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         Van Gogh Vincent:     more books (100)
  1. Vincent Van Gogh by Michel Ferloni, Vincent Van Gogh, 1996-10
  2. Irises: Vincent van Gogh in the Garden (Getty Museum Studies on Art) by Jennifer Helvey, 2009-10-20
  3. Vincent Van Gogh (Rizzoli Quadrifolio) by Francesco Castri, 2003-09-20
  4. Vincent Van Gogh: A Biography by Julius Meier-Graefe, 1987-01-01
  5. Van Gogh: Explore Vincent van Gogh's Life and Art, and the Influences That Shaped His Work (DK Eyewitness Books) by Bruce Bernard, Vincent van Gogh, 2000-01-01
  6. Vincent and Theo Van Gogh: A Dual Biography by Jan Hulsker, 1990-03
  7. Art for Young People: Vincent Van Gogh by Peter Harrison, 1996-08
  8. 2009 van Gogh Poster Calendar by Vincent van Gogh, 2008-08-01
  9. Van Gogh Notebook (Decorative Notebooks) by Vincent Van Gogh, 1998-12-23
  10. Vincent van Gogh (Artists in Their Time) by Jen Green, 2003-03
  11. Van Gogh a Retrospective by Vincent Van Gogh, 1996-12
  12. Van Gogh Paintings: 24 Cards (Card Books) by Vincent Van Gogh, 1997-07-10
  13. Vincent Van Gogh: The Painter and the Portraits by George T.M. Shackelford, 2000-07-07
  14. Coloring Book Vincent Van Gogh (Coloring Books from Prestel) (Prestel Coloring Books) by Prestel, 2009-08-09

61. OCAIW - Vincent Van Gogh: Works - Biography - Exhibitions
Van Gogh s work with external links to related books and biography.

62. Van Gogh, Vincent Scholastic ART
Learn about artist Vincent Van Gogh with Grolier Online and Scholastic ART.

63. Vincent Van Gogh Paintings, Art Gallery, Fine Art Painting
Image gallery of artist s works.
Vincent van Gogh Paintings Artworks Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890) Index 1 Index 2 Index 3 Index 4 of 4 Vincent van Gogh Wallpapers Paintings Art Gallery Vincent van Gogh Quotes + I am still far from being what I want to be, but with God's help I shall succeed.
+ I am not an adventurer by choice but by fate.
+ An artist needn’t be a clergyman or a churchwarden, but he certainly must have a warm heart for his fellow men.
+ I see more and more that my work goes infinitely better when I am properly fed, and the paints are there, and the studio and all that. But have I set my heart on my work being a success? A thousand times no. I wish I could manage to make you really understand that when you give money to artists, you are yourself doing an artist's work, and that I only want my pictures to be of such a quality that you will not be too dissatisfied with your work.
+ If I were to think of and dwell on disastrous possibilities, I could do nothing. I throw myself headlong into my work, and come up again with my studies; if the storm within gets too loud, I take a glass too much to stun myself.

64. Calendar 2011: Van Gogh, Vincent
Calendar 2011 van Gogh, Vincent Art Photography Simply the best Van Gogh calendar published. Featuring superb photography, you will enjoy this Van Gogh calendar throughout

65. Vincent Van Gogh
Rese a biogr fica y galer a de algunas de las obras del pintor holand s.
Vincent Van Gogh
Groot Zunder, Países Bajos - Auvers sûr Oise, Francia
Obras Representativas:


