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         Monet Claude:     more books (100)
  1. Claude Monet (The Primary Source Library of Famous Artists) by Catherine Nichols, Claude Monet, 2006-06-15
  2. Monet's Garden in Giverny: Inventing the Landscape by Marina Ferretti Bocquillon, FranCoise Heilbrun, et all 2009-10-01
  3. Claude Monet (1840-1926) by Claude Monet, 1983-12
  4. Observation and Reflection: Claude Monet by Joel Isaacson, 1978-08
  5. Claude Monet: Seasons and Moments (Museum of Modern Art) by William Chapin Seitz, 1969-06
  6. Hommage a Claude Monet, (1840-1926: 1980, Annee Du Patrimoine, Grand Palais, 8 Fev-5mai 1980. ed By Helene Adhemar) (French Edition)
  7. Monet, Claude - Encuadernado (German Edition) by Karin Sagner, 2000-01
  8. Monet: A Retrospective by Charles Stuckey, 2006-01-01
  9. Claude Monet (Art Profiles for Kids) by Jim Whiting, 2007-05-23
  10. Claude Monet: Fields in Spring (Emanating) by Christofer Conrad, Christian von Holst, et all 2006-08-15
  11. Les Nympheas de Claude Monet au Musee de l'Orangerie (French Edition) by Michel Hoog, 1984
  12. Claude Monet: Life at Giverny by Claire Joyes, 1985-09
  13. Georges Clemenceau a son ami Claude Monet: Correspondance (French Edition) by Georges Clemenceau, 1993
  14. Claude Monet (Great Artists) by Roberto Carvalho de Magalhaes, 2005-09-15

81. Claude Monet (Getty Museum)
Learn about Claude Monet from the J. Paul Getty Museum s collections, with links to works of art and images.

82. Monet, Claude - Education Resource - StudySphere
Education Portal, Educational Resource for language school, study abroad, education online, education, school, high school, career education, business school, driver education

83. Claude Monet
Featuring several paintings and drawings of the French artist Claude Oscar Monet, 1840 - 1926.

84. Claude Lorrain Online
Links to pictures of artist s works in art museum sites and image archives worldwide.

85. Biographical Dictionary Of The Organ | Claude L. Allgén
Brief sketch of his life and list of organ works from the Biographical Dictionary of Organists.
Claude L. Allgén
Allgén Claude L oyola. Studied in Denmark ... b ... d. Täby ... (6 of 18 words)
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86. Disclaimer - Electronic Collection
Digital selection of documents, photographs, music samples, and artifacts from the National Library of Canada. Archived.
You are viewing a document archived by Library and Archives Canada. Please note, information may be out of date and some functionality lost. You will be redirected in 15 seconds or follow this link to continue to the document For more information see the Electronic Collection's Web site. voir le document Pour plus de renseignements veuillez consulter le site Web de la Last Updated: 2005-04-12 Important Notices Avis importants

87. Claude Lanzmann - Professor Of Documentary Film - Biography
Presents a short biography, online lecture, and filmography of the director.
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      Claude Lanzmann - Biography
      Claude Lanzmann, born in Bois-Colombes, France on November 27, 1925, is a Paris-based filmmaker, writer and journalist, renowned for his unprecedented 'cinematic history of the Holocaust', the 9 hour documentary film SHOAH (1985). In his work, Claude Lanzmann addresses questions of Jewish identity by turning to topics such as the Holocaust, openly opposing its prevailing commodification by the film industry. Instead, he presents the past and its contradictions as fractured and unresolved, refusing to create works that are easy to digest. During the Second World War, at age eighteen, Claude Lanzmann joined the French communist party and fought against the Nazis. As a preparation for the cole Normale Suprieure, he completed a course on philosophy at the Sorbonne. Nevertheless, following his interest in Germany after the war, he studied philosophy at Tbingen University and lectured on French literature and philosophy at the Free University of Berlin. In Berlin, he began his career as a journalist, revealing with his first article the persistence of Nazism in the university system in Germany; he wrote for Le Monde as the first Frenchman who traveled (illegally) through East Germany. This series of articles inspired Jean-Paul Sartre to invite Claude Lanzmann to collaborate with him and Simone de Beauvoir as an editor of their left-wing magazine

