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81. Soil Science Education Home Page Aims to foster awareness about soil and its importance to life. With practical and illustrated soil science activities for school children. http://soil.gsfc.nasa.gov/ | |
82. Home Page of kits and teacher material available....... An educational program designed to teach the importance of soil, types of soil, erosion processes, and soil conservation principles. http://projectsoil.org/Default.htm | |
83. Www.indiaagronet.com - Indian Agricultural Resources - Soil Management Indian Agricultural Resources Portal for farmers and experts in soil management. http://www.indiaagronet.com/indiaagronet/soil_management/Soil_mgmt.htm |
84. Soil Biological Communities Educational site describing soil and the life forms in it. basic introduction to the soil making process. Special pages for Kids. http://www.blm.gov/nstc/soil/index.html |
85. The Field Museum | Underground Adventure Educational site for students and teachers about soil and soil biology. http://www.fieldmuseum.org/undergroundadventure/ | |
86. Recommended Soil Testing Procedures For The Northeastern United States - 3rd Edi Describes important soil tests and explains how to perform and interpret them. http://ag.udel.edu/extension/agnr/soiltesting.htm | |
87. Soil And Fertilizers Information on all aspects of soil fertility and fertilizers. http://www.agnet.org/library/soilfert/ | |
88. Rutgers NJAES: Soil Fertility Application recommendations for different fertilizers. http://njaes.rutgers.edu/horsepastures/soil_fertility.htm | |
89. Soil Fertility A large collection of information ranging from soil test interpretation to prevention of nutrient deficiencies. http://www.agronext.iastate.edu/soilfertility/ | |
90. Soil Test Interpretations Gives examples of soil test values and explains their significance. http://aces.nmsu.edu/pubs/_a/a-122.html | |
91. S-1 Soil Physics Division Homepage of the Soil Physics Division of the Soil Science Society of America. Journals, meetings, mailing-list and soil physics links. http://ag.arizona.edu/sssa-s1/ | |
92. Soil Ecology - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Information from Wikipedia on the study of the interactions among soil organisms, the features of the ecosystem, the soil food web, and research into this biological community. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soil_ecology | |
93. Canadian Soil Information System, Agriculture And Agri-Food Canada Includes the National Soil DataBase, soil interpretations, soil survey reports and maps, and reference publications and manuals. http://sis.agr.gc.ca/cansis/ | |
94. Soil Chemistry At The University Of New Hampshire - Course Syllabus Course syllabus, goals and expectations. http://pubpages.unh.edu/~harter/soil702.html | |
95. Pedosphere.com :: Global Soil Science Educators & Knowledge Managers Online reference book. It explains aspects of soil science e.g. function of soil, soil profiles, soil texture, soil formation, organic matter and the interactions between soil and the air and water. http://www.pedosphere.com/ | |
96. Soil Fertility Guide Outlines the factors affecting plant growth, soil and climate, soil surveys and classification, soil management and plant nutritional requirements. Provided by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. http://www.nr.gov.nl.ca/agric/soil_land_new/pdfiles/fertilguide.pdf |
97. Soil Erosion Site Collection of information on soil erosion from a wide range of scientific disciplines. http://soilerosion.net | |
98. Land Resources Of Russia Table correlating the Soil Map of Russia s soil type with FAO World Reference Base (Land Ressources of Russia) http://www.iiasa.ac.at/Research/FOR/russia_cd/soil_cor.htm | |
99. Pennsylvania Association Of Professional Soil Scientists Dedicated to foster the profession of soil classification, mapping, and interpretation. http://papss.org |
100. NZSSS Provides information about the organisation, the soil newsletter, publications, conferences and awards. http://nzsss.rsnz.org/ | |
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