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21. Alan Avery Art Company - Rauschenberg, Robert One of the oldest and largest galleries in the Southeast. Exhibiting painting, sculpture, works on paper, prints, ceramics, American craft, photography, commissioned artwork and http://www.alanaveryartcompany.com/component/option,com_gallery2/Itemid,86/?g2_i |
22. Www.artchive.com RAUSCHENBERG, Robert Bed 1955 Combine painting 6'2 x 31 1/2 x 6 1/2 Mr and Mrs Leo Castelli, New York http://www.artchive.com/artchive/R/rauschenberg/bed.jpg.html |
23. Rauschenberg, Robert - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Rauschenberg, Robert (1925–2008) US pop artist. He created happenings and multimedia works, called ‘combined painting’, such as Monogram (1959; Moderna Museet, Stockholm), a http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Rauschenberg, Robert |
24. Rauschenberg, Robert Rauschenberg, Robert (b Port Arthur, TX, 22 Oct 1925). American painter, sculptor, printmaker, photographer and performance artist. While too much of an individualist ever to be http://www.usc.edu/schools/annenberg/asc/projects/comm544/library/artists/Rausch | |
25. Rauschenberg, Robert HN 061 Rauschenberg, Robert (b. 1925) Opal Reunion 1976 mixed media combine, six panels 84 x 158 x 36 in. 213.4 x 401.3 x 91.4 cm. http://www.umich.edu/~hartspc/umsdp/HN/HN061.html |
26. Robert Rauschenberg (1925 - ) Artwork Images, Exhibitions, Reviews Amazon.de Suchergebnisse B cher Robert+Rauschenberg Robert Rauschenberg Robert Rauschenberg Search the Art History Database for artists, titles, media, year, and other indepth http://www.wwar.com/masters/r/rauschenberg-robert.html | |
27. Rauschenberg, Robert Rauschenberg, Robert Encyclopedia article; The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, 2009. Read Rauschenberg, Robert at Questia library. http://www.questia.com/read/117041633 | |
28. Rauschenberg, Robert linda connor selected platinum prints; linda connor - selected contact prints; davidoff, susan - recent drawings; jonathan feldschuh - collisions; richard kalina http://www.gottheiner.com/Home.aspx?ContentID=73 |
29. Rauschenberg, Robert | Artist Index | Heilbrunn Timeline Of Art History | The Me Prize, 1964, Robert Rauschenberg (American), Lithograph (66.592.35) Tanya, 1974, Robert Rauschenberg (American), Lithograph (1974.657.3) Winter Pool, 1959, Robert Rauschenberg http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hi/hi_rauschenbergrobert.htm | |
30. Rauschenberg, Robert: The Oxford Dictionary Of Art Rauschenberg, Robert (b Port Arthur, Tex., 22 Oct, 1925). American painter, printmaker, designer, and experimental artist. With his friend Jasper Johns, whom he met in 1954, he http://www.enotes.com/oxford-art-encyclopedia/rauschenberg-robert |
31. Paid Notice - Deaths RAUSCHENBERG, ROBERT - Paid Death Notice - NYTimes.com RAUSCHENBERGRobert, died May 12, 2008, at his Captiva studio of heart failure. Considered by many to be the greatest living artist, Bob Rauschenberg made artworks that http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9806E1DC1E3AF933A15756C0A96E9C8B6 |
32. Rauschenberg, Robert Summary | BookRags.com Rauschenberg, Robert. Rauschenberg, Robert summary with encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/eb/rauschenberg-robert-eb/ |
33. A Primary Sources For Louis Icart Works Worldwide. The gallery maintains a $10 million plus inventory and is widely known as one of the major primary sources for Louis Icart works worldwide. http://www.ibrewster.com/main.php?g2_itemId=4561 |
34. Rauschenberg, Robert Alan Brown Gallery, Hartsdale, NY AlbrightKnox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY Alex Rosenberg Fine Art/ Ardmore Affiliates Ltd., NY, NY http://worldartantiques.com/artistsearch_r-Rauschenberg, Robert .htm | |
35. Rauschenberg, Robert Synonyms, Rauschenberg, Robert Antonyms | Thesaurus.com No results found for Rauschenberg, Robert Please try spelling the word differently, searching another resource, or typing a new word. http://thesaurus.com/browse/Rauschenberg, Robert |
36. Rauschenberg, Robert | Corkin Gallery Rauschenberg’s approach was sometimes called “Neo Dadaist,” a label he shared with the painter Jasper Johns.21 Rauschenberg’s was quoted as saying that he wanted to http://www.corkingallery.com/?q=node/97 |
37. Rauschenberg, Robert Summary | BookRags.com Rauschenberg, Robert. Rauschenberg, Robert summary with encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/eb/rauschenberg-robert-1-eb/ |
38. The UBS Art Collection : Home > The Collection > A-Z > Rauschenberg, Robert > Un Rauschenberg, Robert. Untitled. Solvent transfer, watercolor, gouache, colored pencils and graphite on paper. 22 3/4 x 29 inches http://www.ubs.com/4/artcollection/the-collection/a-z/rauschenberg-robert-148/un | |
39. Paid Notice - Deaths RAUSCHENBERG, ROBERT - Paid Death Notice - NYTimes.com RAUSCHENBERGRobert, died May 12, 2008, at his Captiva studio of heart failure. Considered by many to be the greatest living artist, Bob Rauschenberg made artworks that http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9806E1DC1E3AF933A15756C0A96E9C8B6 |
40. Glbtq >> Arts >> Rauschenberg, Robert One of the most prolific and innovative artists of the late twentieth century, Robert Rauschenberg was at the core of a group of interdisciplinary artists who revolutionized http://www.glbtq.com/arts/rauschenberg_r.html | |
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