88. Astrocartography Of Claude Debussy's Least-aspected Pluto
Biography of Claude Debussy, focus on how the planetary metaphor of Pluto was reflected in his life and work. By renowned astrocartographer Rob Couteau.
astrocartography astrology horoscope Claude Debussy chart symbolism planets Pluto biography of Claude Debussy astrocartographer Couteau The Role of the Least Aspected Planet in Astrocartography Planetary Symbolism in Astrocartography and Transcendental Astrology by Robert Couteau Astrocartography home Pluto = 011
Sun = 130
Mercury = 140
Neptune = 210
Saturn = 211
Uranus = 222
Venus = 230
Moon = 232 [Least-aspected Pluto] Claude Debussy French composer Claude Debussy was born in St. Germain-en-Laye, just east of his Primary Pluto, which runs in a vertical, Midheaven position along the border of France and Germany. His Primary Pluto forms a narrowly focused Transcendental Midpoint-Field over Europe with Secondary Sun and Tertiary Mercury, which both rise over western Italy and central Germany.
When Debussy was seventeen years old, he commenced his travels through Europe as the musical companion of Mme von Meck, who was a friend of Tchaikovsky (1879). After returning to Paris and continuing his studies in musical education at the Paris Conservatoire (1873-1884), he won the Prix de Rome (1884) for his cantata, LEnfant Paradise . This permitted him additional travel through Europe and granted him a residence in Italy: a location completely framed by his Transcendental Midpoint-Field. While there, he composed

89. Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918) - Find A Grave Memorial
Biographical outline, portrait photographs, pictures of his tomb, cemetery links, and message board from Find a Grave. Debussy

90. Claude Garamond
Brief historical overview of typography plus biographical information on Claude Garamond and examples of how the Garamond typeface is used in contemporary print advertising.
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91. Claude Monet
Article about the life and works of the French impressionist painter.

92. Claude News - Topix
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.

93. - Texas | Claude Weather
Three day weather forecast, radar, satellite, current conditions, weather and news links.

94. Claude Lévi-Strauss - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre
Biograf a del antrop logo con enlace a t rminos relevantes.évi-Strauss
Claude Lévi-Strauss
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre Saltar a navegación búsqueda Claude Lévi-Strauss en Claude Lévi-Strauss Bruselas Bélgica 28 de noviembre de París Francia 30 de octubre de fue un antropólogo francófono belga, una de las grandes figuras de su disciplina, fundador de la antropología estructural e introductor en las ciencias sociales del enfoque estructuralista basado en la lingüística estructural de Saussure . Dado el peso de su obra, dentro y fuera de la antropología, fue uno de los intelectuales más influyentes del siglo XX
editar Biografía
Claude Lévi-Strauss nació en Bruselas el 28 de noviembre de 1908, hijo de padres judíos franceses de origen alsaciano . Realizó sus estudios en París, en los liceos Janson de Sailly y Condorcet . Estudió derecho y filosofía en la Sorbona . No continuó sus estudios de derecho, sólo los de filosofía en . Después de trabajar unos pocos años de docencia en enseñanza secundaria , aceptó una oferta de última hora para ser parte de la misión cultural francesa en Brasil , país al que serviría como profesor visitante en la Universidad de São Paulo Vivió en Brasil desde a , y allí llevó a cabo su primer trabajo de campo etnográfico , dirigiendo exploraciones periódicas en el Mato Grosso y la selva tropical amazónica. Ésta fue la experiencia que cimentó su identidad como profesional de la

