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101. CA Soil Resource Lab Research covers many aspects of soil science including soil genesis and morphology, water quality and constructed wetlands, soil-landform relationships and modeling, watershed-scale soil survey studies and the production of an online soil survey. http://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/ |
102. DigitalSoilMapping.org News, conferences and tools related to Digital Soil Mapping. International Union of Soil Sciences, Soil geography (1.2) and Pedometrics (1.5) commissions. http://digitalsoilmapping.org | |
103. Australian Soil Resource Information System (ASRIS) Interactive soil maps and information on soil resources in Australia, from national to local (soil profile) scale. http://www.asris.csiro.au |
104. BBC Laboratories - 6 Functional Group Guide For Soil Microbiological components of a soil bioassay. http://www.bbclabs.com/english/sixfg_soil_guide.html | |
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