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         Di Bondone Giotto:     more books (38)
  1. Giotto Di Bondone: 1267-1337 (Taschen Basic Art) by Norbert Wolf, 2006-10-01
  2. Architecte Italien: Léonard de Vinci, Camillo Boito, Michel-Ange, Andrea Palladio, Raphaël, Giotto Di Bondone, Leon Battista Alberti (French Edition)
  3. L'Opera Completa di Giotto by Edi [Giotto di Bondone] Baccheschi, 1967
  4. Giotto di Bondone
  5. Artiste Du Moyen Âge: Jongleur, Giotto Di Bondone, Jean de La Huerta, Gislebert, Girart de Roussillon, Pisanello, Frères de Limbourg (French Edition)
  6. Sculpteur Italien Du Xive Siècle: Giotto Di Bondone, Maestri Campionesi, Giovanni Pisano, Giovanni D'agostino, Andrea Pisano, Tino Di Camaino (French Edition)
  7. Sculpteur Italien Du Xiiie Siècle: Giotto Di Bondone, Maestri Campionesi, Giovanni Pisano, Nicola Pisano, Benedetto Antelami, Lorenzo Maitani (French Edition)
  8. Sculpteur Cité par Vasari Dans le Vite: Michel-Ange, Donatello, Giotto Di Bondone, le Vite, Andrea Del Verrocchio, le Filarète (French Edition)
  9. 1267 Births: Giotto Di Bondone, Emperor Go-Uda, James Ii of Aragon, Trn Quc Ton, Roger de Flor, Ser Petracco, Alan La Zouche
  10. Peintre Italien Du Xive Siècle: Giotto Di Bondone, Matteo Giovannetti, Giovanni Di Benedetto Da Como, Simone Martini, Cenni Di Francesco (French Edition)
  11. Peintre Italien de La Pré-Renaissance: Giotto Di Bondone, Primitifs Italiens, Matteo Giovannetti, Ambrogio Borgognone (French Edition)
  12. Italian Architects: Michelangelo, Giorgio Vasari, Leon Battista Alberti, Giotto Di Bondone, Bartolomeo Ammanati, Filippo Brunelleschi
  13. Medieval Painters: Giotto Di Bondone, Cimabue, Toros Roslin, Andrei Rublev, Jacquemart de Hesdin, Duccio, Simone Martini
  14. Naissance Dans La Province de Florence: Léonard de Vinci, Boccace, Indro Montanelli, Giotto Di Bondone, Fra Angelico, Lapo Saltarelli (French Edition)

1. Francesco Giotto Di Bondone - Artist, Art - Francesco Giotto Di Bondone
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Francesco Giotto di Bondone (c. 1267 - 1337)
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2. WebMuseum: Giotto Di Bondone
Biography of this painter, sculptor, and architect.
Giotto di Bondone
Giotto di Bondone (c. 1267 - 1337). Florentine painter and architect. Outstanding as a painter, sculptor, and architect, Giotto was recognized as the first genius of art in the Italian Renaissance. Giotto lived and worked at a time when people's minds and talents were first being freed from the shackles of medieval restraint. He dealt largely in the traditional religious subjects, but he gave these subjects an earthly, full-blooded life and force. The artist's full name was Giotto di Bondone. He was born about 1266 in the village of Vespignano, near Florence. His father was a small landed farmer. Giorgio Vasari, one of Giotto's first biographers, tells how Cimabue, a well-known Florentine painter, discovered Giotto's talents. Cimabue supposedly saw the 12-year-old boy sketching one of his father's sheep on a flat rock and was so impressed with his talent that he persuaded the father to let Giotto become his pupil. Another story is that Giotto, while apprenticed to a wool merchant in Florence, frequented Cimabue's studio so much that he was finally allowed to study painting. The earliest of Giotto's known works is a series of frescoes (paintings on fresh, still wet plaster) on the life of St. Francis in the church at Assisi. Each fresco depicts an incident; the human and animal figures are realistic and the scenes expressive of the gentle spirit of this patron saint of animals. In about 1305 and 1306 Giotto painted a notable series of 38 frescoes in the Arena Chapel in Padua. The frescoes illustrate the lives of Jesus Christ and of the Virgin Mary. Over the archway of the choir is a scene of the Court of Heaven, and a Last Judgment scene faces it on the entrance wall. The compositions are simple, the backgrounds are subordinated, and the faces are studies in emotional expression.

3. Giotto Di Bondone - Discussion And Encyclopedia Article. Who Is Giotto Di Bondon
Giotto di Bondone Giotto di Bondone (better known as just Giotto, 12671337) was an Italian painter.