95. Monets Garten
Die Wechselbeziehung von G rten und Malerei im Leben von Claude Monet analysiert anhand der Ausstellung Monets Garten im Kunsthaus Z rich.
www. cosmopolis .ch
Nr. 66, Dezember 2004
Deutsche Ausgabe
Archiv Kunst Film ... Travel
The Web Monets Garten
Artikel vom 1. Dezember 2004, ergnzt am 2. Dezember 2004
Noch bis am 27. Februar 2005 zeigt das Kunsthaus Zrich die Ausstellung Monets Garten . Die 71 lgemlde von Claude Monet (1840-1926) spannen den Bogen vom realistischen Frhwerk bis zu den monumentalen spten Seerosenbildern.
Monets Garten in Giverny steht stellvertretend fr den impressionistischen Garten, seine dort entstandenen Seerosenbilder ( Nymphas ) sind der "Inbegriff des Impressionismus" (Christoph Becker) berhaupt.
Katalog und Ausstellung befassen sich mit dem Maler und Grtner Claude Monet, der Wechselwirkung dieser zwei Ttigkeiten, der sthetischen Funktion der Grten fr die Entwicklung und Entfaltung seines Gesamtwerkes, dokumentieren die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Knstler, Publikum und dem internationalen Kunstmarkt seiner Zeit. Der Katalog schliesst mit einer umfassenden Biografie des Knstler.
Im Zentrum stehen Monets Grten in Argenteuil (1872-78), Vtheuil (1878-83) und vor allem Giverny (1883-1926) und die dort entstandene Malerei. Die ausgestellten Werke zeigen neben den Gartenanlagen des Knstlers auch Landschaften aus der Umgebung seiner Wohnsitze, die ihn als Grtner und Maler beeinflusst und angeregt haben.

96. Jean-Claude Van Damme @ FILMGESICHTER
Die Filmgesichter des Schauspielers Jean-Claude Van Damme - verschiedene Bilder und seine Filme auf VHS und DVD.

97. Claude Lelouch
Die Biografie des Regisseurs ist aufgef hrt.

98. Claude Monet - Viquipèdia
Article sobre aquest pintor de la Viquip dia.
Claude Monet
De Viquipèdia Dreceres ràpides: navegació cerca Claude Monet
Nom de naixement
Oscar-Claude Monet Naixement 14 de novembre
Defunció: 5 de desembre
Moviment artístic: Impressionisme Obres destacades: Impression, soleil levant Cathédrale de Rouen Influenciat per J.M.W.Turner Oscar-Claude Monet París 14 de novembre de Giverny 5 de desembre de ), va ser sens dubte el pintor més important i obstinat representant de l' impressionisme francès
Taula de continguts
modifica Biografia
La Promenade , El Passeig Neix el 14 de novembre del 1840 en el 45 del carrer Lafitte de París al sí d'una família de comerciants. El seu pare es deia Claude Adolphe i la seva mare Louise Justine Aubrée, essent el segon fill del matrimoni. Els problemes econòmics que travessava el pare del futur artista van motivar el trasllat a Le Havre , ja que allí podia participar en el pròsper negoci del seu cunyat. Monet va rebre les seves primeres lliçons artístiques a l'escola, de la mà de François-Charles Ochard, alumne del pintor neoclàssic Jacques-Louis David . En aquests moments estaria més interessat pels dibuixos graciosos i caricatures que per adquirir una formació artística. Als 15 anys ja tenia relativa fama com a caricaturista, realitzant un bon nombre de caricatures de ciutadans de Le Havre per les que cobrava entre 10 i 20 francs, aconseguint una petita fortuna de 2.000 francs. Quan Monet té 17 anys mor la seva mare, l'única persona amb cert talent artístic de la família. La pèrdua va suposar un dur cop per al jove qui establirà una estreta relació amb la seva tia, Marie-Jeanne Lecadre, interessada per la pintura, pintora aficionada i companya després d'enviduar del pintor parisenc

99. Helvaetius Claude-Adrien From FOLDOC
Brief entry, with links to related topics, from this philosophical database. Claude-Adrien

100. Claude Lévi-Strauss – Wikipedia
Umfangreicher Lexikoneintrag zu Leben und Werk.évi-Strauss
Claude Lévi-Strauss
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Lévi-Strauss im Jahr 2005 Claude Lévi-Strauss kloːd leviˈstʀoːs 28. November in Brüssel 30. Oktober in Paris ) war ein französischer Ethnologe und Anthropologe . Er gilt als Begründer des ethnologischen Strukturalismus und früher Vertreter einer Ethnosoziologie

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