La Habitación de Van Gogh

La Iglesia de Auvers
Retrato del Doctor Gachet

Hijo de un pastor protestante holandes, fue muy temperamental desde su infancia. Fue maestro de frances, trabajo en una galeria de arte, estudio teologia y fue evangelizador antes de dedicarse a la pintura poco antes de cumplir los treinta años de edad. Van Gogh produjo todo su trabajo (unas 900 pinturas y 1100 dibujos) durante un período de solamente 10 años hasta que sucumbió a la enfermedad mental (posiblemente desorden bipolar). Su fama creció rápidamente después de su muerte, gracias a la promoción de la esposa de Theo, que aunque no tuvo una buena relacion con Vincent, resulto ser la unica heredera de toda su obra tras la muerte de su esposo ocurrida poco despues de la de Vincent. El mayor impulso de su obra vino especialmente luego de una muestra de 71 sus pinturas, en París en 17 de marzo de 1901 (11 años después de su muerte).
La influencia de Van Gogh en el expresionismo, fauvismo y los princípios del abstraccionismo fue enorme, y se puede notar en muchos otros aspectos del arte del siglo XX. El Museo Van Gogh en Amsterdam se dedica al trabajo de Van Gogh y a los de sus contemporáneos. El museo de Kröller-Müller en Otterlo (también en los Países Bajos), tiene una colección considerable de las pinturas de Vincent van Gogh.

66. Van Gogh Vincent :: Best Painters Of The Last 100 Years :: Art :: Entertainment
Vincent Willem van Gogh (30 March 1853 29 July 1890) was a Dutch PostImpressionist artist.1 His paintings and drawings include some of the worlds best known most popular and

67. Vincent Van Gogh
Breve rese a biogr fica y galer a de obras del pintor holand s.

68. Van Gogh, Vincent (1853-1890) - 1890 The Prison Courtyard (Pushkin Museum Of Fin
Some critics believe that the prisoner in the center is the artist. It's easy too believe that that's how Van Gogh felt. This is a very eerie painting. This photo was taken on

69. Vincent Van Gogh
Biograf a, an lisis, galer a de obras y art culos sobre el pintor neo-realista.

70. Buy Van Gogh Vincent
Product Details. ISBN13 9781416580867; Notes Characterize NEW FROM PUBLISHER! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback.
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Van Gogh Vincent
Complete Letters of Vincent Van Gogh List Price: Price: You Save:
First published by the New York Graphic Society in 1958. The collection has been the source of numerous biographical and fictional works, but none has matched the intensity of the original material. Most of the letters were written to the artists brother, Theo, and it was Theos son, Vincent, who acted as consulting editor for the publication. After more than 1,500 pages of Vincent van Gogh's letters, most of them addressed to his younger brother, Theo, a reader is exhausted by the struggles, arguments, and ultimate suicide of the creator of some of the most coveted paintings on earth, and yet elated by the triumph of art and family devotion over constant sorrow.

71. 'Cartas A Théo', Del Pintor Vincent Van Gogh
Extracto de la correspondencia del pintor con su hermano.

72. Van Gogh,Vincent Oil Paintings Reproductions – Page 1
Van Gogh,Vincent – page 1 – all Van Gogh,Vincent paintings reproductions are handpainted with oil on canvas .Buy Van Gogh,Vincent oil paintings in any size .

73. Van Gogh
Rese a biogr fica y obras del artista representativo del neo-impresionismo.
Van Gogh, Autorretrato,
óleo sobre lienzo, 65 x 54 cm
París, Musée d´Orsay.
Van Gogh entendía la pintura como vía de modificar la sociedad y como vehículo de salvación personal. Fue un personaje difícil en su relación con los demás y en lo económico, fue un fracasado en cuanto a lo amoroso. En el trabajo tampoco le fue demasiado bien y le hubiera sido difícil sobrevivir de no ser de la caridad de su hermano Théo. Nuestro artista se enfrenta desde una óptica muy personal a una vida que para él resulta frustante. Los niveles que alcanzó le llevaron al suicidio, en una de sus últimas cartas manifiesta abiertamente cómo la pintura le estaba llevando a la destrucción. Abrió caminos al expresionismo posterior.
Era hijo de pastor protestante, trabajó para la casa de subastas Goupil, la cual abandonó impulsado por el deseo de ayuda a sus semejantes. Así, es como pasa a ser miembro del apostolado seglar en una zona muy pobre de Holanda. Intentó entrar en un seminario de protestantismo, pero no fue aceptado por su carácter inestable. Hay un mito negro entorno a su figura, siempre se habla de Van Gogh como "el loco pelirrojo que se cortó una oreja". Como tantas veces en la historia, hay que indagar sobre los motivos que le llevaron a cometer la famosa amputación por la que el artista es conocido, quizá así no se le consideraría como aquel epiléptico, esquizofrénico que ingresa en el manicomio y se pega un tiro. Es por ello, que nos vamos a aproximar a sus etapas vitales.

