetics.do | |
35. MSU Plant Genetics Degree, Major And Program Information Information about the Plant Genetics program at Michigan State University (MSU) in East Lansing, MI, including number of degrees awarded and other schools that may offer Plant http://www.matchcollege.com/college-degree/171100-26.0805/Plant-Genetics | |
36. SCU - Centre For Plant Conservation Genetics - Welcome To The Centre For Plant C Applies molecular biology techniques to the conservation and exploitation of plant genetic resources. http://www.scu.edu.au/research/cpcg/ | |
37. Plant Genetics Plant Genetics. Plant genetics uses inherited differences as clues to study plant metabolic pathways or http://www.csrees.usda.gov/nea/plants/in_focus/pbgg_if_genetics.html | |
38. Links To Related Organizations - NPGS, GRIN A page of links to International organizations. http://www.ars-grin.gov/npgs/ngo.html | |
39. NGB - The Nordic Gene Bank: A Plant Genetic Resources Centre Plant genetic resources center documents on organization, publications, online and downloadable databases, stored material. http://www.ngb.se/ | |
40. Plant Genetics Definition Of Plant Genetics In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Genetics, Plant . a branch of genetics that studies heredity and variation in the higher plants. (Such a study of fungi and algae is usually included in microorganism genetics.) http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Plant Genetics |
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