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21. Biographie: Edgar Degas, 1834-1917 Tabellarischer berblick ber das Leben des franz sischen Malers, Graphikers und Bildhauers. http://www.dhm.de/lemo/html/biografien/DegasEdgar/index.html | |
22. Degas, Edgar: The Rehearsal Degas, Edgar The Rehearsal c. 187378 Oil on canvas 18 1/2 x 24 3/8 in. (41 x 61.7 cm) Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA http://www.artchive.com/artchive/D/degas/rehearse.jpg.html |
23. Edgar Degas - Olga's Gallery Comprehensive collection of his works with biography and historical comments. http://www.abcgallery.com/D/degas/degas.html | |
24. 285 Degas Degas, Edgar, The Bellelli Family 18581860. aris, Musee D' Orsay Degas, Edgar. The Bellelli Family 1858-1860. Paris, Musee D' Orsay http://www.arthistory.upenn.edu/fall00/285/285degas.html | |
25. Edgar Degas - French Painter (1834-1917) Article on his life and art, timeline and a selection of works by this French Realist/Impressionist painter. http://www.theartgallery.com.au/ArtEducation/greatartists/Degas/about/index.html | |
26. WebMuseum: Degas, Edgar: Woman Combing Her Hair c.188790; Louvre, Paris Degas, in the Classic line of descent from Ingres as a draughtsmanand one of the greatest in Europe since the giants of the Renaissanceexchanged oil http://sun-wais.oit.unc.edu/wm/paint/auth/degas/combing-hair/ | |
27. Degas, Edgar Definition Of Degas, Edgar In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Degas, Edgar (Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas) (ēlĕr` zhĕrmăN` ĕdg r` dəg `), 1834–1917, French painter and sculptor, b. Paris; son of a banker. http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Degas, Edgar |
28. Degas, Edgar - Definition Of Degas, Edgar By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaur Thesaurus Legend Synonyms Related Words Antonyms. Noun 1. Edgar Degas French impressionist painter (1834-1917) Degas, Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Degas, Edgar |
29. Edgar Degas — Infoplease.com Encyclopedia Degas, Edgar. Degas, Edgar (Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas) (ēler' zhermăN' edg r' d u g ') , 1834 – 1917, French painter and sculptor, b. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0814976.html |
30. Degas - French Artist (1834 - 1917) Learn about the French Impressionist artist who painted many pictures of ballet dancers, Paris nightlife and horse racing scenes. http://www.theartgallery.com.au/kidsart/learn/degas/ | |
31. WebMuseum: Degas, Edgar: Race Horses 188588 (100 Kb); Pastel on panel, 11 7/8 x 16 in; Philadelphia Museum of Art Race horses and Jockeys, even more than dancers, occupied Degas throughout his long career as an http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/degas/race-horses/ | |
32. Edgar Degas Kurzbiographie des franz sischen Impressionisten Edgar Degas (1834-1917). http://www.artelino.de/articles/edgar_degas.asp |
33. Degas, Edgar - Browse By Artist - Norton Art Foundation The Norton Simon Museum of Art holds one of the world's finest and most prestigious collections. Search its collection online, featuring detailed information and color images http://www.nortonsimon.org/collections/browse_artist.php?name=Degas, Edgar |
34. Stiftung Sammlung E. G. Bührle | Wir Begrüssen Sie Auf Unserer Website Einstieg in eine Reihe von Bildern Edgar Degas in der Sammlung E.G. B hrle, Z rich. Zu jedem Bild wird eine ausf hrliche Beschreibung geboten, dazu kommt ein biographischer Abri . http://www.buehrle.ch/painters_detail.php?lang=de&id_painter=13 |
35. Degas, Edgar | Artist Index | Heilbrunn Timeline Of Art History | The Metropolit At the Milliner's, 1882, Edgar Degas (French7), Pastel on pale gray wove paper (29.100.38) The Ballet from Robert le Diable, 1871, Edgar Degas (French), Oil on canvas (29.100 http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hi/hi_degasedgar.htm | |
36. Encyclopédie De L'Agora | Degas Edgar Propose une biographie, une bibliographie, des citations de et sur l artiste et une s rie d articles traitant notamment de sa place dans l impressionnisme et de l exposition des ind pendants de 1881. http://agora.qc.ca/mot.nsf/Dossiers/Edgar_Degas |
37. WebMuseum: Degas, Edgar These pages were developed by the staff of WebMuseum http//sunsite.icm.edu.pl/wm/net/ KET Distance Learning is grateful for their wonderful work and their permission to mirror http://www.dl.ket.org/webmuseum/wm/paint/auth/degas/index.htm | |
38. WebMuseum: Degas, Edgar: Ballet Dancers Online gallery showcasing many of Degas ballet paintings. Also includes a brief description of art during the period. http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/degas/ballet/ | |
39. Degas, Edgar | Define Degas, Edgar At Dictionary.com Cultural Dictionary Degas, Edgar (day gah , duh- gah ) A nineteenth-century French painter and sculptor. Among his preferred subjects were ballet dancers and scenes of http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/degas, edgar?qsrc=2446 |
40. WebMuseum: Degas, Edgar Degas, (HilaireGermain-) Edgar (b. July 19, 1834, Paris, Fr.d. Sept. 27, 1917, Paris) French artist, acknowledged as the master of drawing the human figure in motion. http://www.navigo.com/wm/paint/auth/degas/ | |
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