74. ARTEHISTORIA - Genios De La Pintura - Ficha Museo Nacional Van Gogh
Cronolog a e historia de la fundaci n del museo. Galer a de obras.
Mapa web Buscar Búsqueda Avanzada
Museo Nacional Van Gogh
Dirección: Paulus Potterstraat, 7
Ciudad: Amsterdam
País: Holanda
Obras: 210 A la muerte de Van Gogh en 1890 su hermano Theo - su gran mecenas - se quedó con la mayor parte de su producción. Theo no sobrevivió mucho tiempo a Vincent, falleciendo en enero de 1891 - en la actualidad están enterrados ambos en Auvers - por lo que su esposa, Johanna Bongers, y su hijo, también llamado Vincent en honor a su tío, gestionaron esa importante colección, vendiendo algunos cuadros y manteniendo la mayor parte. En 1973 se creó con esos fondos el Rijksmuseum Vincent Van Gogh, emplazado en Amsterdam, construyendo un funcional edificio para acoger tan destacada muestra. En este museo se guardan unos doscientos lienzos y dibujos de Van Gogh, junto a las numerosas cartas que escribió a Theo así como otra importante documentación. Las obras de Vincent se complementan con imágenes de la Escuela de La Haya, de la Escuela de Barbizon y algún trabajo de sus compañeros impresionistas, considerándose el mejor museo del mundo para conocer la obra de este maestro de la luz y del color.
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Biografía destacada
Imagen destacada Museo destacado ... Accesibilidad

75. Biografia De Vincent Van Gogh
Breve rese a biogr fica e im genes de algunas de las obras del artista impresionista.
Inicio Buscador Las figuras clave de la historia Reportajes Los protagonistas de la actualidad Vincent van Gogh (Groot-Zundert, Países Bajos, 1853 - Auvers-sur-Oise, Francia, 1890) Pintor holandés. Vincent Van Gogh era el mayor de los seis hijos de un pastor protestante, y mantuvo con su hermano Theo, cuatro años menor que él, una relación que sería determinante en su existencia y su trayectoria artística. La correspondencia que ambos intercambiaron a lo largo de toda la vida es el testimonio de la intensidad de esta relación.
Autorretrato de Van Gogh El traslado de Van Gogh a Londres en 1873 señaló el inicio de una primera etapa creativa. Tras un rechazo amoroso, se volvió cada vez más solitario, hasta que en 1878 se vio impelido por la necesidad de entregarse a sus semejantes, y tras intentar estudiar teología, decidió satisfacer su vocación uniéndose a los mineros de la Borinage. En este período realizó una serie de dibujos de los mineros. Hacia 1880, tras ser expulsado por su excesiva implicación, descubrió en la pintura su auténtica vocación, considerándola una vía para consolar a la humanidad. En los primeros años de la década de 1880 estudió con diversos pintores, entre los que cabe destacar a Anton Mauve. Su rápida evolución y el conocimiento de los impresionistas lo llevaron a abandonar la enseñanza académica y a reunirse con Theo en París en 1876.
Su hermano le presentó a Pissarro, Seurat y Gauguin, y esta situación coincidiría con la definición de su pintura. Su paleta se tornó definitivamente colorista y su visión, menos tradicional, dando forma a su personal visión del postimpresionismo. Su interés por el color y por la captación de la naturaleza lo indujo a trasladarse a Arles, donde su obra fue progresivamente expresando con mayor claridad sus sentimientos sobre lo representado y su propio estado mental.

