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1. NRCS Soils NRCS data and related information, including soil survey manuals, classifications, lists of published soil surveys (some online), general information about soils, and related http://soils.usda.gov/ | |
2. Soil - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia soils with humus can vary in nitrogen content but have 3 to 6 percent nitrogen typically; humus, as a reserve of nitrogen and phosphorus, is a vital component affecting soil http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soil | |
3. Natural Resources And Environment: Soils On this section you may find a list of useful maps on land and soils issues such as land cover, land use systems, problem soils and dominant soils, developed by FAO. http://www.fao.org/nr/land/soils/en/ | |
4. Photo Gallery | NRCS Soils Contains representative pictures of soil orders plus profile and landscape pictures of more specific soils. http://soils.usda.gov/gallery/ | |
5. Structural Soils Ltd (UK) - Site Investigation Contractors Structural soils Ltd, Bristol, UK. Comprehensive site investigation services contractor. http://www.soils.co.uk/index.htm | |
6. Soil Data Mart - Help. Data and other resources on soils, soil taxonomy, and U.S. soil surveys. http://soildatamart.nrcs.usda.gov/ |
7. Welcome To The Sudbury Soils Study The Sudbury soils Study is an open, public process that will evaluate the levels of metals and chemicals such as nickel, copper, cobalt and arsenic and others that have been found http://sudburysoilsstudy.com/ |
8. World Soil Resources | NRCS Soils The site provides maps, pictures, and technical information on global soil resources. http://soils.usda.gov/use/worldsoils/ | |
9. Soil There are many different kinds and types of soils. Each has certain characteristics including a specific color and composition. http://42explore.com/dirt.htm | |
10. USI Home United soils, Inc. is owned and operated by Dave and Sue Allen of Fairbury, IL. The business was started in 1993 as a field office with two employees and a 32' X 36' building. http://www.unitedsoilsinc.com/ | |
11. Soil Science Society Of America Aims to advance the discipline and practice of soil science. http://www.soils.org/ |
12. Soil Orders This system for classifying soils is one of the most widely used soil classification systems in the world. Collection of information and images to illustrate the distribution http://soils.cals.uidaho.edu/soilorders/ | |
13. Soils & Engineering Services Who is SES? soils Engineering Services, Inc. (SES) is a familyowned and operated consulting engineering firm located in Madison, Wisconsin. http://www.soils.ws/ | |
14. Soils, About soils You say âdirt,â we say âsoil.â Either way, thereâs more to that brown (or red) stuff than meets the eye. While soil is largely composed of nonliving minerals http://www.learn2grow.com/problemsolvers/soils.aspx | |
15. S5chap2 Brief definitions and pictures of the US 12 soil orders .University of Minnesota, Soil, Water and Climate department. http://www.soils.umn.edu/academics/classes/soil2125/doc/s5chp2.htm | |
16. University Of Wisconsin - Department Of Soil Science Curious about Wisconsin soils? Click here to view a short primer (put together by Dr. Jim Bockheim) explaining the classification of this important resource. http://www.soils.wisc.edu/soils/index.php | |
17. Soil Classification System Of England And Wales - SoilsWorldwide A short introduction to UK soil classification system. Soil characteristics and soil classes. soilsWorldwide (National Soil Resources Institute, Cranfield University) http://www.soilsworldwide.net/index.php/United_Kingdom_soil_classification_syste | |
18. State Soils | NRCS Soils State soils. Click here to go directly to the list of states. What is a State Soil? A state soil is a soil that has special significance to a particular state. http://soils.usda.gov/gallery/state_soils/ | |
19. AZ Master Gardener Manual: Soil Classes PRINCIPAL SURFACE SOIL CLASSES 1. Loam âWhen rubbed between the thumb and fingers, approximately equal influence of sand, silt, and clay is felt. http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/garden/mg/soils/principal.html | |
20. Www.na.fs.fed.us One of the identifying characteristics of wetlands, from both ecological and statutory points of view, is the presence of hydric, or wet, soils. http://www.na.fs.fed.us/spfo/pubs/n_resource/wetlands/wetlands5_soils.htm | |
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