4. Giotto Image Gallery
Virtual gallery of some of the works of the artist.
Image Gallery / Giotto
Giotto (Ambrogio Bondone) 1267-1337
Biography Noli me tangere Annunciation,
Padova, Scrovegni Chapel Standard Resolution High Resolution Annunciation,
Padova, Scrovegni Chapel Standard Resolution High Resolution The Prayer of the suitors,
Padova, Scrovegni Chapel Standard Resolution High Resolution Go Here for the complete paintings collection of Giotto

5. Di Bondone Giotto Wallpapers
Browse through and download Di Bondone Giotto wallpapers and Di Bondone Giotto desktop backgrounds available in all screen resolutions. Bondone Giotto

6. Giotto Di Bondone Facts - Freebase
Facts and figures about Giotto di Bondone, taken from Freebase, the world's database.

7. Giotto Di Bondone (Giotto)
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Go to the forum ... Worldvisitguide Giotto di Bondone (Giotto) Giotto di Bondone (Giotto)
Giotto di Bondone (Giotto) Naissance : Colle di Vespignano - 1267 / D�c�s : Florence
Le Trecento ou la "Pr�-Renaissance"

Filiation P�re de : Giotto di Stefano ( Giottino) R�alisation(s) Louvre Museum
Saint Fran�ois d'Assise recevant les stigmates

Giotto di Bondone (Giotto)
(approx. de 1295 � 1300) Croix peinte
Painting Giotto di Bondone (Giotto) (vers 1415) Metropolitan Museum of Art Artist L'Epiphanie Painting Giotto di Bondone (Giotto) (vers 1320) National Gallery of Art - NGA Artist Vierge et l'Enfant Painting Giotto di Bondone (Giotto) (approx. de 1320 � 1330) Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral Artist Vue du Campanile � partir du D�me Outdoor architecture Giotto di Bondone (Giotto) The Museum of the Opera del Duomo Artist G�ble qui coiffait l'une des fen�tres trilob�es du campanile Outdoor architecture Giotto di Bondone (Giotto) (XIVth si�cle) Uffizi Gallery Artist Vierge d'Ognissanti Painting Giotto di Bondone (Giotto) (vers 1310) El�ment(s) en relation Louvre Museum Model Cinq ma�tres de la Renaissance florentine Painting Paolo di Dono (Uccello) (approx. de 1500 � 1550)

8. Kiss Of Judas * Giotto Di Bondone | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Giotto di Bondone (12671337), Life of Christ Kiss of Judas , at the Cappella degli scrovegni a Padova source wikimedia currently reading Requiem * Graham Joyce ; just

9. Giotto - Olga's Gallery
Collection of the images of his works with biography and historical comments.
Olga's Gallery
Biography Frescos in St. Francis, Upper Church, Assisi, Italy attributed to Giotto
Frescos in the Capella degli Scrovegni

Frescos in St. Francis, Lower Church, Assisi, Italy attributed to Giotto
Frescos in Church of Santa Croce, Bardi Chapel, Florence, Italy
Page One Giotto at Artprice To look at auction records, find Giotto's works in upcoming auctions, check price levels and indexes for his works, read his biography and view his signature, access the Artprice database. Giotto di Bondone is an Italian painter and architect, born in Vespignano, near Florence. The most innovative artist of his time, Giotto was described by Dante as the foremost painter, displacing the elder Cimabue in fame and fortune. Posterity, however, has seen Giotto in stronger terms, as the revolutionary who altered the course of painting in Western Europe, striking out of the Gothic and Byzantine styles towards the Renaissance.
At the age of 10, Giotto was supposedly found by Cimabue (1240-1302), who took him to Florence to study art. His earliest work may have been connected with the making of mosaics for the Florence Baptistry. Continued...

10. Campanile Di Giotto & Duomo, Firenze | Flickr - Photo Sharing! Giotto di Bondone (Colle di Vespignano, near Florence 1267 – January 8, Florence 1337), better known simply as Giotto, was a Florentine

11. Giotto Di Bondone - Florentine Artist
Biography and an image of St Francis Receiving the Stigmata which is generally considered to be his greatest work.
Paul Cezanne
painted more than 200 still-life compositions in his lifetime?
. . . the first pigments used in painting were ground from earth, minerals and organic matter?
    Giotto di Bondone (
    Considered one of the greatest early Italian painters, Florentine painter and architect Giotto can also be considered the founder of the main tradition of Western painting because of the way he broke away from Byzantine tradition and introduced the concern with an illusionistic pictorial space. His subjects attained a sense of solidity, reality and mass since which has never been entirely lost to painting. During his lifetime Giotto was recognised for the momentous quality of his work and praised lavishly by the likes of Dante and Boceaccio and Cennino Cennini. In 1400, Cennini summed up Giotto's stylistic revolution in the words "Giotto translated the art of painting from Greek to Latin." There is considerable scholarly debate over which works can be attributed to Giotto. The main panel for St Francis Receiving the Stigmata from the church of San Francesco in Pisa (1290s?) is generally considered to be Giotto's work while the designs of the three small scenes were borrowed from Assisi and painted by the St Francis Master's assistants.