76. Van Gogh
History of the artist and images of his most popular works.
Vincent Van Gogh Biography:
  • Vincent Van Gogh was born in Holland in 1853. Vincent Van Gogh committed suicide at the age of 37 years old. He was one of the most tragic artists who ever lived.
Interesting Facts:
  • Van Gogh's first painting was of poor people. In the beginning his paintings were dark and sad. He saw some Japanese paintings and he thought it was nice so he started painting colorful paintings. Van Gogh and his friend Gaugin lived together but argued a lot and one day Van Gogh was so angry he cut off his own ear. Van Gogh had a very unhappy life. He didn't decide to become a painter until he was grown up.
Famous Works: Some of his famous paintings were "The Starry Night," "Cypresses," "Olive Trees," "Sunflowers," and "Bedroom at Arles."
  • In "The Starry Night" he made the stars seem like they're shining. In "Cypresses" the trees look like flames and it feels like the whole picture is moving. In "Olive Trees," he made the sun look really hot. You feel like you should put on sunglasses to look at it. In " Sunflowers ," he used very thick paint to do this picture.

77. Vincent Van Gogh - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia article about the Dutch painter includes a biography, list of notable works and pronunciation key.
Vincent van Gogh
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   (Redirected from Vincent Van Gogh Jump to: navigation search "Van Gogh" redirects here. For other uses, see Van Gogh (disambiguation) Vincent van Gogh
Art Institute of Chicago Birth name Vincent Willem van Gogh Born 30 March 1853
, Netherlands Died 29 July 1890
France Nationality Dutch Field Painter Movement Post-Impressionism Works The Potato Eaters Sunflowers The Starry Night Irises ... Portrait of Dr. Gachet Influenced by Anton Mauve Jean-François Millet Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli Impressionism Vincent Willem van Gogh Dutch faŋˈxɔx listen help info , or English ˌvæn ˈɡɒx note 1 Dutch post-Impressionist painter whose work had a far-reaching influence on 20th century art for its vivid colors and emotional impact. He suffered from anxiety and increasingly frequent bouts of mental illness throughout his life and died, largely unknown, at the age of 37 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Little appreciated during his lifetime, his fame grew in the years after his death. Today, he is widely regarded as one of history's greatest painters and an important contributor to the foundations of modern art . Van Gogh did not begin painting until his late twenties, and most of his best-known works were produced during his final two years. He produced more than 2,000 artworks, consisting of around 900 paintings and 1,100 drawings and sketches. Although he was little known during his lifetime, his work was a strong influence on the modernist art that followed. Today many of his pieces—including his numerous

78. How Van Gogh Made His Mark | Explore & Learn | The Metropolitan Museum Of Art
Video presentation tells about the artist s life and works.
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The exhibition in New York is made possible by United Technologies Corporation.
The exhibition catalogue is made possible in part by the Janice H. Levin Fund.
The exhibition was jointly organized by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York,
and the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam.
The exhibition is supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities.
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79. Self Portrait With Bandaged Ear By Vincent Van Gogh
Information about the famous painting, a short biography and activity sheet for children.
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by Vincent van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh (van GO) was born in the southern part of the Netherlands in a small village near the Belgian border. His father was a preacher and there were six children in the family. Vincent, the oldest, was a bad-tempered child. He was taught by a governess until he was 12 years old and then he was sent to a boarding school. When he left high school his uncle found him a job as a clerk at an art gallery that sold reproductions of paintings.
He fell in love with an older woman who was a widow. He pursued her to Amsterdam, but was rebuffed by her and Van Gogh was devastated.
He became interested in religion and preached some sermons. He took a course in theology, but failed it. He was not selected for support so his parents ended up supporting him financially. The committee reconsidered and gave him a six-month trial period. He preached in a coal-mining district where he dressed like the miners. He would not bathe and his behavior became so bizarre they did not renew his contract.
He lived the life of an ascetic and gave everything away. He would punish himself by sleeping on the floor of the outhouse rather than in his bed and he walked around outside in freezing weather without an overcoat. He would eat only bread and cheese even when more luxurious food was available for him to eat. He deprived himself, but he didn't like to see animals suffer. His friend Gorlitz recalls times when Van Gogh would spend his last few coins on rolls to feed a starving dog.

80. Guggenheim Collection - Artist - Van Gogh
Highlight of works, biography and suggested reading list.
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Landscape with Snow, Late February 1888
Mountains at Saint-Rémy, July 1889
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