12. Giotto Di Bondone - The Complete Works
Giotto di Bondone (c. 1267–January 8, 1337), better known simply as Giotto, was an Italian painter and architect from Florence. He is generally considered the first in a line of

13. Giotto Di Bondone
Giotto di Bondone. Giotto di Bondone (better known as just Giotto, 12671337) was an Italian painter.
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
Giotto di Bondone
Giotto di Bondone (better known as just Giotto ) was an Italian painter
The Mourning of Christ
Painted 1305
Giotto was born in poverty in the countryside near Florence , the son of Bondone, a peasant, and was himself a shepherd. Most authors believe that Giotto was directly his real name, and not an abbreviation of Ambrogio ( Ambrogiotto ) or Angelo ( Angiolotto The legend says (as reported by Giorgio Vasari in his biographies, derived from Ghiberti 's Commentari ) that at the age of 10, while attending the sheep, he used to draw on the rocks with a chalk. Cimabue saw him drawing a sheep, so natural and so perfect that he immediately asked his father if he could bring Giotto with him to let him study art, and Giotto's career would have started in Cimabue's bottega His art was extremely innovative, and is commonly considered as a precursor of that evolution which was to lead, shortly after, to the explosion of the Italian Rinascimento He treated the religious themes (quite exclusively used in medieval art) with a new spirit, rendering them with a clear freshness and an unexpected liveliness, and many critics talk about a "human emotion" as the most peculiar feature of his works. He received commissions for many works throughout Italy, and became a good friend of the king of

14. Web Gallery Of Art, Image Collection, Virtual Museum, Searchable Database Of Eur
Introduction to his life and works.

15. Giotto Di Bondone
Career and Timeline of Giotto di Bondone Giotto worked for the Bardi's and the Peruzzi's, the Florentine families who owned the most important European banks of the 13th century

16. Giotto Di Bondone The Devils Cast Out Of Arezzo Oil Painting - Tamsquare Art
Giotto di Bondone The Devils Cast Out of Arezzo Artist oil painting on canvas reproduction of original masterpiece, landscape, by van Gogh, Monet, Renoir lowest price, free
Tamsquare Art
"Giotto di Bondone The Devils Cast Out of Arezzo"

Qty: More Oil Painting
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17. Giotto Di Bondone - Page 1 -
Giotto Di Bondone The Giotto Di Bondone paintings on this page are available from 1st-Art-Gallery as handmade reproductions on canvas. Click on the oil painting of your choice

18. Museum Syndicate: Items From Italy
di Bondone, Giotto Expulsion of Joachim from the Temple 1313 AD di Bondone, Giotto Flight into Egypt 1313 AD di Bondone, Giotto Hope 1305 AD di Bondone, Giotto

19. Art Renewal Center Museum™ Artist Information For Giotto
Click here to sponsor a banner and support Art Renewal Center a recognized Ambrogio di Bondone Giotto, Giotto di Bondone, Giotto, Giott

20. Giotto Di Maestro Stefano, Called Giottino - Madonna And Child Enthroned Among A
Giotto Bio Italian Proto-Renaissance Painter Giotto di Bondone; Giotto on the Web; In Honor of Saint John the Baptist - Prayer in Honor of Saint John the Bapt
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  • Art History
    Madonna and Child Enthroned, Angels, Sts John the Baptist and Benedict, ca. 1356
    Giotto di Maestro Stefano, called Giottino (Italian, active ca. 1368)
    By Shelley Esaak , Guide
    See More About:
    of Gallery Index Prev Next Giotto di Maestro Stefano, called Giottino (Italian, active ca. 1368). Madonna and Child Enthroned among Angels and Saints John the Baptist and Benedict, ca. 1356. Detached fresco. Dimensions unknown.
    About the Show:
    The Legacy of Giotto covers painting, sculpture, illumination and decorative objects created by the Giotteschi (pupils and followers of Giotto di Bondone) for a 35-year period after the death of the father of the Florentine School. Though these were long thought to be artistically bleak and barren decades, this exhibitionwhich re-examines the output of artists Taddeo and Bernardo Daddi, Maso di Banco, Andrea and Nardo di Cione, and Giottino (among others)disproves that long-held theory. We learn instead that these artists spent the years 1340-75 busily building on Giotto's groundbreaking work, and paving the way to a unique "Late Gothic" Florentine style.
    Scheduled Venue:
    Galleria degli Uffizi
    , Florence: June 10-December 8, 2008
    Next Suggested Reading Artists in 60 Seconds: Giotto di Bondone The Italian Proto-Renaissance - Art History 101 Basics Artists from the Italian Proto-Renaissance (List) Related Articles

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